Getting Started with Fleet360

Getting Started with Fleet360

The RTA Fleet360 application is designed to save you time, reduce fleet costs and make our roads safer. 

Logging in

Accessing Fleet360 is similar to many other modern web applications and can be accessed using any of the modern web browsers including Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

  1. Access app.rtafleet.com through your web browser

  2. Click Sign In

  3. Enter in the username and password


    1. Password Policy

      1. Passwords must be between 6 to 25 characters and contain three of the following: 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 numeric, 1 special character.

  4. Click Log In to be directed to the web application

User Management

Users can be granted access to the application by an internal system administrator.

Step 1: Determine which users need to be able to access the system

Step 2: Determine what level of access each user will need (Refer to User Group TOC)

Step 3: Create users in Fleet360 (Refer to User Management TOC)

Signing out

When the user is done accessing the application, use Sign Out to Sign Off of the application.

Multi-Lingual Support

Users have the ability to change the language displayed in the system. Currently, English, Spanish and French are available.

To change the language preference:

  1. Click on the user name when signed in on the upper left corner

  2. In the Settings Window, choose the desired language

  3. Click Save

The system will now display in the preferred language.

This setting will not change language on printed forms such as Work Orders or Purchase Orders. There is not currently a way for those to appear in any language other than English.


Users have the ability to change the display theme. Currently, Light and Dark Mode are available.

To change the theme:

  1. Click on the user name when signed in on the upper left corner

  2. In the Settings Window, choose the desired theme

  3. Click Save


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