User Analytics

User Analytics

User Analytics will provide some insight into the individual user. These data widgets are bringing in work order and paperless shop specific data on technician efficiency and jobs assigned. This provides beneficial information on shop and technician efficiencies to make decisions.


You must have the user set up as a facility linked employee to get data in this tab, if they are not linked you will see this:


See here on steps to link an employee

You have the ability to filter this page by Facility, Region, and Year

Anaylytics- User Filter .png



User Analytics Tab


Widget Name

Widget Description

Widget Name

Widget Description

Direct vs Indirect Hours

Direct hours (WO) vs Indirect hours metric (How the technician is billing time)

Average Efficiency Rate

Estimate hours vs Actual hours worked

Number of Jobs-Year to Date

Number of jobs assigned in paperless shop-Year to Date

Number of Jobs-Prior Year

Number of jobs assigned in paperless shop-Prior Year

Number of Jobs-All Time

Number of jobs assigned in paperless shop-All Time

Comeback Rate-All Time

Comeback Rate based on Repair type coding at the work order line.


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