Click the Estimate Work Orders menu option under Maint. & Repair ➝ Work Orders ➝ Estimate Work Order
Select/Click oh the + button in the top right corner
Enter the Asset number, VIN, License Plate Number, or search based on vehicle details to find the asset to be used for the work order
Set the Estimate Work Order reason code (What’s the reason for the work?)
If the work order is all to be done by one outside vendor, enter the outside vendor number
If the work order is all to be done by one outside vendor and you want a the corresponding Fleet360 PO to be displayed, select from the purchase order number list.
Add lines right away by clicking the Add Line button at the top or create lines later
You can skip step 5 and add lines later if needing to but this allows for less clicks and scrolls and getting the lines added right away
Jump to add line section below for instructions on adding line information
Click Create
The Estimate Work Order number will be generated automatically, or the user will be prompted to include the Estimate Work Order Number based on system parameters. Contact our for more information on how to allow this feature., Estimate Work Order Numbering to determine if the Estimate Work Order number will be generated automatically from RTA or if the user will provide the Estimate WO#.
Access the Estimate Work Order page by clicking the Estimate Work Orders menu option under Maint. & Repair ➝ Work Orders ➝ Estimate Work Order
Locate the estimate work order needing to have lines added and click on the estimate number
Under Lines in the bottom box, click on Add Template or Add Line to generate Estimate Work Order line details
Enter applicable line details like VMRS Code, Repair Type, Cause Code, Job Account Code, Quantity of specific Job, Estimated Hours, Part Kit, Labor Rate, whether the job is an outside job, or the job is an OEM Warranty job, and even applicable notes that might be relevant
Click Save
Refer to Work Order Templates for instructions on creating a WO template.
Refer to Estimate Work Order Lines for instructions on work order lines.
If the asset is under OEM Warranty and that is being tracked in RTA, the following message will display when creating an estimate work order for the asset. It is imperative that OEMs are not inadvertently voided. |
By selecting Yes to the OEM Warranty Prompt the Estimate Job will be flagged by default as an Internal or Inside Job
By selecting No to the OEM Warranty Prompt the Estimate Job will be flagged by default as an Outside or Sublet Job