Change Part Price by Vendor

Change Part Price by Vendor

This utility program increases or decreases part vendor prices by a specified percentage.

Running the Utility

  1. Select System > Custom Utilities II > Parts > Change Price by Vendor from the RTA main menu (SIAC).
  2. Read the message displayed and then choose Yes to continue.
  3. Enter the facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  4. Enter the starting and ending vendor facility to process or press F1 to make the selection from a lookup list.
  5. Enter the starting and ending vendor number to process or press F1 to make the selection from a lookup list.
  6. Enter the starting and ending part facility to process or press F1 to make the selection from a lookup list.
  7. Enter the starting and ending part number to process or press F1 to make the selection from a lookup list.
  8. Enter the part manufacturer to process or press ENTER to include all manufacturers.
  9. Enter the percentage for the price increase or reduction. For example to increase part prices by 25%, enter .25 or 25; to decrease part prices by 25%, enter -.25 or 25.
  10. Choose OK to start the process.
  11. Choose Yes or No to run the utility program again.

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