This utility program sets or changes a PM record for a group of vehicles. This timesaving utility is extremely handy when you need to add a new PM service or when you need to make changes to an existing PM. You control the information to add or change and whether existing PM information will be skipped or updated. A few examples of uses for this utility include:

For more information regarding vehicle PMs and PM features, refer to the "Preventive Maintenance."

Running the Utility

  1. Select System > Custom Utilities > PM > Set PM from the RTA main menu (SCPS).
  2. Read the message displayed and then choose OK to continue.
  3. Enter a facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  4. Select a radio button indicating whether the PM record will be updated for a Vehicle range or for vehicles that belong in a specific Department or Class code. If the Vehicle radio button is selected, specify the starting and ending vehicle numbers to process. If the Department or Class radio button is selected, enter the vehicle class code or department number to process.
  5. Select or deselect the checkboxes as needed.

Enter the PM information to add or change. The availability of the fields in the PM Information section will vary depending on the settings of the checkboxes marked in step 5.

Enter the PM intervals and/or PM history to add or change. To lock or unlock an interval, select/deselect the lock checkbox. The availability of the fields in the Intervals And History section will vary depending on the checkboxes marked in step 5. When setting alternate meter PM information, the alternate meter selected here must match the existing alternate meter in the vehicle record in order for the alternate meter additions or changes to be made. For example, if you selected LOADS as alternate meter 1 here, LOADS must already be set as alternate meter 1 in the vehicle record.

Review the settings and data entered and then choose OK to proceed.