

The vendor record contains information about the merchants from whom you purchase parts, supplies, and vehicles or service shops that provide you with services for outside vehicle maintenance and repairs. Vendor records are required if you'll be using the Part Inventory module or tracking vehicle warranties. Vendor records aren't needed for work orders, but you do have the option of specifying vendors for outside work orders.

Adding a Vendor

To add a vendor record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Vendor > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MNM).
  2. Enter a vendor number and choose Add. The vendor number is a numeric field allowing up to ten digits.
  3. Enter the vendor information.
  4. Save the record.

Vendor Record Field Descriptions: Main Window
Most of the fields in the vendor record are provided for your benefit and aren't used by the RTA system; those that are will be noted in the description.

  • Vendor Number: (Numeric field) Enter up to ten digits for the vendor number.
  • Abbreviation: Enter up to six characters for the vendor abbreviation.
  • Name: Enter the vendor name.
  • Vendor Account Number: Enter your customer account number for this vendor.
  • Basic Information: Enter the name of the main contact person, address, fax, and phone number for this vendor.
  • Terms Information: Enter grace period to pay invoices, terms, discount days, and discount percentage offered by this vendor.
  • Shipping Information: Enter the shipping method, F.O.B. point, and ship days information for this vendor.
  • Tax ID Number (EIN): Enter the vendor's federal tax ID number.
  • Tax Rate: Enter the tax rate paid on taxable purchases from this vendor. The tax rate entered here is used to calculate tax on purchase order lines that are flagged as taxable.
  • Legal Status: Enter the vendor's entity type (e.g., CCORP, SCORP, LLC, NONPR).
  • Purchase Information: Purchase information is automatically updated as purchase orders are processed. The displayed purchase totals include part tax paid if the "Add Tax to Part Cost" switch is set to YES (SSM, Parts Parameters tab , switch 24). It is not necessary to enter purchase information when adding a new vendor, but you may enter purchase history if so desired.
  • Disadvantaged Vendor: Select the appropriate checkboxes to indicate if this vendor is a disadvantaged vendor or certified disadvantaged vendor, then specify the certificate number and type of disadvantaged business.

Vendor Record: Notes Sub-Window
To add notes for this vendor, select Notes from the menu or click on the Vendor Notes icon in the toolbar. Up to 100 lines of notes can be added and stored for this vendor.

Changing a Vendor

To change a vendor record or blanket PO information for a vendor, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Vendor > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MNM).
  2. Enter a vendor number or press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list.
  3. Make the changes as needed.
  4. Save the record.

Deleting a Vendor

When deleting vendor records, any pending requisitions for that vendor will also be deleted; any pending purchase orders will remain on file. To delete a vendor record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Vendor > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MNM).
  2. Enter a vendor number or press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list.
  3. Select Edit > Delete Vendor from the menu or click on the Delete Vendor icon in the toolbar.
  4. Enter password level 1.
  5. Choose Yes to confirm the deletion.

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