Quick Repair

Quick Repair

Quick Repair will allow shops to create work orders swiftly without the need for detailed process saving time and effort. This function will allow to streamline fast-paced jobs like wiper replacements. The purpose behind this quick repair feature is to not have to fully go through the process of creating a work order. This feature will allow you to create a job and will automatically close the work order.

Quick Repair feature is included with the Platinum and Diamond, only.


The Quick Repair job type must be created in system settings prior to creating a quick repair job. Please refer to Maint. & Repair- Quick Repair Settings for the detailed process


Creating a Quick Repair Job

  1. In the Maint. & Repair section, click on Quick Repair

  2. The create quick repair window will appear, search for the asset that you are creating the job for, you can add the asset number in the search box or make, model, license number etc.

  3. Once the asset has been selected, click next at the bottom right

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  1. Step 2 will allow you to update the asset odometer, you have the ability to update or skip this step, once complete, click next

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  2. In step 3 you can select the quick repair job that will be performed, this list is feeding from the quick repair jobs created in the settings section Quick Repair Settings. Select the job type by clicking the check box. Then, click create at the bottom right

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  3. A brief message will pop up on your screen stating the job was created and work order number. Using quick repair will create and close your work order on the fly. To locate the work order you must ensure you are searching your closed work orders. If you have permissions to reopen a work order, that function will be available to you for any corrections or updates.

The technician for this job will default to the person creating the quick repair job


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