Fuel System Switches

Fuel System Switches

This document will go into details on setting and using the system switches found under the Purchase Order System Switches tab by navigating to Admin → System Switches → Fuel The document includes the switches listed below and clicking on any one of the listed items will take you to their location in the document.

Odometer Prompt

The Odometer Prompt Fuel Switch controls whether or not prompts for meter and alternate meter updates will be asked for on work order and/or fuel entries.

  • Access the Odometer Prompt switch by navigating through Admin → System Switches → FuelOdometer Prompt

  • Use the Odometer Prompt dropdown to select the appropriate prompt setting for the fleet

    1. No = Select if not wanting meter reading prompts on work orders and fuel

    2. Yes = Select if wanting meter reading prompts on work orders and fuel

    3. Yes with Alt Meter in WO and Fuel = Select if wanting meter reading prompts AND alternate meter reading prompts on work orders and fuel

    4. Yes with Alt Meter in WO = Select if wanting meter reading prompts on work orders and fuel AND alternate meter reading prompts on work orders

    5. Yes with Alt Meter in Fuel = Select if wanting meter reading prompts on work orders and fuel AND alternate meter reading prompts on fuel

  • Toggle the Allow Odometer Pass-By on or off

    1. On = users can skip the odometer update when presented with it

    2. Off = the odometer field MUST be filled in to continue

  • Set the Days Between Odometer Updates field

    1. This states the maximum time to elapse between odometer updates (in days)

    2. This means that the prompt will appear every xx days ensuring that the maximum is not exceeded

  • Click Save

Be aware that if using Paperless Shop, visit the Work Order System Switches and activate the toggle for the odometer prompt for technicians when in paperless shop if wanting the prompt for odometer updates in Paperless Shop.

Company Fuel Taxable



Use the Company Fuel Taxable toggle to set whether the fuel that is dispensed from onsite pumps is taxable or not.

  1. Access the Odometer Prompt switch by navigating through Admin → System Switches → FuelCompany Fuel Taxable

  2. Toggle Company Fuel Taxable to on (system default is off)

    1. On = company fuel from onsite pumps is taxable

    2. Off = company fuel from onsite pumps is not taxable due to tax already being paid with fuel drop off

  3. Click Save

Bill All Fuel Transactions



Use the Bill All Fuel Transactions toggle to set whether fuel transactions are billable all the time or only at company level.

  1. Access the Odometer Prompt switch by navigating through Admin → System Switches → FuelBill All Fuel Transactions

  2. Toggle Bill All Fuel Transactions to on (system default is on)

    1. On = all fuel transactions are billable

    2. Off = only company fuel is billable

  3. Click Save

NOTE: The switch description also mentions setting “Use Fuel Markups” for external fuel, etc. That is a separate switch and the setting for that aspect is not contained within the “Bill All Fuel Transactions” To set the parameter for the use of fuel markups, visit the “Use Fuel Markups switch also located in the Fuel tab in System Switches.

Use Fuel Markups



Leverage the Use Fuel markups switch to denote where fuel markups will be used.

  1. Access the Odometer Prompt switch by navigating through Admin → System Switches → FuelUse Fuel Markups

  2. Make the appropriate selection from the Use Fuel Markups dropdown

    1. External = Markups will only be used for external fuel transactions

    2. In-House = Markups will only be used for in-house fuel transactions (those that use internal pump numbers)

    3. Both = Markups will be used for both External and In-house fuel transactions

  3. Click Save

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