How to use

How to use

To start the program, run the menu item Fuel\Fuel entry \Electronic fueling\modules (FFEM).
Press F1 or OK and a list of modules that are either finished or in progress will appear.
Module Name: Type in existing module name (find by clicking list button to the right, use F1 or press the OK button) or type in a new module name and press the Add button to add a new module.
Change Facility button to change from user's facility to another facility that has user rights.

Main Screen

Fuel System: Name of fuel system (ex. Gasboy, Fuelman).
Standard EFI checkbox : Makes mapping layout box available.
EFI Program: Filled in when standard EFI is selected.
*Path and file:* Location of fuel transaction file.
Generic EFI Info: Info box tells how many modules have been purchased, how many have been used and how many are left to use.

General Tab

Use Transaction Department checkbox: Use department from the transaction file.
Use Transaction Miles checkbox: Use miles from the transaction file.
Drop Zero Quantity checkbox: Drop transactions with zero quantity.
Report Lines radio button: Specify whether to print 1 or All three lines of detail on exception reports.
Sort location of module on list: Enter 1, 2, 3, etc. to specify module order when there are multiple load modules.
State ID: Enter the default state ID to be used if the fuel transaction does not indicate state where fueled.
Strip Leading Zeros: Remove leading zeros.
Default Site: Specify the default site number where the pumps and tanks are located.
Product Codes: Number of product codes in module.
Using Fuel Price drop down box: Enter Fuel Price for the fuel transactions.

Load Settings Tab

Multiple Sites check box: Check if mulitiple fuel stations or islands exit. Otherwise leave box blank.
Override Site radio buttons: Specifies whether or not the site number from the fuel transaction in the text file will be overwritten. No uses the site number from the fueling transaction. Yes will overwrite the site number from the Default site field. Prompt will allow a choice when the fuel transaction are loaded.
Which Card radio buttons: Specifies the field in the text file that contains the vehicle number to update.
Cross-Reference radio buttons: Select Fuel if the cross-reference number is coming from the Fuel xref field. Unit will specify the Unit xref field. Select No if vehicle cross-references are not used.
Use Tank Transfer checkbox: If checked data will need to be entered in the Transfer facility, Transfer vehicle and Transfer tank field. Leave unmarked to treat tank transfers as regular fuel transactions.
Transfer Facility: Facility for transfer.
Transfer Vehicle: Vehicle number for transfer.
Transfer Tank: Tank for transfer.
Using Altmeter drop down list: To update an alternate meter, select the alternate meter to update from the drop down list.
Last Load Date and Last Load Time: This information is automatically updated each time EFI transactions are loaded (FFEL). However, you may edit the last load date and time if needed.

Process Settings Tab

Override miles check radio buttons: Determine whether or not unusually high vehicle meter readings will be accepted in the RTA system. Select No and the current vehicle meter readings will not be updated if the new meter readings exceed the maximum mileage allowed. Define the maximum miles and reasonable miles in fuel in following fields. Select Yes to update vehicle meter reading as long as the mileage does not exceed the Maximum Miles value. Select Limit to set the maximum mileage allowed.
Limit Miles: If the new meter reading exceed the Reasonable Miles and Maximum Miles value, they will still be updated as long as they do not the exceed the Limit Miles.
Maximum Miles: Used if Override miles check is No or Limit .
Use Class Code Max Miles check box: Used if Override miles check is No or Limit . Miles set in Class Codes are used rather than Maximum Miles.
Reasonable Miles %: (Used if Override miles check is No or Limit.) Reasonable mileage is anything less than fuel gallons x vehicle average MPG x Reasonable Miles %. If the distance is greater, the fuel transaction will be flagged "Mls Hi Update."
Maximum Miles %: (Used if Override miles check is No or Limit.) If the value the distance is greater than (gallons x vehicle average MPG x Maximum Miles %), depending on how the Override miles check radio button is set, the fuel transaction will either be flagged "Mls excessive" (and vehicle meter reading will not be updated) OR "Mi Exc-Update" (and vehicle meter reading will be updated).
Reasonable Fuel %: (Used if Override miles check is No or Limit .) Reasonable fuel usage is anything less than (distance traveled ÷ vehicle average MPG x Reasonable Fuel %). If the fuel quantity is greater than the calculated reasonable fuel usage, the fuel transaction will be flagged "Fuel High."
Maximum Fuel %: (Used if Override miles check is No or Limit.) Maximum fuel usage is anything greater than (distance traveled ÷ vehicle average MPG x Maximum Fuel %). When EFI transactions are processed, if the fuel gallons are greater than the calculated maximum fuel usage, the fuel transaction will be flagged "Fuel Excessive" when EFI transactions are processed.
Track Vehicle Use checkbox: Select this checkbox if vehicle utilization is tracked (incrementing vehicle's usage counter). Leave this checkbox unmarked to not track vehicle utilization.
Create Department Billing checkbox: Select this checkbox if the fuel transactions processed to bill to customers or departments.
Update State Tax Miles checkbox: Select this checkbox to update state fuel tax records in the RTA system. Leave this checkbox unmarked if state fuel taxes are not tracked in RTA.
Use Default Vehicle: Select this checkbox to specify a default vehicle number for posting fuel transactions in the event vehicle numbers from the text data file are not found in the RTA system. Select this checkbox when the default vehicle facility and number will need to be entered in the Default Vehicle Fac and Default Vehicle fields. Leave this checkbox unmarked to skip fuel transactions containing non-file vehicle numbers (fuel transactions not processed).
Default Vehicle Fac: When Use Default Vehicle is checked, enter the default facility used.
Default Vehicle: When Use Default Vehicle is checked, enter the default vehicle number used.

Mapping Layout Tab

Mapping Layout: Drop down button of previous lists used – determines layout of grid.

Data Columns: Total number of data columns.
Header Rows: Number of header rows at beginning of the data file.
Import File Type radio buttons: If delimited then Delimiter box needs to have the delimiter.
EFI Facility Use Vehicle's checkbox: Use the vehicle's facility rather than EFI facility.
Delimiter: The delimited used in a delimited import file.

If there is no layout file to use then this screen will display with an empty column grid.

Double-click on Data Column that is going to be changed. As clicking down the grid through the columns, the drop down list will show the columns in the transaction file. When on Column 1, Map to Transaction column, choose the item from the drop down list that you want in the first column.
Map to Transaction: These will be the column names as set out in the fuel data file. Choose which column name for EFI file column. If a column in the fuel data is not used, you can mark it as N/A.
Data Type: Choose the type of data in the fuel data file.
Format: Choose format if applicable.
Starting Column: Used when fixed file type.
Data Length: Filled in by program if a delimited file.
Decimal Digits: Used for numeric fields when applicable.

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