Work Order VMRS Codes (WO VMRS)

Work Order VMRS Codes (WO VMRS)

The RTA system contains hundreds of pre-defined Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard codes. The VMRS codes, sometimes referred to as job codes, contain descriptions and estimated hours for repairs and services performed in the shop.

VMRS codes are required when adding work order lines, vehicle warranties, and part warranties. They also play a big part in tracking technician efficiency--the estimated hours are compared to the actual completion times.


The VMRS code may contain up to nine digits consisting of the following:

  • Three-digit major code - Used to indicate the area of the asset where the work is to be performed.

  • Three-digit intermediate code - Used to indicate the type of job to be performed in the area.

  • Three-digit minor code - Can be used to allow even more detail about the job RTA defaults to only use a 6-digit code and we recommend using this because it’s easy to use and provided the needed detail for tracking history.

  • To change the setting to default to a 3- 6- or 9-digit code contact our support@rtafleet.com for more information on how to allow this feature.

  • (e.g., 013-004-000)

This article focuses on the work order VMRS file including:

  • Adding and Editing VMRS Codes

  • Various tabs, panels, and fields contained within the vehicle master file in RTA. Each section in the file has its own corresponding sub-section in this article.

Follow the links below to access information for the corresponding tabs and panels within the Work Order VMRS file.

  1. Click on Settings under the expanded Main. & Repair section of the main menu

  1. Click on the WO VMRS Section in the Settings List


VMRS Master List (Work Order VMRS)

The VMRS Master List displays the codes available for use with work orders.


This list can be viewed as a whole or can be sorted/adjusted for specific views.

The ability to sort and customize columns as well as to export the master list are available.

Refer to Master List Functions TOC for instructions.


This list has two viewable settings. Using the toggle next to the search bar, a user can view the list at the single level (only seeing the major code categories) or all (seeing the major code categories along with the subsequent intermediate codes within those categories)

Adding a VMRS Code

The VMRS code file is used by the entire system and is not facility specific. To add a VMRS code, do the following:

  1. Click on the Main. & Repair area of the menu

  2. Click on Settings

  3. From the Maintenance Settings List click on WO VMRS

  4. Click on the + (add) icon in the upper right of the search banner

  1. Enter a three-digit major code (Use the major codes already available to determine where the job best fits)

  2. Enter a three digit inter code (Be sure to choose a code that is not already in use in that area)

  3. Enter three zeros for the minor code unless using a 9-digit code system

  4. Enter a description for the code (This should clearly identify what the job is for)

  5. Select Prompt for Condition if using condition codes with work orders

  6. Select Allow on Schedule if using shop scheduler

  7. Select Warranty if this job is covered under bumper-to-bumper asset warranties

  8. Select Add Part VMRS to ensure that this code is also copied over to the Part VMRS file to be used for part warranty tracking

  1. Enter time standards for the job (see info below)

  2. Click the Create Button

Estimated Time (Hours) Based on Asset Size

The remaining fields in the VMRS code record allow estimated times to be set to indicate how long checks, repairs, and replacements for this job should take. The estimates are used for computing technician efficiency percentages and system flat rate billing.

Enter the estimated time for each asset size and click Create


Note: Each Asset can be set against the five default Size categories found in the main Asset file under the Asset Management Tab

Class Override (Estimated Time Based on Class Code)

Estimated times can also be set based on an asset’s Class Code. Refer to the Class assignment field in the Primary Information Panel.

Class Override Adding New Records

To add estimate times based on the Asset Class Codes, do the following:

  1. From the Class Override section click on the + (add) icon in the upper right of the Class Override section

  2. Fill out the information including:

    1. Class Code using the drop-down search list

    1. Check Time: Estimate time for “Checking” the Asset

    2. Repair Time: Estimate time for “Repairing” the Asset

    3. Replace Time: Estimate time for a component “Replacement” on the Asset

  1. Then click on Add: Below is the list that starts to generate as you on board different class codes to the Job Code

Class-Override-Info Added.png
  1. Continue using the + (add) icon to on board as many Class Codes as you need to add


How the System Determines Estimated Time for a Job

The system will use the repair type selected for a work order line to determine the estimated job time.

Repair Type

Est. Hours to Use











If “Replace” estimated hours are needed, the system will look to the asset’s assigned class and use the appropriate Class Override estimates or if no class is set it uses the asset’s Size (Light, Medium, Heavy, Trailer, or Other) to determine which hours to use.

Editing a VMRS Code and Sub-Sections

Use extreme caution when making changes to existing VMRS codes if you have already added work orders, vehicle warranties, or part warranties in the system!

Changes can be made to existing VMRS description, warranty flag, and estimated hours. When the VMRS description is changed, reports will display the new description even if the job was performed prior to the change.

To edit an existing VMRS code, do the following:

  1. Click on the Main. & Repair area of the menu

  2. Click on Settings

  3. From the Maintenance Settings List click on WO VMRS

  4. Locate the VMRS code to be edited and click on it

  5. Click into the field to edit or change and make the changes to the data

    1. For field edits, be sure to click the check mark after the edit is done to save it

Editing the Class Override Section

From an existing VMRS code (See Above), from the Class Override section do the following:

  1. Click on the estimate area you wish to change: Check, Repair or Replace

  2. Click into the field to edit or change and make the changes to the data

    1. For field edits, be sure to click the check mark after the edit is done to save it


Deleting a Class Code from the Class Override Section

To delete a Class Code added to the Class Override section, do the following:

  1. From an existing VMRS code (See Above), from the Class Override section:

    1. Simply Click on the Trash Can button under the Actions Column on the right side of the records.


Deleting a VMRS Code

Use extreme caution when deleting VMRS codes!

If a report includes a deleted VMRS code, the system attempts to use the description from the header VMRS code. If a header VMRS code isn't found, **************** would print as the description.

To delete a VMRS Code, do the following:

  1. Click on the Maint. & Repair area of the menu

  2. Click on Settings

  3. From the Maintenance Settings List click on WO VMRS

  4. Locate the VMRS code to be edited and click on it

  1. In the top right-hand side of the VMRS Search banner click the Delete VMRS button


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