How to add drivers to my RTA Inspect Account

How to add drivers to my RTA Inspect Account

It's easy to add drivers with or without an email address.

Please note that this guide requires the mobile app version >1.3.0

Adding users with the mobile app:

  • Navigate to the Fleet Tab 

  • Select "Users"

  • Click the "+" button in the upper-right corner

  • Enter the driver's full name

  • Select the login method for the driver:

    • Email (preferred): If the driver has an email account (company-provided or personal), enter it here and the employee will use this email address as their username when they login.

    • Employee ID: If the driver does not have an email address, enter their Employee ID/Number here. This must be a unique value within your company.

  • Push "Submit"

Adding Users With The Web App:

  • Go to User Management

  • Adding Users one at a time using the "Single User" form

    • Select the login method for the driver: email, or Employee ID

    • Enter the email or employee ID

    • Push "Add User"

  • Adding Users in bulk

    • Select the "Download Sample File" link and download the sample CSV file

    • Edit the file on your computer using whatever program you like (such as Excel). Be sure to save it as a CSV and not in any other spreadsheet format. Keep in mind that if you provide an email for any row, that employee will be able to login with that email.

    • Upload the file

      • Select "Choose File" and select your edited CSV file

      • Click "Add Users"

    • Wait for the processing to complete. Do not leave the page while it works. The page will report success and failure for each of the drivers uploaded. Users with a provided email address will be invited as normal, and you will receive an email with account activation instructions for any users added with just an Employee ID.

Employee Account Activation And Login

Once accounts are created, the employee just needs to use the app to activate their account.

For employees added with an email:

Account activation and sign-in instructions are automatically emailed to the employee. This includes a one-time activation code they will use when setting their account password. They just need to open the app and follow the instructions. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the mobile app

  2. If the app is already logged in to another account, logout

  3. Click "Email Login"

  4. Click "Activate New Account"

  5. Enter the email address

  6. Enter the activation code from the welcome email sent to the employee

  7. Enter a secure password (at least 6 digits)

  8. Click "Sign In"

For employees added with just an employee ID:

Since we don't have a way to send account activation and sign-in instructions to this employee directly, you will need to deliver these instructions to the employee yourself. Instructions are automatically emailed to you when you created the user. One easy way to do this is to print the emailed instructions, including the company code and activation code and deliver these instructions to the employee. You could also send the instructions in a text message if that is available. The mobile app has convenient buttons for copying account activation instructions and sending them in text messages. Once these instructions are delivered, here are the employee's steps:

  1. Open the mobile app

  2. If the app is already logged in to another account, logout

  3. Click "Employee ID Login"

  4. Click "Activate/Reset Password"

  5. Enter the Employee ID/Number

  6. Enter the company code (found in the instructions, also found in the app settings: Fleet/Settings/Company)

  7. Enter a secure password (at least 6 digits)

  8. Click "Sign In"


Once you create the employee, either with an email or an Employee ID, that user is ready to start doing inspections as soon as they login. You don't need to wait for them to create their own accounts before you can assign them to vehicles, put them into Inspections Groups and do any other management task you need.

Our goal is to make it simple and easy to add drivers to RTA Inspect and help them perform simple and effective inspections so that you can focus on what matters most to your business.

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