RTA Inspect Quick Start for Drivers

RTA Inspect Quick Start for Drivers

It’s easy to start using RTA Inspect so you can complete your required inspections quickly.


First Time using RTA Inspect

The first time you use RTA Inspect, you’ll need to install the app and create a user account. If you haven’t received an email invitation yet, talk to your manager or fleet director.

  1. Search the app store for RTA Inspect and download the app to your phone or tablet.

  2. Once the app is installed, find the app on your device and open it

  3. Create a user account with the same email address that you received the email invitation from.

    1. If you didn’t receive an invitation, talk to your manager or fleet director

  4. Verify your user account by opening the verification email from RTA Inspect and clicking the link.

    1. If you don’t see the email, check your junk or spam folder

  5. You are now ready to start doing vehicle inspections!

Returning to RTA Inspect

Returning to the app each day is quick and you will be able to complete your inspection as quickly as possible. All the issues you report will be available to management for review and necessary repairs.

  1. Open the RTA Inspect app from your device

  2. If prompted to log in, enter the email address and password from when you created your account

  3. Once logged in, you will see the Vehicle Inspection screen

  4. Select a vehicle to inspect

  5. Select the appropriate inspection form

  6. If prompted, review the previous inspection and sign off that the vehicle is safe to operate.

    1. If the vehicle is not safe to operate, inform your manager or fleet director

  7. Start the inspection

  8. If prompted, enter the vehicle odometer reading

  9. Mark each inspection item as pass or fail.

    1. For failed items, provide notes and/or photos to describe the problem so that the mechanics know exactly what issue needs to be repaired.

  10. As each inspection item is completed it will be moved to the Done tab at the top of the screen

  11. When all inspection items are completed, sign the inspection by tapping the signature button

  12. Celebrate your first successful inspection!

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