Classic Software Crystal Reports Available in Fleet360

Classic Software Crystal Reports Available in Fleet360

Legacy Crystal reports from the Classic software can now be located and launched from Fleet360.

These reports can be ran when needed. These legacy reports cannot be edited or scheduled for delivery or runtimes. Edits to the builds of these reports and to use the scheduling feature will require the reports to be built and exist in the Fleet360 reporting tool known as Exago. Refer to Reports TOC for information on the Fleet360 reporting tool.

This function also allows for the import of your custom-built crystal reports but would follow the same call out as listed above regarding edits after the fact within the software or scheduling reports.

Accessing Existing Legacy Classic Crystal Reports

To access the Legacy Reports from Classic, do the following:

  1. Click on Analytics under the Home menu section in Fleet360


  2. Click on Legacy Reports


  3. Locate and click on the report to be ran

  4. Enter the Filter options in the report fields to narrow down the information


  5. Click “OK” at the bottom


Importing Custom Crystal Reports

If custom crystal reports have been built for your data by a team member or housed elsewhere, those can be pulled into the Legacy Reports area. Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Analytics under the Home menu section in Fleet360


  2. Click on Legacy Reports


  3. Click on + Custom Report at the top right of the screen


  4. Browse for your file or drag and drop a .rpt file into the Add Custom Report box


  5. Create a Report Category (free type) or select from an existing Report Category that has been built


  6. Give the Report a Name

  7. Proved a report description


  8. Click Submit

Once a report has been added to a category, that category cannot be changed. The report would need to be removed from Fleet360 using the trash can icon and then re-uploading and added to a different category.

Reports can exist in multiple categories by uploading them into multiple categories.

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