7.2.3 Release Notes

7.2.3 Release Notes

Issue TypeSummaryResolution
BugWO -  9D/25 bad dataFixed
BugWW RPV print standard WO missing the Department number in the headerFixed
New FeatureDigitally sign all wrappers and necessary DLLsFixed
BugSEV EOP Vehicles not updating the Tank information correctlyFixed
BugPTM - spurious graphics character appearsFixed
BugEnd of Period Life miles posting incorrectFixed
BugRVA Crystal report leaves hanging ghost windowFixed
BugRRP Switching Early/Past Due label on Days readingFixed
BugRRP - Black line is too close to dataFixed
BugMVM - no tire inspection window appearsFixed
BugPPC - 90/07 then database corruption, loss of recordFixed
BugROV WO TRANSACTION REPORT ISSUE 2nd to last page totals overlayFixed
BugLabor posting For over Year MarkFixed
BugTM/MTM Mounting Tire's, Trackable Units override being reset to default upon the Mount of the tire Fixed
BugPPC Email to Vendor "Not Responding" / FailsFixed
BugPPC Print PO prompt, Check Email box then exit, Email created anyway.Fixed
BugWW Accomplish Code not recorded to the WO line Fixed
BugClosing Work Order Line setting defect posted to 'Y' for peoplenetFixed
Bugsyscull program causing 9D/26 and 91/00 errorsFixed
BugSTSF, STSC Check Corrupt/Open Files window resize brings a rouge data fieldFixed
BugPeoplenet posting defects when defect hasn't sent message back yetFixed
BugVII Checking inoperable box will check the line aboveFixed
BugVMRS Link code hours are blanksFixed
BugVMRS Class Link highlight-line freezesFixed
BugConfluence RTA manual inaccessableFixed
BugSADL Specific Tank Reading not showing negative numberFixed
BugQuick Launch image file name limited to 12 charsFixed
BugWDC/WDD - expected PM job status to be updated to 'Scheduled'Fixed
BugEFI Modules Checkboxes getting unchecked after savingFixed
BugWW Changing the quantity of a job intermittently causes the labor rate to change to 20.20Fixed
BugWW Auto create a WO from Inspections, Incorrect Create time Fixed
BugPPC Cstmpo.cob "Shop copy" PO does not display all PagesFixed
BugNAPAappts.cob not updating closed work ordersFixed

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