Warranty Claims Pending Status

Warranty Claims Pending Status

Once a Warranty Claim is created, it will default into the starting status of Pending. This means that the claim is created but it has not been submitted to the vendor for processing according to RTA.

It is important that claims are reviewed regularly and the status changed accordingly.

The “Age” column of the master list will depict how many days the claim has been open.

To change the status out of pending, access the claim through the master list, click on the status button and change to the next status of submitted.

If the switch to track warranty claims is turned on (Main Parameters #41), a claim will automatically create when a work order posting detects a warrantied part/OEM job.

Refer to Warranty Claims Processing Overview for details on the overall process and additional links to the various statuses.

Refer to Creating a Warranty Claim for instructions on manually creating a warranty claim.


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