Versions Compared


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Purchase Orders can be created automatically or manually in RTA Web as dictated by company procedure or preference.

Refer to RTA Web - RequestsStock Needed for information on converting a request to a PO automatically.

This article will focus on how to create a Purchase Order manually in RTA Web.


Table of Contents

Steps to Create a Purchase Order Manually

  1. Click the + icon in the Purchase Order Master List

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  2. Enter the Vendor Number/Name or select the vendor to be used with this Purchase Order from the drop down

    1. If System Switch #31 in Parts Parameters in Classic the system requires the use of your own PO numbers, then there will be a line to enter the PO number to be assigned to the PO, contact our for more information on how to allow this feature. If RTA is creating the PO number for you, the line will not be there to add the PO number.

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  3. If an Invoice number exists from the vendor already, enter on the invoice number line

    1. System Switch #29 in Parts Parameters in Classic can be set to Contact our for more information on how to allow this feature. To prompt for invoice number which will determine if the invoice number field can be skipped when tabbing through the panel

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  4. Click Create New PO

    1. If the vendor has a blanket PO, the blanket PO information will display and give the option to choose “Use Blanket PO”

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    2. If no blanket PO exists, “Create New PO” will be the primary button option displayed

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    The system will display a message that the PO has been created and the user can continue with adding addition information and creating lines

  6. Enter any master notes for the PO if desired

  7. Add lines to the PO reflecting the various items to be ordered from the vendor

    1. Each part/item ordered is placed on its own line with the quantity of that part/item being requested

    2. Refer to Purchase Order Lines for details on adding, editing, deleting, and moving lines on a Purchase Order


Refer to Purchase Order File TOC for information regarding the use and fields included in the rest of the tabs and panels of the PO file.

Auto-Create a Purchase Order from an Outside Work Order

RTA can save you time and steps by automatically generating a PO when a WO for an outside job is created. This is driven by System Switch #23 in Main Parameters on Classic.


Contact our for more information on how to allow this feature.

The Purchase Order will have 3 generated lines


When the parts and labor postings are added to the Work Order and the Work Order is closed, the posted transactional totals will populate into the created PO and the PO will close automatically.


Refer to Printing POs for information on printing or sending created purchase orders.