F1 Lookup Fix - Parts File

F1 Lookup Fix - Parts File

In previous versions of RTA, several features of the Parts File F1 lookup list have been either counting incorrectly or pulling no data as RTA was still configuring the data details. These data fields are now available within the Parts Master F1 screen:

  • Qty Purchased PD - The number of parts purchased in this current period. This data has previously been available, but during the end of period process it did not roll over to year and life in past versions (before 7.4.1). As of this version, running the EOP process for parts will migrate the period quantity to the QTY Purchased YR column.

  • Qty Purchased YR - As EOP Parts is run at the end of each period, the purchased quantity (as created and received through a purchase order in RTA) will dump the data bucket from each period into the year until the EOY Parts process is run. This will migrate these quantities to the Qty Purchased LF column.

  • Qty Purchased LF - During the EOY process, all annual purchases gathered from period-to-period accumulated into the Qty Purchased YR column will migrate the quantity into the Life field, where it will remain.

  • Usage Cost PD - Cost amount of this part according to the current period. This is the total cost of usage until the EOP Parts process is run.

  • Usage Cost YR - Accumulation of period costs for this part’s usage until the EOY Parts process is run.

  • Usage Cost LF - Accumulation of total costs for this part’s usage after each EOY Parts process is run.


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