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Issue: When creating a purchase order; it is requiring a part account code in order to receive the line.

Cause: This is due to their system having the Advance LoadMaster (RTALMA) enhancement enabled. The account code is the “GL account” and is needed for the PO to properly export the expenses into an AP voucher.

Note: If they are actively using the PO Export for LoadMaster, please have the user check with their fleet manager and/or accounting rep to make sure the proper account number is selected. The account number should be saved in the Vendor file as the “account number”.

Resolution: If they are not using LoadMaster, please reach out to Tech support to disable the RTALMA enhancement through the API (do not disable through the Registry settings “SAR”).

If they are using the integration, and both (lmwoexp.cob and lminvexp.cob) export utilities are being used, then the RTALMA is needed. If they are only using 1 of the export utilities, then they only need to have the RTALME enhancement. The RTALMA allows both to be used at the same time.

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