Versions Compared


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Did you know that you can request parts that are needed through the work order line? Refer to Parts Requests for information on how to submit a parts request and visit Managing Parts Requests for instructions on how to manage part requests that are received from technicians.


Table of Contents

Posting Parts


On the posting parts window, there may be a part probability screen that appears. This takes into account the probability of parts that may be posted out to this particular job.



If a part file doesn’t exist. You can create the part on the fly through a Work Order or Purchase Order. Please refer to Adding Parts On The Fly for details.

If posting a part that has a core part tied to it, there will be a “Charge Core: Core” check box that will populate. When the box is checked, this means a core will be charged to the work order. If there is no need to charge the core to the work order, make sure to uncheck the box.


Posting Parts with Location

If a part is tracking locations, you will see a location box, where you will need to add the location that the part will be added to.

  1. Click inside the location box to select the appropriate location.

    Parts location posting 1.png

  2. Once the location has been added, click post to add the part to the work order. The location box is quantity driven. Meaning, if you select a quantity of two, you will need to select to locations before you are allowed to post the part to the work order.

    Parts location posting 2.png

Posting Part Kits

If a work order line has a part kit pre-assigned to it (either at the line level or it is attached to a PM schedule), a message will display telling the user that one is assigned, and a “Post Part Kit” link will be available to post all the parts in the part kit.



Once a part kit number is selected, a preview of the parts contained within the kit will display under the posting information to easily identify which parts are contained in the kit.

  • The part kit cannot be posted if any of the component parts have insufficient on hand quantities for the job (this is based on the inventory showing for the part in the part file)

  • Adjustments will either need to be done via a Purchase Order or a Parts Adjustment to increase the quantity showing available.

Posting Labor

  1. To post out labor, click one of the post options and ensure that the Labor tab is selected in the Posting window.
