VMRS Average Time by Class Code

VMRS Average Time by Class Code

This utility was created as a method to import the average labor hours posted for a job code, by vehicle class. The report works by grabbing the vehicle class, VMRS code, and average of posted hours for each work order posted to give an accurate reading on how much time a job should take for each vehicle type. Running this utility will update the times according to the averages it calculates, and only reads vehicles that are currently existing in RTA. It is advised that backups be made before running the utility, and that a large range of time be used to more accurately grab the average times. 

Running the Average Time by Class Code Utility 

  1. Select System > Utilities > WOs > Average VMRS Time by Class 
  2. Fill in the prompts as necessary, for a single VMRS code or a range of codes.  
  3. Choose a date range to go off for the averaging (we recommend a large range for more accurate averaging) 
  4. Choose which repair types you would like to update, between check hours, repair hours, and/or replace hours
  5. Add any markups to those options to change the time by the margin specified 

Viewing the results 

  1. Select Master > VMRS Code > File Maintenance 
  2. Select your job code 
  3. Click the link button on the toolbar 
  4. Choose the linked class to view the new hours associated with that class 

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