Adding a Part

Adding a Part

Parts can be added into the RTA system in two ways: 1) by converting data from the computerized system that's being replaced or 2) by manual entry. Contact our sales department if you are interested in having RTA write a custom parts conversion program for you-this is a valuable option and a big timesaver if you have a large inventory (1000+ parts). 
Parts can be manually added to the system through the [Part] File Maintenance option or "on-the-fly" through the work orders, purchase orders, and fuel tank records. You may use one or both methods depending on how quickly you want to start tracking actual inventory counts. Many fleets don't have the resources available to dedicate a person solely to adding parts to the system; thus, adding parts "on-the-fly" as they get used or restocked is a good method that works well for gradually adding parts to the system. 
The part record contains several screens of information. It's not necessary to enter data in every screen or every field. Many of the fields are provided for your benefit and aren't used by the RTA system; those that are will be noted in the description. For example, if you are only interested in tracking the part and the part quantity, the only fields you really need to fill in are the part number, description, vendor, price, and quantity. However, other fields are available to you if you want to track more information.
When you're ready to start tracking inventory, input the remaining part records that were neither used nor purchased into the system and then do a physical inventory to update the inventory levels.
Before getting started, familiarize yourself with some of the terminology used in this chapter.

  • Non-File Part: Non-file parts are parts for which there are no part records in the RTA system. These are parts that are only used once or used so rarely that adding it to inventory is not necessary. Non-file parts can be ordered on purchase orders and posted to work orders, but no detail, history, warranty, or inventory quantity can be tracked for these types of parts-because no part records exist.
  • Non-Chargeable Part: Non-chargeable parts are parts that aren't directly billed or accounted for individually on work orders. These are usually small dollar items such as nuts and bolts or items that are used for multiple vehicles such as rags or sprays. These items are usually charged indirectly as part of a shop supply or overhead fee. Part records for non-chargeable parts don't need to be added unless they are accounted for in the inventory value; there's no need to add the parts in the system if inventory won't be taken on these parts.
  • Non-Stocked Part: Non-stocked parts are file parts (as opposed to non-file parts) that aren't normally stocked on the shelves. These are usually high dollar or specialty parts. The RTA system does not create requisitions to reorder parts that are flagged as non-stocked parts. Why add part records for these types of parts? To track warranties, usage, etc.

Adding a Part through File Maintenance

  1. Select Master > Part > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MPM)
  2. Enter a part number and choose Add. The part number is a text field allowing up to 25 characters.
  3. Enter the part information.
  4. Save the record.
  5. When prompted to add the part to other facilities, choose Yes and then specify the starting and ending facility number(s) to add the part to other facilities; choose No to add the part only to the current facility. This prompt appears if Add to Multiple Facilities is set to YES in the "Part screen options" switch (SSM, Parts Parameters tab , switch 33).

NOTE: When adding parts to multiple facilities, the vendor number is copied to other facilities but the quantity on hand information is not. Be sure to make adjustments as needed afterwards.

Adding a Part "On-the-Fly"

New part records can be added "on-the-fly" through the work orders (WW, WB, WPL), purchase orders (PPC), and fuel tank records (MUM). This method allows parts to be quickly added into the RTA system while performing normal tasks. To add a part record "on-the-fly" through one of the mentioned options, do the following:

  1. Call up one of the options and process in the usual manner.
  2. When prompted for a part number, enter a non-file part number.
  3. Choose Add (in work orders and purchase orders) or Yes (in fuel tanks) when prompted to add the part. The part record screen comes up.
  4. Enter the part information.
  5. Save the record.
  6. When prompted to add the part to other facilities, choose Yes and then specify the starting and ending facility number(s) to add the part to other facilities; choose No to add the part only to the current facility. This prompt appears if Add to Multiple Facilities is set to YES in the "Part screen options" switch (SSM, Parts Parameters tab , switch 33).

NOTE: When adding parts to multiple facilities, the vendor number is copied to other facilities but the quantity on hand information is not. Be sure to make adjustments as needed afterwards.
Part Record Field Descriptions: Main Screen

  • Part Number: (Text field) Enter up to 25 characters for the part number. For simplicity, consistency, and faster data entry when posting parts, it's best to omit spaces from part numbers. If you plan on using bar codes, now or in the future, do not use the / or # or & characters in your part numbers.
  • Description: Enter up to 40 characters for the part description. The part description can be used for search and sort purposes so we suggest using a consistent format similar to the samples shown.


