Posting Work Order Transactions

Posting Work Order Transactions

Part, labor, tire, warranty, and miscellaneous transactions can be posted to work orders. Posting these items updates the vehicle cost and history as well as inventory and statistical data in the other modules. For example, when a part is posted to a work order, the inventory count, usage count, and warranty information (if applicable) are updated. The costs posted to the work order are tallied in the WO Total field displayed in the work order header. Tax and shop supplies/overhead are also included in the displayed total.
Several options for posting work order transactions are available.

  • TriCoder Entry (WC): A TriCoder program is available for collecting parts, labor, and tire data for work order postings. When the data is uploaded, new work orders will be created and/or existing work orders will be updated automatically. Refer to "Post Work Orders Program" in the TriCoder Programs section of Chapter 8—Bar Coding for more information and instructions for using this option.
  • Paperless Shop (WPL): The Paperless Shop is an add-on option that allows the tracking and scheduling of mechanic jobs. Refer to the Paperless Shop User's Manual for instructions as needed if this option is used for posting work order transactions.
  • Work Order Options (WW, WB): Work order transactions can be posted through the standard WOs option (WW) or the Batch WOs option (WB). Refer to the following sections for instructions if this is the option of choice.

To post transactions through the standard or batch work order options, do the following:

  1. Select WOs > WOs or WOs > Batch WOs from the RTA main menu (WW, WB).
  2. Enter a work order number or press F1 to select a work order from the lookup list.
  3. Enter the meter reading, posting date, posting period as prompted.
  4. Click on the number button for the work order line you want to post to OR highlight the work order line first and then either:
  • Press ENTER or F3. OR
  • Select Edit > Post Line from the menu. OR
  • Click on the line number button or Post line icon in the toolbar.
  1. The system starts in the parts posting screen. Enter parts used, or choose another posting method (Labor, Tires, Miscellaneous, Warranty Credits) by clicking on the appropriate toolbar buttons. Refer to the following sections for the specific posting instructions.
  2. When done with the posting routine, choose Exit. You'll be asked if the job is complete. Choose No if additional entries will be posted to the job at a later time; the work line will be left open (line status = PARTIAL). Choose Yes if everything has been posted and the job is done; this closes the work order line (line status = DONE). The default answer can be set to your choice in the "WO Defaults" switch (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 38).

If all jobs are complete, you'll be prompted to close the work order. The default answer to this prompt can be set in the "WO Default" switch. Another switch, "WO close date use," determines whether the posting date or the current system date is used as the work order close date (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 27).

Post Parts

Parts can be posted through work orders, Quick Parts Entry, TriCoder entry, or Paperless Shop. The first two items are covered in this section; refer to "Post Work Orders Program" in the TriCoder Programs section of Chapter 8—Bar Coding or the Paperless Shop User's Manual if posting parts using the latter options.

Post Parts Through Work Orders

  1. Review the parts catalog displayed indicating which parts were used the prior time this job was performed on this type of vehicle (based on year/make/model combination). The parts catalog is automatically displayed if "Parts Catalog" is set to AUTO (SSM, switch 20). If the catalog is not configured to automatically display, it can be summoned by pressing the Parts Catalog button. Once the catalog is displayed, the Print Pick List button may be pressed to print a list to aid in parts selection from the inventory.
  2. Enter the part number, part cross-reference number, or part kit number to post OR press F1 to select a part or part kit from the lookup list.
  3. Accept the default part price or enter a different part price to charge (per part). This field is skipped if "Change Part $" is set to NO (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 32) or if FIFO is enabled (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 13).
  4. Enter the part quantity to post.

Special Part Posting Scenarios to Note

  • If the part record is found, the part information automatically displays in the window.
  • If the part record is not found, you'll have the option of adding the part to inventory. The default answer can be set to your choice in the "WO Defaults" switch (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 38). Setting the Non-File Part Posting default to ADD is extremely handy when you first start using the RTA system and are in the process of setting up your parts inventory. Choose Add to add the part record to the system. When adding the part record, keep in mind that the quantity entered will be reduced by the quantity posted on the work order. For example, if a total quantity of 5 is entered in the stock areas when adding the part and a quantity of 2 is posted to the work order, 3 will be left in stock. Choose Continue to treat the part as a non-file part-no part record will be created and inventory value will not be affected. You'll also be prompted for the part description and cost. Choose Cancel to reenter the part number.
  • If a part kit is posted, all the components in the part kit will be posted to the work order.
  • If you're tracking cores for this part, you'll have to option of expensing the core charge to vehicle at this time. Choose No if the core will be returned to the vendor for a credit. Choose Yes if the core is bad or if you prefer to expense the vehicle for the core initially and then credit the cost back once the core credit has been received from the vendor.
  • If you're using multiple stocking areas (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 9), you'll have the option of selecting from which stocking area(s) the quantity posted will be deducted.
  • If the quantity posted is higher than the quantity currently in inventory, you'll have the option of making an inventory adjustment.

