Crystal Reports Launcher (SQL Only)
Crystal Reports Launcher (SQL Only)
(SQL System Only)
This utility allows for custom crystal reports to be run from within the RTA application. This allows the users to easily access these reports through a menu option, rather than running them from an external location. This will save users time as they run their crucial custom reports quickly and easily.
Setting up the Crystal Reports Launcher
- Navigate to the fleet folder using windows explorer
- Go to the folder labeled “reports”
- Add a folder named “Custom Crystal Reports”. Any reports added to this folder will be globally accessible by all users in RTA.
- For reports only viewable by specific users, create a new folder inside of the “Custom Crystal Reports” folder. Name this folder after the login name of the user in RTA. Example SYSTEM.
- Move the required reports from the main “custom crystal reports” folder, into the SYSTEM folder.
- Do this for as many users necessary.
Running the Crystal Reports Launcher
- Select Reports > Custom Crystal Reports
- Select a report from the list
- Click “OK”