  • Part Type: The RTA system separates vehicle costs and usage into eight categories. Refer to the table shown below and then specify the part type that accounts for the part in the appropriate expense and usage categories in the vehicle cost record for reporting purposes (STVF). Additional user-definable part types may be used by adding them in the System Codes: Part Types section (SSY).

    Part Type

    Expense & Usage Categories


    Parts and Antifreeze


    Lubricants and ATF





    Gear Oil

    Lubricants and Gear Oil


    Lubricants and Hydraulic


    Lubricants and Add-Oil





  • Account Code: Enter up to 25 characters for the account code or press F1 to select an account code from the lookup list. Only account codes added through the Update Account # option are displayed on the lookup list (STPA). This field can be useful to denote a general ledger account number or other information for accounting purposes. The information entered here is used in purchase orders if the "Use Account Codes" switch is set to YES or VALIDATE (SSM, Parts Parameters tab , switch 36).
  • VMRS Code: Enter the VMRS code for this part or press F1 to select a VMRS code from the lookup list. A VMRS code is needed only if you'll be tracking warranties for this part OR if you'll be using user-defined cost buckets (SSU) and the "Set the VMRS Code Flag" switch is set to PART FILE (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 13). When tracking warranties, specify at least a six- or nine-digit VMRS code; a three-digit code is too generic and causes the warranty message to pop up more often than it should.
  • Average Price: You may skip this field when initially adding a part; it is automatically filled in or overwritten with the primary vendor part price. If you want the average price to differ from the primary vendor price, you can change the price after adding the primary part vendor. This field is automatically updated when this part is ordered and received through purchase orders (PPC). You have the option of including or excluding part tax in the calculations when the average price is recalculated (SSM, Parts Parameters tab , switch 24). Note that if using the FIFO pricing method (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 13), the average price displayed is not relevant and should be ignored.
  • Lock Selling: Select the checkbox to lock the selling price for this part. When the selling price is locked, it won't be affected by fluctuations in the average price.
  • Markup: Enter the part markup in decimal format (i.e., enter .15 to charge a 15% markup). This field is skipped if the selling price is locked.
  • Sell Price: This field is automatically calculated (Average price x Markup) and is not accessible if the Lock Selling Price checkbox is deselected; it is automatically updated when the average price fluctuates or when the markup is changed.
  • Enter the selling price if the Lock Selling checkbox is selected. When the selling price is locked, it won't be affected by fluctuations in the average price. The RTA system does not adjust the selling price when it's locked so be sure to review the selling price occasionally to make sure the part cost doesn't end up being higher than the selling price!
  • Bin Number: This field displays the location where this part is stored. It cannot be edited here. The bin numbers are edited by clicking on the Stocking Areas tab.
  • Stocked: The RTA system creates requisitions for stocked parts when the inventory level falls below the reorder point (as long as the parts aren't already on requisition or on order). A requisition report can be generated on a daily or weekly basis to review the parts that need to be reordered (PPP). By default, new parts are flagged as stocked parts. If the part is expensive or not normally kept in inventory, deselect the checkbox to flag this part a non-stocked part.
  • Chargeable: Chargeable parts are parts that are itemized on work orders and charged to specific vehicles when used. Non-chargeable parts, on the other hand, are parts that are not charged out on work orders; they are usually fast moving, small dollar items such as nuts and bolts. By default, new parts are flagged as chargeable parts. Deselect the checkbox to flag this part as a non-chargeable part. When end of period for parts is processed (SEP), the RTA system automatically deducts the average usage per month from inventory for non-chargeable parts and checks the remaining quantity on hand. If there is less than a two-month supply in inventory, requisitions will be issued (if the parts are also flagged as stocked parts).
  • Consignment: Select the checkbox to flag this part as a consignment part. You have the option of including or excluding consignment parts and their values from part inventory lists.

NOTE: The following field displays information that cannot be added or modified.

