How to Create a Test System(Vision)
How to Create a Test System(Vision)
This article describes how to set up a test copy of RTA. This does not apply to SQL or Oracle systems. If you want to know how to create a test system of your SQL database, refer to the page "How to Create a Test System(SQL)"
Step by Step guide
Since you are creating a test system you'll want to edit the aboutrta.bmp and rtalogo.bmp in the new direcotry to reflect that this is a test system (We recommend changing the colors or placing your own bmp in their place). This is a good way to keep users from accidentally entering a days worth of work into the wrong system.
- You'll need everyone to log out of RTA. Windows is unable to copy files that are in use, so this is a crucial step. You can validate that no files are open in the fleet directory by going to the Shared Files>Open Files folder in the Management Console on the server.
- Once everyone is out, you'll want to make note of how the current share permissions and security permissions are set up. Taking screen shots here would be a good idea, as you'll need this info to add the proper users/groups back to the folder with the proper permissions.
- At this point you are ready to create the Test copy. If you can, copy the directory directly to the new location, (ie copying f:\fleet to f:\test_fleet or c:\test_fleet). If you can't do a direct copy, copy the fleet folder to some type of storage device (This can be a cd, dvd, or thumb drive, depending on the size of the folder) then copy it from the storage device to your test location. Don't forget that when you copy the contents from a dvd or cd it retains the read-only attribute, so you'd need to reset that through explorer or through command prompt using the attrib -s -h -r * command.
- You may need to set up a new share to give users access to this system (ie if users access the production share directly instead of through a root level share, or if you are setting this test up on a different server). If so, be sure to set it up with the same permissions as the production environment. If permissions aren't set up correctly, you will increase the probability that you get some type of error when users attempt to run RTA again. Errors like 93/00 are generally the result of incorrect permissions. Call RTA Tech Support if you have issues like this.
- Now that the server is configured, you'll need to create shortcuts on the client PC's that point to the test program and not to the production system. Simply make a copy of the production shortcut, then edit both the target and start in locations to point to the test system. This way users will have access to both the production system and the test system.
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