Work Order Status Setup

Work Order Status Setup

Here you can set up your status options for your work orders. You can also create automations that will update the vehicle status if desired. Creating work order statuses will give you the ability to customize the shop workflow and you can tie them into vehicle statuses for greater automation. This adds a second level of statuses to paint a clearer picture of what might be occurring with the assets.


On the Work Order Status Setup screen, you will see some default statuses; Open and Closed. These two status names cannot be changed but can be color coded and have rules applied. They cannot be deleted and must remain in the system.

To turn on the Work Order Status Option see the Custom Web Configuration section under the Company Information menu.

Create a new work order status

  1. From the main menu, select Maint. & Repair> Settings> Work Order Status> click the New Status Box

WO Status 1.png
  1. Select a desired name, code and apply a color.

WO Status 2.png


  1. Once a color has been applied you may add Rules for this status. These rules can either have No Change in the vehicle status or reflect a change if desired. Then, proceed to select a Coding Status open/close.

WO Status 3.png
  1. Click save and your new status should display in your status list.

WO Status 4.png


Edit a work order status code

  1. In the same section, click on the work order status which you desire to edit.

  2. Make adjustments to one or multiples of the following as needed. (Color, Rules, Status Coding)


Work Order Status View

There are a couple places where you can view work order statuses.

  1. The work order search screen

WO Status 5.png
  1. The work order header

WO Status 6.jpg

Updating a Work Order Status

You will notice a drop-down arrow in the work order header next to the status. This is where you can update the work order status by choosing a status in the list.

WO Status 7.jpg
WO Status 8.jpg


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