RTA Mobile - Parts Inventory Count

RTA Mobile - Parts Inventory Count

Under the parts section of the mobile app, we have added the capability for doing Inventory counts. Underneath the barcode search, we have added an Inventory Inventory Count Section.


Inventory Count Bin List

From the Inventory Count screen you can:

  • Search on specific Bin Numbers

  • Select a Bin Location to do inventory counts on

  • See the Count Progress: Number of Parts Counted Versus Total Number of Part Records within the Bin Location

  • Last Count: Last Date the section was counted

  • Reset Progress (This Resets a Bin section to do a re-count)


This screen will show all of your bins, sorted by those uncounted first by Bin Number. Bins that have been counted and completed will show at the end of the list by the last count date from oldest to most recent. Each bin will also have a check box in front of it so that you can check a bin or bins and reset the progress if you want to start fresh on your counts. (See Below)


Note: The Bin List sorts from the top starting with any bins that have a count in progress. Then, it sorts by the last count date with the most recent counts showing at the bottom of the list since they shouldn’t need to be counted again for awhile. Finally, it then sorts in alphabetical order.

Select Bin


Once you find a Bin location you wish to count simply click on the Bin Location to do inventory counts on and it will take you into the Mobile Parts Count Review/Accept Screen.


Note: If a Bin has been started the Count Progress will show Number Completed/Total Number to Complete and the Bin will gravitate to the top of the List for the in progress counts.

Mobile Parts Count Review/Accept


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