Employee Import and Export
Employee Import and Export
This program exports your Employee records into a delimited text file. This file can then be edited manually or via a spreadsheet program, and then re-imported into the RTA system to update any changes made.
Import Options:
Create New
Checked - New records will be created
Unchecked - New Records WILL NOT be created
Update Existing
Checked - Existing records will be updated
Unchecked - Existing Records WILL NOT be updated
Import Field Definitions
Field | Value | Type/Size |
Facility | Required | int(5) |
Employee Number | Required | int(10) |
Abbreviation | char(10) | |
Name | char(35) | |
Department | char(10) | |
Type | Y = Mechanic D = Driver M = Manager A = Asst. Manager C = Clerical I = Inactive N = Other | char(1) |
Class | char(12) | |
Address 1 | char(25) | |
Address 2 | char(25) | |
City | char(20) | |
State | char(5) | |
Zip Code | char(10) | |
No Email Flag | Y = RTA messenger not allowed N = RTA Messenger allowed | char(1) |
char(60) | ||
Home Phone | char(16) | |
Mobile Phone | char(16) | |
Other Phone | charl(16) | |
Birth Date | date | |
Hire Date | date | |
Review Date | date | |
Single | Y = Single N = Married | char(1) |
Dependents | int(2) | |
Emergency Contact Name | char(30) | |
Emergency Contact Phone | char(16) | |
Current Schedule Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Schedule Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Worked Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Current Indirect Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (041-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (041-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (051-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (051-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (061-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (071-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (071-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (081-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Schedule Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Worked Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Month Indirect Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (001-009) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (010-019 | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (010-019) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (020-029) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (030-039) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (040-049) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (050-059) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (060-069) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (070-079) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (080-089) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Schedule Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Worked Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Last Month Indirect Hours (090-999) | decimal(3,2)+/- | |
Wage Type | W = Wage F = Flat Rate | char(1) |
Wage | decimal(4,2) | |
Flat Rate | decimal(4,2) | |
Alternate Wage 1 | char(10) | |
Wage 1 | decimal(4,2) | |
Alternate Wage 2 | char(10) | |
Wage 2 | decimal(4,2) | |
Alternate Wage 3 | char(10) | |
Wage 3 | decimal(4,2) | |
Alternate Wage 4 | char(10) | |
Wage 4 | decimal(4,2) | |
Alternate Wage 5 | char(10) | |
Wage 5 | decimal(4,2) | |
Pay Code | char(2) | |
Training Code | char(2) | |
Miscellaneous | char(10) | |
Yearly Sick Days | decimal(2,1) | |
Sick days taken | decimal(2,1) | |
Yearly Vacation Days | decimal(2,1) | |
Vacation Days Taken | decimal(2,1) | |
License Number | char(15) | |
License State | char(5) | |
License Expires | date | |
License Class | char(10) | |
Training Certificate 1 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 1 | date | |
Certificate expire date 1 | date | |
Training Certificate 2 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 2 | date | |
Certificate expire date 2 | date | |
Training Certificate 3 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 3 | date | |
Certificate expire date 3 | date | |
Training Certificate 4 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 4 | date | |
Certificate expire date 4 | date | |
Training Certificate 5 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 5 | date | |
Certificate expire date 5 | date | |
Training Certificate 6 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 6 | date | |
Certificate expire date 6 | date | |
Training Certificate 7 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 7 | date | |
Certificate expire date 7 | date | |
Training Certificate 8 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 8 | date | |
Certificate expire date 8 | date | |
Training Certificate 9 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 9 | date | |
Certificate expire date 9 | date | |
Training Certificate 10 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 10 | date | |
Certificate expire date 10 | date | |
Training Certificate 11 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 11 | date | |
Certificate expire date 11 | date | |
Training Certificate 12 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 12 | date | |
Certificate expire date 12 | date | |
Training Certificate 13 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 13 | date | |
Certificate expire date 13 | date | |
Training Certificate 14 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 14 | date | |
Certificate expire date 14 | date | |
Training Certificate 15 | char(20) | |
Certificate date 15 | date | |
Certificate expire date 15 | date | |
Definable Description 1 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 1 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 2 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 2 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 3 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 3 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 4 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 4 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 5 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 5 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 6 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 6 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 7 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 7 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 8 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 8 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 9 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 9 | char(20) | |
Definable Description 10 | char(12) | |
Definable Value 10 | char(20) | |
PO Approval Maximum | int(9) | |
Force PIN Change | 0= PIN change not required 1 = PIN change required next use | int(1) |
, multiple selections available,
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