Fuel Quick Odometer Update

Fuel Quick Odometer Update

Because meters are automatically updated as transactions are processed in RTA, it may not be necessary to manually update vehicle meter readings. As long as the data entry is current and up-to-date, your vehicle meters will be too.

If fuel usage is not being tracked in RTA, updating meters manually more often may be necessary since assets will only come in periodically for maintenance services.

Quick Odometer Updates through the Fuel Module

This option updates the Primary meter and can update Alternative Meter Number #1 if you have the right options turned on. For more on this see the Odometer Prompt section in the Fuel System Switches area of the Fleet360 Knowledgebase.

The Quick Odometer update in the Fuel Section updates all three embedded asset odometer metrics: Fuel, Work Order, and Lifetime Meters. It also generates a fuel record with the updated meter reading and calculates trip miles per transaction. Even without tracking fuel usage, this feature provides valuable usage and utilization data over time.

To update meters using this option, follow the steps listed:

To record a fuel transaction, follow the steps listed.

  1. Click on Fuel Entry from the Fuel menu dropdown

  2. Select the Facility you wish to select the Asset From or leave it set to pull from ALL Facilities:


Or you can select the Facility Search list Button to select a facility from the master list



  1. Once the Facility is Selected: in the Asset Panel, enter the following:

    1. Vehicle/Asset number



      Or you can select the Asset Search list Button to select an asset from the master list


    2. If Alternative Meters are in play enter the new Alternative Meter reading

    3. Enter either the new meter reading or the trip miles total (when you enter one, the other will fill automatically based on the last fuel meter reading)



  2. Click Post



After posting a fuel transaction, the program automatically returns to the Search Asset field, streamlining the entry process for faster and more efficient transaction logging.

Quick Work Odometer Updates Process

If you only need to update the Primary meter quickly and you do not care about tracking asset utilization, then use Quick Odometer Updates for updating meters instead because this option does not update Fuel meters nor does it update miles/hours used.


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