Loading Fuel Transactions

Loading Fuel Transactions

The load routine reads the text data file from the fueling system and loads the fuel data into the RTA system. This data is placed "on hold" until it is reviewed and processed. No data records are updated during the load routine; they are updated after the process routine has been completed.
TIP: When loading fuel data for the first time, RTA highly recommends loading a very small batch of data. Load just a few hours or one days worth of fuel transactions. This makes reviewing the loaded data for accuracy much easier.

  1. Select Fuel > Fuel Entry > Electronic Fueling > Load Trans from the RTA main menu (FFEL).
  2. Enter the facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. If you have multiple load modules, select the load module to use. If you only have one load module, go to the next step.
  4. Enter the starting and ending load date and time or press F1 to select dates from the calendar.

NOTE: The last load date and time is displayed at the top of the screen. This indicates the last time EFI transactions were loaded. It does not affect the dates that can be loaded in any way. You may change the information displayed, if so desired, by choosing Change.

  1. Choose OK to start the load process. If the fuel data file is not found, a 94/20 error will be displayed. This will need to be corrected before any data from the fueling system can be loaded into the RTA system. Check the areas listed below; if you need further assistance, contact RTA's technical support department.
  • Check the Path and file field in the load module (FFEM).
  • Verify the fuel data file is in the specified location.
  • Check the spelling of the fuel data filename.

Reviewing the Load Summary Report

During the load process, the data transaction file will be read and fuel data in the specified date and time range will be loaded. A Load Summary report is provided afterwards—RTA recommends printing or saving this and keeping it on file. The Load Summary report will print a list of exceptions or transactions that were not loaded. Properly loaded transactions are not printed on the Load Summary report. A summary is printed at the end of the Load Summary report showing the number of records processed, records loaded, records rejected, records with special messages, total fuel quantity loaded, and total fuel cost.
Transactions will be loaded, but may require attention or adjustments if:

  • Fuel or unit cross-references not found
  • Tank not found
  • Pump not found
  • Fuel type not found
  • Product code not found
  • Product storage not found

Correct the data loaded or delete and reload transactions as needed after reviewing the Load Summary report
Transactions will be rejected if:

  • The transactions have already been loaded
  • The transactions have a zero fuel quantity (rejected only if the Drop zero quantity checkbox in the load module is marked)

Correct the data in the fuel file and reload transactions as needed after reviewing the Load Summary report. Refer to "Special Load Messages" in Chapter 3 for more information.

Reloading the Data

It may be necessary to reload some or all of the fuel data. We recommend reloading the data only if many transactions did not get loaded or if the data did not get loaded properly the first time. If most of the transactions were loaded correctly and only a few transactions were not loaded, it is better to enter those transactions manually using the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ or 212). To reload the data, select the Load Trans option (FFEL) and then specify the starting and ending dates. Transactions that were previously loaded will not be loaded again, even if that data is not correct. If all of the fuel data was loaded improperly the first time (e.g. the prices did not come across with the correct value), delete the bad data before reloading; refer to "Deleting EFI Transactions" in Chapter 3 for more information. Be sure to review the Load Summary report again afterwards.

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