Blanket Purchase Orders

Blanket Purchase Orders

A blanket PO is a PO in which a vendor doesn't need approval for everything that is purchased from them. Blanket POs are usually good for a specified period of time and have a set budget limit. Each time a PO is manually created (PPC), the RTA system checks to see if the vendor has an existing blanket PO. If a blanket PO exists, you'll be given the option to use the existing blanket PO or to cut a new, non-blanket PO. Auto-generated POs automatically use the blanket PO if one exists (PPA). As parts are ordered on blanket POs, the system tallies the cost of the parts purchased. The displayed purchase totals include part tax paid if the "Add Tax to Part Cost" switch is set to YES (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 24). Warning messages are displayed if the blanket PO has expired or if an order exceeds the allowable budget. When a blanket PO has expired or the budget limit has been reached and more parts need to be ordered, you can either exceed the existing blanket PO budget amount (password level 1 is required), increase the current blanket PO budget amount, create a new blanket PO, or create a regular (non-blanket) PO.


Adding a Blanket Purchase Order

In order to use blanket POs, the "Use Blanket POs" switch must be set to YES (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 14). To create a blanket purchase order, do the following:

  1. Select Parts > Purchase Orders > Create Blanket PO from the RTA main menu (PPB).

  2. Enter a vendor number for the blanket PO or press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list.

  3. Enter the blanket PO facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.

  4. If you're using your own PO numbers, enter the blanket PO number (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 31).

  5. Enter the budget limit.

  6. Enter the starting and ending dates or press F1 to select the dates from the calendar.

  7. Enter the current and oldest PO open extension (optional).

Changing a Blanket Purchase Order

To edit a blanket PO, do the following:

  1. Select Parts > Purchase Orders > Create Blanket PO from the RTA main menu (PPB).

  2. Enter a vendor number for the blanket PO or press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list.

  3. Make the changes as needed.

  4. Save the record.

NOTE: Blanket POs can also be changed by calling up the vendor record (MNM) and then selecting Edit > Blanket Info from the menu or clicking on the Edit Blanket Info icon in the toolbar.

Creating a new Blanket Purchase Order

If your are wanting to end your previous blanket PO and start a new fresh PO, do the following:

  1. Select Parts > Purchase Orders > Create Blanket PO from the RTA main menu (PPB).

  2. Enter a vendor number for the blanket PO or press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list.

  3. You should get a prompt that says there is a blanket PO already but that the budget is all used up or that it has expired. Select Yes to create a new PO

  4. If it takes you straight into the vendor, you will need to change your expiration date so that the blanket PO shows that it is expired. Then exit out and repeat steps 1-3.

  5. Enter in the new blanket PO information

  6. Save the record.

Deleting a Blanket Purchase Order

Once a blanket PO is created, it can't technically be deleted from the system. However, you can change the budget amount and expiration date so the blanket will no longer be valid. Refer to the previous section for instructions.


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