Part Kit Master Import and Export

Part Kit Master Import and Export

This program exports your Part Kit Master records into a delimited text file. This file can then be edited manually or via a spreadsheet program, and then re-imported into the RTA system to update any changes made.

Import Options:

Create New
          Checked  - New records will be created
      Unchecked - New Records WILL NOT be created

   Update Existing
          Checked - Existing records will be updated
      Unchecked - Existing Records WILL NOT be updated

Import Field Definitions

Kit NumberRequiredchar(25)
Kit Description
Cross Reference
Account Code
Issue Unit
Major VMRS
Intermediate VMRS
Minor VMRS
Bin Number
Create Tags

Y = Create Tags

N = Don't Create Tags (Default)


Y = Has MSDS

N = No MSDS (Default)

Period 1 UsageWhen a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.decimal(7,2)
Period 2 UsageWhen a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.decimal(7,2)
 Period 1 UsageWhen a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated. decimal(7,2)
Period 3 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.  decimal(7,2)
Period 4 Usage  When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.decimal(7,2
Period 5 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated. decimal(7,2)
Period 6 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated. decimal(7,2)
Period 7 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated. decimal(7,2)
Period 8 Usage  When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.decimal(7,2) 
Period 9 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated. decimal(7,2)
Period 10 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated. decimal(7,2)
Period 11 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.  decimal(7,2)
Period 12 Usage When a figure is entered the sum of the period usages will be placed in the yearly usage field and the average per period will be calculated.  decimal(7,2)
 Average Period UsageSystem generated. Not Imported.  decimal(7,2)
 Yearly Usage

 When individual period usage is supplied this field will be the sum of the period usages. When no period usages are supplied then the figure entered here will be used to calculate the average per period usage and this figure will be distributed evenly among the period usages.

 Manufacturer A
Manufacturer B

Part Kit Master Field Definitions

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