Shop Codes

Shop Codes

These codes are used to define Shop areas. If you have multiple shop areas which you would like to track, they can be set up here. You can add up to 99 shop codes.


Adding new shop codes


From the main menu, select Maint. & Repair> Settings> Repair

  1. Select the NEWCODE Box.

Shop Codes 1.png


  1. Add a name and description.

Shop Codes 2.png

  1. Click save and the new shop code should display on your codes list.

Shop Codes 3.png


Editing shop codes

  1. Select the shop code you wish to edit by clicking on it from the list.

  2. Click in the name and description box, and you will be allowed to enter the new information.

  3. Click the check mark to confirm.

Deleting shop codes

  1. Click on the trashcan next to the code you wish to delete.

  2. Click delete when the confirmation box pops up.



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