Tire Inspection Tab

Tire Inspection Tab

Asset File Tire Inspection Section


The Tire Inspection Section is found in the Asset Primary Information Panel. Here you will see any Tire Inspection Transactions that have been entered against the vehicle. This list can be viewed as a whole or can be sorted/adjusted for specific views. The ability to sort and customize columns as well as to export the master list are available.

Prior to completing tire inspections, be sure axles are configured for the asset. Refer to Tire Inspection TOC for more information.



Customizing Columns: Removing and Adding Columns 

  1. Click the Chooser Button in the upper right corner

  1. Click the check box next to a column title so that it displays as empty (multiple items can be de-selected in the same action) Or If the Check Box is Checked in Blue the Data will be included in the list.


  1. The list will refresh and the column(s) de-selected will no longer be displayed and those selected will be displayed

Actions that can be performed on the Tire Inspection List

There are multiple actions that can be taken from the Tire Inspection List at the click of a button. Below is a list of actions that can be performed from the list. Detailed instructions for each may be located elsewhere and a link to the appropriate article will be provided.

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