  • Total On Hand: This field displays the current inventory level. To see more detail, click on the Stocking Areas tab.

Part Record Field Descriptions: Vendor References

  • Vendor Information: You must add at least one vendor who supplies this part. You can add an unlimited number of part vendors.
    • Vendor Number: Enter a vendor number or abbreviation OR press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list. The vendor information is brought up and displayed. If you enter a vendor number that is not on file, you will have the opportunity to add the vendor 'on-the-fly' at this time.
    • Vendor's Part Number: Enter the vendor's part number for this part (otherwise known as the part cross-reference number). The part number entered here must be unique for each part because it can be used in place of the primary part number in many areas of the RTA system.
    • Rank: The rank for the first part vendor added is automatically set to 1, the primary vendor. The primary vendor is the vendor you'd choose to buy this part from firstusually the vendor who provides the lowest price. In some cases, the primary vendor may not provide the lowest price but can deliver the part quickly instead. The primary vendor is used on requisitions and purchase orders that are automatically generated by the RTA system. For additional part vendors, the rank defaults to 9 but can be changed to another value. You can have multiple vendors with the same ranking thus allowing you to set pricing tiers or levels; however, you can only have one primary vendor.
    • Price: Enter the cost to purchase individual quantities of this part. Skip this field if you'll be purchasing this part in bulk quantities.
    • Manufacturer: Enter the name of the part manufacturer. This field is provided for your benefit and is not used by the RTA system.
    • Lot Price: Enter the cost to purchase bulk quantities this part.
    • Lot Quantity and Unit: If you entered a lot price, enter the quantity that comes in a lot and the lot description (e.g., DOZEN, CASE, BARREL). The individual part price will then be calculated and displayed (but not available for edit).

NOTE: Refer to "Setting up Part Records for Lot Purchases" for more details about using this feature.
To add additional vendors select View > Add Vendor from the menu or click on the Add a Vendor icon in the toolbar.
Part Record Field Descriptions: Ordering Tab

  • Unit of Issue, Reorder Point, Reorder Lock and Reorder Quantity: Enter reorder information only if this part is flagged as a stocked part. This information is used to generate requisitions when the inventory level falls below the specified reorder point. The quantity requisitioned depends on the calculation method specified in the "Reorder Point Settings" switch (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 22). The unit of issue describes how the part is charged out; enter up to three characters (e.g., EA, QT, FT).

Select the Reorder Lock checkbox to manually set the reorder point and reorder quantity and prevent the RTA system from adjusting them.
If the Reorder Lock checkbox remains deselected, the Reorder Point and Reorder Quantity fields will not be available for editing. Instead, they'll automatically be calculated and set by the system after the part usage information has been added. The reorder point and quantity will be adjusted as needed each time end of period for parts is processed (SEP). The adjustments made are based on part usage, price, and shipping days (lead time). Hence, as the yearly part usage increases, the reorder point and quantity may also increase, and vice-versa. Refer to "Requisitions and Purchase Orders" for more information.
NOTE: RTA recommends allowing the system to calculate the reorder point and reorder quantity for most parts except parts that are used in pairs or sets, such as the larger brake shoes and kits; in this case, the Reorder Lock checkbox should be selected so a full set always remains on the shelf. Also, for seasonal items, such as wiper blades, the Reorder Lock checkbox should be selected and the reorder point and reorder quantity should be manually adjusted just prior to and again just after the season they're primarily used in has ended.

  • Average Ship Days: Enter the number of days it normally takes to receive this part after it has been ordered. The system uses the number entered here and the number from the "Ship Days Buffer" switch (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 16), in the reorder point and reorder quantity calculation.

NOTE: The remaining fields on the main screen should be left blank when initially adding a part record. They are automatically updated as parts are ordered and received through purchase orders.

  • Last PO Number, Date, and Received date: These fields display the last purchase order on which this part was ordered, the PO date, and the date the part was received.
  • Last Invoice Number and Date: These fields display the last invoice number and date on which this part was included.

NOTE: The following fields display information that cannot be added or modified.

