Process Summary Report

Process Summary Report

The Process Summary report is automatically generated each time EFI transactions are processed (FFEP). The Process Summary report is an "exception report"; it prints information for the transactions that were not processed or transactions that need attention. Transactions that were processed without any problems are not printed on this report. A summary is included at the end of the Process Summary report. This report should be printed or saved and kept on file until all transactions have been verified to be accurate.
After reviewing the Process Summary report, it may be necessary to make some correcting or adjusting entries. Pay special attention to the "RV" column because it indicates if fuel and/or odometer readings have been updated. If you need tTo update odometer readings or to make fuel price and quantity changes, use the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ). To correct odometer readings, select the change odometer option in the vehicle record (MVM) OR use the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ).
The report columns are as follows:

Column Descriptions

Date- Fueling date
Time- Fueling time
Site- Fuel site/fuel island number
Trn# Transaction number
Typ- Transaction type
Crd-1- Driver card number
Crd-2- Vehicle fuel card number
Vehicle # Vehicle number
Pump- Pump number
Prd- Product code
Quantity- Fuel quantity
Price- Fuel price
Odom- Vehicle meter reading from the fuel transaction
Act. Odm- Actual or current vehicle meter reading in RTA
Acct/Dept- Depending on the selection made when running this option, this column contains either the account number or department number
RV- Transaction status: A "Y" or "N" in the R column indicates if the fuel data was processed. A "Y" or "N" in the V column indicates if the vehicle meter reading was updated. If a transaction is showing "N" in either columns, manual adjustments may be necessary.
Message- Special messages regarding the transaction

Summary Info/Descriptions

Records: Processed- Total number of fuel transactions in the specified date and time range
Records: Rejected- Number of fuel transactions not loaded
Records: Spcl Msgs- Number of transactions with special messages
VH1: Posted- Total transactions posted to the primary vehicle (as opposed to a secondary, split-fuel vehicle)
VH1: Quantity- Total fuel quantity for the primary vehicle
VH1: Cost- Total fuel cost for the primary vehicle
Totals: VH's Posted- Total number of fuel transactions processed
Totals: Quantity- Total fuel quantity processed
Totals: Cost- Total fuel cost processed
Other: F-Trans Added- Total number of fuel transactions processed
Other: VH's Nposted- Total number of fuel transactions not processed

Pump Summary Info/Descriptions

*An "N" in this column indicates the pump is not on file
Pump- Pump facility and number
Product- Product code and fuel type
Site- Fuel site number where the pump is located
Accm-Trn- Total number of fuel transactions loaded for the pump
Accm-Qty- Total fuel quantity loaded for the pump
Accm-Cost- Total fuel cost loaded for the pump. "***" will be printed next to the total fuel cost to flag a potential problem (e.g. fuel price not found)

Special Process Messages

Refer to the following table for the special messages that may be printed on the Process Summary report. A message will be printed for transactions that are out of the ordinary (e.g. excessive mileage, fuel, etc.). It is very important to review the transactions and messages printed on the Process Summary report, and take any necessary action in order to avoid potential problems.



Actions needed

Veh not found

Vehicle record not on file. When processing EFI transactions, if the All radio button was selected, this transaction was processed; if the Posted radio button was selected, this transaction was rejected.

  • None, if transaction is correct

    If transaction was not processed…
  • Validate vehicle number in fuel data file
  • Validate process facility
  • Run the EFI fuel or unit cross-reference utility (STVX, STVU)
  • Reprocess fuel transaction or manually enter fuel transaction if necessary (FFQ)

Part nt found

Part record not on file

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Manually post part usage (FFQ)

Invalid odom

Odometer not numeric

  • Manually update the vehicle meter reading (MVM, FFQ)

Mls Hi Update

Distance traveled is greater than calculated reasonable mileage, but less than maximum mileage allowed

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Correct/adjust the vehicle meter reading if necessary (MVM, FFQ)

Mls excessive

Distance traveled exceeds allowable maximum mileage; vehicle odometer not updated

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Manually update the vehicle meter reading (MVM, FFQ)

Mi Exc-Update

Distance traveled exceeds allowable maximum mileage; vehicle odometer updated

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • In the EFI Process Settings (FFEM), change the Override miles check setting from YES to NO or LIMIT (optional)
  • Correct/adjust the vehicle meter reading if necessary (MVM, FFQ)

Mls not Updt

New meter reading is less than the vehicle's current meter reading; vehicle odometer not updated

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Correct/adjust the vehicle meter reading if necessary (MVM, FFQ)

0qty Mls Updt

Distance traveled is less than allowable maximum mileage and fuel quantity is zero; vehicle odometer updated

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Make adjusting fuel entry if necessary (FFQ)

Mls > max-mls

Distance traveled exceeds the allowable max mileage & fuel qty is 0; vehicle odometer may/ may not update depending on the Override miles setting (FFEM)

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Manually update the vehicle meter reading (MVM, FFQ)
  • Make adjusting fuel entry if necessary (FFQ)



Actions needed

Dflt $ Used

Fuel price is zero, fuel type default price used

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Make adjusting fuel entry if necessary (FFQ)

?Miles ?Fuel

Distance traveled and/or fuel quantity has a value of zero

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Manually update the vehicle meter reading (MVM, FFQ)
  • Make adjusting fuel entry if necessary (FFQ)

Fuel High

Fuel quantity is greater than calculated reasonable gallons, but less than maximum gallons allowed

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Make adjusting fuel entry if necessary (FFQ)

Fuel Excessiv

Fuel quantity exceeds reasonable and maximum gallons allowed

  • None, if transaction is correct
  • Make adjusting fuel entry if necessary (FFQ)

Tax rcrd onfl

Fuel tax record already on file

  • Review fuel tax records (RFV)

Fltran on fl

Open fuel record already on file

  • Review open fuel records (FFLO)

Dptfuel on fl

Department billing record already on file

  • Review department billing records (RFD, RFC, RFA)

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