Creating Forms

Creating Forms

Forms feature is included with the Diamond Packages only.


Creating a new form

  1. Navigate to the Form Templates tab under the Form Management section in the left side menu panel


Form Template tab.png
  1. Here you will see all created form templates

  1. In the top right click the plus button to create a new form template

New form plus.png
  1. Fill out the Create Form Template with a form name, form type (click the checkmark after adding the fort type to save it) and any notes and click “Proceed”



Form type is a free form field, if the form type you want is not in the drop down, you can type it in, and it will create the new Form type

  1. The top box allows you to enter a Form description and add any custom fields you have created in Form Settings. See how to create Custom Fields here

Adding Sections to the Form

  1. The bottom area allows you to drag and drop sections from the left side menu you want on your form, if you don’t see a section you need, create a custom field section to add. Simply click, hold and drag the dot menu on the left side of the section name.

You can see a header section, long text section, an image section and a signature section were added to the form
  1. Each section will have a required checkbox if you want to require data input, you can delete a section by clicking the trashcan icon at the top right side, or you can move sections around by clicking and dragging on the dot menu in the upper left of the section to customize the form even more.

  2. You have the ability to add a signature section and require a signature input. This can be a typed name, or an electronic signature captured on a mobile device such as a tablet or cell phone.


  1. You have the ability to add custom statuses to each form for custom tracking. Click on the “Statuses” tab

Status Tab.png
Open and closed statuses are here by default and must stay
  1. To add a custom status, click “New Status”

  2. Fill out the status form, code, name, choose a color, mark as a submission status or not, and click save

Submission status if marked will automate the form to this status when submitted
  1. The new status will appear in the status listing and be usable in the form queue to track the status of the form




  1. The Permissions Tab allows each form to be assigned to user groups who will see the completed form in their queue and the ability to review them, this DOES NOT control who can submit the form.

  2. Add a user group to Permissions by clicking Manage in the upper right hand corner.

  1. Click the plus button on the left to add the facility level and the plus button at the top to add the user group. For help in user group permissions see User Groups here. Click “Update” when done


The notes section is a free form section to add notes about the form, these do not come across to the person submitting the form


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