Assigning and Completing an Inspection

Assigning and Completing an Inspection


Assigning an Inspection Template to a PM

A great way to ensure your inspections are being done in a consistent way during your preventive maintenance services is to add an inspection template to your PMs within your asset file. Refer to Adding PM’s to assets. Anytime you assign the PM VMRS code to a work order for that specific asset the inspection will be added to the PM line.

If you click the line below “Inspection” you will get a pop-up box with a list of inspections to add to this PM.

In this case PMB MACK Dump was selected. You can now see an inspection has been added to this PM.


Assigning an Inspection Template to a Work Order

You can also add an inspection template to the work order line. Once the line is added, if you click on the job line you will see the inspection button at the bottom left. The + sign means no inspection has been added.

Once you click to add an inspection you will see a list pop up of all the inspections created in the system.

Choose the inspection you want to add and click “save”. You will get a “proceed” with action popup. Once and inspection is added it must be complete before the job line can be closed.

Click “proceed” and the inspection will be added to the job line. You will see a red ! next to the inspection indicating it has not been completed.


Completing an inspection

Once the inspection is added to the work order the technician must complete it before the the line can be closed. To access the inspection, click on the job line that contains the inspection, and click on the inspection button with the red!

When you start the inspection, you will see all of the sections with their respective steps below. Click on the down arrow next to “incomplete” on the right side of the step to expand the section.

Once the section is expanded the technician will have the ability to enter notes, then click on pass or fail to complete this step.

If the inspection step was created with more than one location and prompts were used, the above screen is what it would look like. In this case the prompts are a required field, and the prompt is “Brake Measurements in 32nd’s”. The brake measurement section was also set up with “4” as a max locations number signifying the four brake measurements this inspection requires be completed. The technician would click “add location” as needed to enter each locations measurements.

If any section fails that have defects set up, those defects will be added to the work order so the technician can clock in and repair the defect when they are done with the inspection. Click the pass or fail button for each step in the inspection, and hit submit when done to complete the inspection.

NOTE: When viewing or adding defects during the inspection process, technicians can use the "Mark as Resolved" box to indicate that a defect has been addressed. This feature exits for non-critical items or quick repairs that don’t need a separate work order line such as airing up a tire or other quick fixes that don’t need a part posting relevant to a specific job.

You will see a green checkmark next to the inspection when it has been completed. You can click the inspection button at any time to review any notes or items which passed or failed.

Print Inspections

If you are in a paper shop, you can print the inspection for use by the technician or print a completed inspection for filing purposes. In a paperless environment, you can continue the process digitally, with the inspection completed and saved electronically.

  1. Click the print Icon.

  1. A PDF version of the inspection will then appear.

  1. From here, options can be selected, printed, emailed, downloaded, and copied.


  • Copy Link: Allows the user to copy the web address to the clipboard. The link can be shared by pasting it into any document. Anyone with the link will be directed to this WO Preview screen and able to view the invoice detail.

  • Download: Downloads the previewed document to a local station.

  • Attach to Email: Creates an email file containing a link to the page. This fill will open in the users local email reader where it can be sent to a recipient.

  • Print: Connects to local network printer setup.

  • Options: Can add or take away notes, prompts, defects and the Technicians name.

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