Open Repairs Scheduled by Mechanic

Open Repairs Scheduled by Mechanic

This report shows each work order line scheduled for a mechanic in a specific facility. This report will prompt you for the facility number and starting and ending mechanic number range. It will subtotal, by mechanic, hours scheduled and worked and give the total number of jobs scheduled. 
This can be used as a scheduling sheet for the shop foreman, fleet manager, or service writer. The total hours scheduled can be a great indicator to see if one mechanic is over-extended, while another may be running out of work to do. 

Prints the following: 
Mechanic number
Vehicle number on work order
Work order date created
Work order number
Work order line number scheduled
VMRS code on the line
Description of work being done
Repair type(1=check, 2=repair, etc.)
Scheduled hours on work order line(from VMRS code)
Hours already worked on this job line 
Subtotals by mechanic number: 
Number of repairs
Hours scheduled
Hours already worked on job line 
Grand totals: 
Number of repairs
Hours scheduled
Hours already worked on job line 

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