Processing EFI Fuel Transactions

Processing EFI Fuel Transactions

The process routine takes the loaded EFI data and updates the data in RTA—just as if the fuel tickets had been entered into the RTA system manually. The difference is that instead of taking a few hours, hundreds of transactions can be processed in only a few minutes! As long as there are no problems with the transactions processed, the vehicle meter reading, fuel usage, and fuel cost will be updated. Pump and tank data will also be updated if the "Auto Post open fuel" switch in the system fuel parameters is set to YES. (SSM, Fuel Parameters tab , switch 9).

  1. Select Fuel > Fuel Entry > Electronic Fueling > Proc Trans from the RTA main menu (FFEE).
  2. Enter the facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. Enter the starting and ending date to process or press F1 to select the dates from the calendar.

NOTE: The last load date and time is displayed at the top of the screen. This indicates the last time EFI transactions were loaded. It does not affect the dates that can be processed in any way. You may change the information displayed, if so desired, by choosing Change.

  1. Select a radio button to specify whether or not to create fuel transactions for non-file vehicles. Select Posted to create fuel transactions only if the vehicle exists in RTA; this option is great if your company only fuels company vehicles. Select All to create fuel transactions for all incoming fuel transactions, even if the vehicle number is invalid; this option accounts for fuel pumped to non-company vehicles or miscellaneous equipment for which a vehicle record was not set up.
  2. Select the Yes or No radio button to specify whether or not to include pump summary information at the end of the report. This prompt appears only if the "EFI-Pump Summary Rpt" switch is set to PROMPT (SSM, Fuel Parameters tab , switch 39).
  3. Select a radio button to print either the Department number or Account number on the Process Summary report.

Reviewing the Process Summary Report

The RTA system will perform several calculations as each fuel record is processed to make sure the distance traveled and the fuel gallons pumped are within acceptable ranges (as defined in the load module). All transactions that were not processed or did not fall within an acceptable mileage or fuel range will be printed on the Process Summary report. A summary is printed at the end of the Process Summary report showing the number of records read, records processed, records rejected, records with special messages, total fuel quantity processed, and total fuel cost. RTA recommends printing or saving this report and keeping it on file.
It is very important to review the Process Summary report immediately after processing EFI transactions; extra steps may be required depending on the type of messages shown on the exception report. Refer to "Special Process Messages" in Chapter 3 for detailed information.

Reprocessing the Data

If the Posted radio button was selected when fuel transactions were processed and vehicle records were not found, those fuel transactions were rejected. Therefore, it will be necessary to reprocess those transactions. Perform one or all of the actions shown in the Special Process Messages table (chapter 3) to correct the problem with vehicle numbers. When the necessary corrections have been made, select the Proc Trans menu option (FFEP) to reprocess the fuel transactions. Be sure to review the Process Summary report again afterwards.

Correcting Processed Fuel Transactions

Once a fuel transaction has been processed through EFI, it becomes a "regular" fuel transaction (i.e. just as if it had been manually entered in the RTA system). Any erroneous transactions processed will need to be corrected using the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ).

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