  • Quantity On Requisition and On Order: These fields display the quantity currently requisitioned (PPE) and on order through purchase orders (PPC).
  • Quantity On Backorder, PO Number, and Date: These fields display the quantity placed on backorder, the purchase order number containing the backorder, and the backorder date.
  • Manufacturers A and B: Enter manufacturer information as needed. These fields are provided for your benefit and are not used by the RTA system.

Part Record Field Descriptions: Stocking Areas Tab

  • Stock Areas: If you'll be immediately tracking inventory levels, enter the quantity currently in inventory for all applicable stocking areas. The number of stock areas available for entry depends on the setting in the "Stock Areas" switch (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 9). The stock area quantities are updated as parts are purchased and issued.

NOTE: This field is available only while adding a part. Once the part is saved, changes to inventory quantity must be made using the part adjustment options (MPM, PAI) or the Tricoder Entry option (PC).

  • Bin Number: Enter up to ten characters to identify where this part is stored. The bin number you enter in stock area A is also displayed on the main screen. For additional stock areas, you can also assign exact bin locations or generic values such as SVC TRUCK, HEAVY CAGE, BLDG 1, or BLDG 2.

Part Record Field Descriptions: Usage Information Tab

  • Part Usage Per Period: These fields display the usage per period and the usage per year. To see more detail, select View > Usage from the menu.
  • Part Usage: Enter the estimated annual part usage. The system then calculates the period usage and updates the reorder point and reorder quantity (as long as the Reorder Lock checkbox is not selected). The part usage is updated as parts are issued and also when end of period for parts is processed (SEP). Period 1 is always the current period, period 2 is the previous period, and so forth.

Part Record Field Descriptions: Tracking Options Tab

  • Track Warranty: This checkbox is available only if a VMRS code was input. To track warranties for this part, select the checkbox and then indicate the warranted miles and/or months in the Warranty Statistics screen that pops up. The totals and failure statistics are automatically updated as this part is posted to work orders.
  • Create Tags: Select the checkbox if you'll be printing part tags for this part. If this option is active, tag records will be created when this part is ordered and received through purchase orders and when you opt to manually create tags. Leave the checkbox as is if you won't be printing part tags for this part.
  • MSDS: Select the checkbox to indicate that a materials safety data sheet is available for this part. This checkbox is provided for your benefit and is not used by the RTA system.
  • Classification: Enter up to 12 characters to classify parts as needed. This field is provided for your benefit and is not used by the RTA system.
  • Fuel Tank Reference Number: These fields display the fuel tank record and fuel type associated with this part. This information cannot be modified here; changes must be made directly in the tank record (MUM). Refer to "Adding a Tank" or "Recording Fuel Purchases" for more information.
  • Core Part Tracking: If you wish to track cores for this part, select the Track core parts checkbox and then specify the core part number; otherwise, leave the checkbox blank. Refer to "Tracking Part Cores" for information.
  • Fit Codes: Fit codes can be used for many different purposes; here are a few ideas. A fit code could represent the vehicle on which this part fits (e.g., A fit code of F150 means this part fits on a Ford 150). A list of parts that fit on Ford 150's could then be generated easily (MPLF). Another use for fit codes is classifying the season in which a part is primarily used OR identifying the quarter in which cycle counts are done. A report could then be printed for all parts that are to be inventoried during a particular quarter. You can add an unlimited number of fit codes, up to eight characters each. When done, press TAB to move to the next entry field.

Part Record Field Descriptions: Inventory Stack Tab

  • Stack Details: Information is only displayed in this tab if your system is configured for FIFO part pricing (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, option 13). The "inventory stack" is displayed here detailing the price of each individual item on-hand. Each time quantity is increased due to receiving the part on a purchase order, or other positive quantity adjustment, a new record will be added to the bottom of the stack. The stack is organized by date, with the top of the stack being the items with the oldest price, therefore the next price that the item will be sold at.
  • Stack Qty: The sum of the individual part quantities in the FIFO stack.
  • Stack Value: The sum of the individually priced items in the FIFO stack.

Part Record: Notes Sub-Window
To add notes for this part, select Notes from the menu or click on the Notes icon in the toolbar. Up to 100 lines of notes can be added and stored for this part. If a note has a prefix of "VENDOR-" it will be displayed on purchase orders on the line item's notes to provide information to the vendor that the item is purchased from.

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