Editing Best Practices Content

Editing Best Practices Content

The content displayed in Best Practices can be modified by users with appropriate user permissions (see Initial Setup and Configuration).
Navigate to a particular screen in the RTA Fleet Management Software. Any additions or edits you make to the Best Practices guide will refer to that specific screen.
Perform a right-click inside the Best Practices window.
Four options will be shown. Some will be available depending on which section you right-clicked on initially.
This option is only available when right-clicking on the BEST PRACTICES root section. This allows creation of a new master section of content. Enter a title for the section, which will be displayed in the navigation tree, then enter content for the section.
This option is available to add up to two subsections below a master section. Enter a title for the section that will be displayed in the navigation tree, then enter content for the section.
Right-click on an existing section and choose the EDIT SECTION option to make changes to the content displayed.
Right-click on an existing section and choose the DELETE SECTION option to delete the section and all subsections below it.

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