EFI Transaction Report

EFI Transaction Report

The EFI Transaction report prints detail for the fuel transactions loaded and processed through EFI. It is a good idea to print this report for unprocessed transactions to make sure potential problems get addressed. The layout of this report is identical to that of the Process Summary report; refer to "Process Summary Report" in the previous section for information about the data provided on this report. To print the EFI Transaction report, do the following:

  1. Select Fuel > Fuel Entry > Electronic Fuel > Print Trans from the RTA main menu (FFEI).
  2. Enter the facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. Select a radio button to sort the report by Date or Vehicle number.
  4. Enter the starting and ending date or press F1 to select the dates from the calendar.
  5. If you opted to sort the report in vehicle number order (step 3), enter the starting and ending vehicle facility and vehicle number or press F1 to make the selections from lookup lists.
  6. Select a radio button to specify whether to print Processed, Unprocessed, or All transactions.
  7. Select the Yes or No radio button to specify whether or not to include subtotals.
  8. Select the Yes or No radio button to specify whether or not to include pump summary information at the end of the report. This prompt appears only if the "EFI-Pump Summary Rpt" switch is set to PROMPT (SSM, Fuel Parameters tab , switch 39).
  9. Select a radio button to print either the Department number or Account number on the Process Summary report.

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