The Repair by Work Type report provides a comprehensive view of repair work categorized by work type for fleet vehicles. It displays a breakdown of repair tasks with associated costs, labor hours, and other relevant metrics. This report is essential for fleet managers to monitor repair types, manage expenses, and allocate resources effectively across different repair needs.
Identify recurring repair types and assess cost impact on the fleet
Track labor hours and associated costs for different repair tasks
Analyze repair types by specific vehicles or customers to optimize maintenance schedules
Use cost data to support budgeting and financial planning for fleet repairs
Evaluate repair trends to implement preventive maintenance strategies
Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Work Order > Repair by Work Type
You will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options.
Filter Name | Recommended Filter Condition(s) | Value (Options) | Value (Default) |
WO Facility | Is Between | 1 - 99999 | 1 - 1 |
WO Close Date | Is Between | Any Date Range | 1 Month Previous - Current Day |
Repair Code(s) | Equal To | Specific repair code (e.g., CHECK) | CHECK |
The "Repair by Work Type" report displays detailed data for each repair, including parts, tires, labor hours, and total costs by work type. Fleet managers will see a list of repair entries categorized by date, vehicle, and customer, with a total summary for key cost elements. Totals are provided for parts, tires, labor hours, and costs.
Column Number | Column Title | Data Notes |
1 | Date | Date the repair was completed |
2 | Vehicle | ID of the vehicle serviced |
3 | Customer | Customer associated with the work order |
4 | Work Order | Work order ID for the repair |
5 | Line | Line-item number within the work order |
6 | VMRS | VMRS (Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards) code for the repair |
7 | Description | Description of the repair work |
8 | Total Parts | Cost of parts used in the repair |
9 | Total Tires | Cost of tires used in the repair |
10 | Labor-HR | Labor hours spent on the repair |
11 | Labor Total | Total cost of labor for the repair |
12 | Total | Total cost for the repair, summing parts, tires, and labor |