Vendor Import
Vendor Import
This program exports your Vendor records into a delimited text file. This file can then be edited manually or via a spreadsheet program, and then re-imported into the RTA system to update any changes made.
Import Options:
Create New
Checked - New records will be created
Unchecked - New Records WILL NOT be created
Update Existing
Checked - Existing records will be updated
Unchecked - Existing Records WILL NOT be updated
Import Field Definitions
Field | Value | Type/Size |
Facility | Required | int(5) |
Vendor Number | Required | int(10) |
Abbreviation | Required (can't be duplicate) | char(20) |
Name | char(25) | |
Account Number | char(25) | |
Contact | char(25) | |
Address 1 | char(25) | |
Address 2 | char(25) | |
City and State | char(25) | |
Zip Code | char(12) | |
Fax Number | char(24) | |
Phone Number | char(24) | |
Pay Due Days | int(3) | |
Terms | char(12) | |
Discount Days | int(3) | |
Discount Percent | This should be the ACTUAL percent i.e 20.10 for 20.1% | decimal(2,2) |
Ships Via | char(12) | |
char(60) | ||
F.O.B. | char(10) | |
Total Ship Days | int(4) | |
Tax ID Number | char(15) | |
Tax Rate | This should be the DECIMAL version of the rate, i.e .0875 for 8.75%. | decimal(0,5)+/- |
Legal Status | char(5) | |
Last Purchase Date | date | |
YTD Purchases | decimal(10,2)+/- | |
LTD Purchases | decimal(10,2)+/- | |
Total POs | int(7) | |
Disadvantage Flag | Y = True/Checked N = False/Unchecked | char(1) |
Certified Flag | Y = True/Checked N = False/Unchecked | char(1) |
Certified Date | date | |
Business Type | char(5) | |
Billable Flag | This field is an enhancement field and is typically not applicable. Y = True N = False | char(1) |
Use Blanket PO Flag | Y = Yes N = No always set to "N" when adding a new vendor | char(1) |
PO Budget | Edit for existing vendor only | decimal(7,2) |
Budget Used | Edit for existing vendor only | decimal(7,3)+/- |
Budget Running Balance | Edit for existing vendor only | decimal(7,3)+/- |
Blanket PO Start Date | Edit for existing vendor only | date |
Blanket PO Expire Date | Edit for existing vendor only | date |
Dealer ID | int(10) | |
GPS Latitude | Must be -90 to 90 | decimal(2,6)+/- |
GPS Longitude | Must be -180 to 180 | decimal(3,6)+/- |
Service 1 | char(20) | |
Service 2 | char(20) | |
Service 3 | char(20) | |
Service 4 | char(20) | |
Service 5 | char(20) | |
Service 6 | char(20) | |
Service 7 | char(20) | |
Service 8 | char(20) | |
Service 9 | char(20) | |
Service 10 | char(20) | |
Service 11 | char(20) | |
Service 12 | char(20) | |
Service 13 | char(20) | |
Service 14 | char(20) | |
Service 15 | char(20) | |
Service 16 | char(20) | |
Service 17 | char(20) | |
Service 18 | char(20) | |
Service 19 | char(20) | |
Service 20 | char(20) | |
Service Rating | int(2) | |
Service Preference | 0 = No Preference 1 = Preferred 2 = Avoid | int(1) |
Pay Method | char(1) | |
Activity Date | date | |
Last Vehicle Facility | int(5) | |
Last Vehicle Number | char(8) | |
Last User | char(10) | |
Update Date | date |
, multiple selections available,
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