Choose Yes to make an inventory adjustment and then enter the new on-hand quantity, a reason, and authorization. Adjustments are made only to stock area A. Use the Inventory [Adjustments] option if you need to adjust a different stock area (PAI).
If you opt not to make an inventory adjustment, one of two things will happen depending on how the "Allow Qty Overrides" switch is set (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 13). If the switch is set to NO, you'll be prompted to reenter the part quantity. If the switch is set to YES, the specified quantity is posted to the work order resulting in a negative on-hand quantity.

  • If the work order line is flagged as an outside job, you'll have the option of either entering a part number, description, part cost, and part quantity OR choosing Total Parts (F4) to be required only to enter the total part cost. When the latter option is chosen, the system uses a generic part number of Outside Parts with no part description and a part quantity of 1.
  • If you're using the Customer Flat Rate feature, the flat rate cost of parts is immediately posted to the work order when the Post Parts window is brought up (flat rate x job quantity). The parts that are posted afterwards are posted at a cost of $0.00. This allows part inventory and usage to be accounted for without affecting the flat rate charge. Refer to "Customer Flat Rates" for more information about this feature.
  • If this is a work order that was auto-generated by approving an estimate work order AND the "WO Post Estimate Parts" switch is set to YES (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 35), you'll have the option of auto-posting all the parts from the estimate work order. Whether you choose Yes or No when prompted, you will still have the ability to post parts manually. If you choose Yes, all the parts and quantities from the estimate will be posted to this work order. The current system part price is used at the time of posting; therefore, part totals on the actual work order may vary from the totals quoted on the estimate.

Reserving Parts for a Job

Often a mechanic will need a part that is not kept on-hand in the inventory. The parts reservation module assists the mechanic in indicating parts that are needed and notifying the parts staff that the parts need to be ordered.

  1. Highlight the Work Order line needing parts, then click the POST button. Once the Post Parts screen is displayed, click the RESERVATION button at the right.
  2. Enter the employee requesting the part.
  3. Enter the part number or select a part from the inventory list (F1). When the Part Number is entered, the description will appear if it is a file part. Enter the description if it is a Non-File Part.
  4. Enter the quantity to be reserved and click the OK button.
  5. At this point, the Part Reservation has been created and will be displayed on the Parts Requisition list, even if it is a Non-File Part. The Part Reservation list now reflects a Reserved Status.

The Part Reservation list can be viewed by selecting Parts > Purchase Orders > List Reservations (PPS) from the RTA main menu. This list may be printed. A line on the Part Reservation Listing may be highlighted and deleted. Deleting will remove the Reserved quantity from the Requisition List as well.

  1. Once a Purchase Order is created from the Requisition list, the Parts Reservation list will reflect an Ordered Status.
  2. When the entire quantity of parts are received on the purchase order, a message will be sent to the Mechanic who requested the reservation via RTA Messenger (if the optional Messenger add-on module is installed). The Parts Reservation list will reflect a Received Status.
  3. After Reserved Parts are received, you can Post the part(s) in the Work Order. Select the POST button and the Received Reserved Parts list appears. You can then check the box(es) to post Reserved Part(s). The Reserved Parts status then becomes Posted.

Quick Post

When posting parts, a Quick Post feature is available. This feature is designed to be used by those who are using bar code readers. Quick Post allows parts to be posted to work orders simply by scanning in or inputting the part number. You're not required to enter a part price, part quantity, nor do you have to choose OK to post the part. Non-file parts cannot be posted using this feature because a part price is not available for reference.
To use the Quick Post feature, choose Quick Post On and then scan in the bar code when the cursor is in the part number field. The part is immediately posted to the work order once a successful scan is read. The system posts the current part price (plus any applicable markups) and a part quantity of 1. To post multiple quantities, simply rescan the bar code. This is quick and easy to do especially if you're using a lazer gun type of bar code reader (point and shoot technology).
If you need to post non-file parts or reverse an entry (back out a transaction), choose Quick Post Off to deactivate the Quick Post feature.
NOTE: Although this feature is designed to be used by those who are using bar code readers, it also saves time for those who don't. Simply key in the part number or select the part from a lookup list and it will be immediately posted to the work order just as if it had been scanned into the system.

Post Part Kit

If a part kit is assigned to a work order line, you can immediately post the part kitwithout having to input the part kit numbersimply by clicking the Post kit toolbar button. Once the part kit has been posted to a job, this button will no longer be active. This prevents duplicate postings. However, if additional part kits need to be posted to the work order, the part kit number can be keyed in and posted manually. For more information about part kits, refer to "Part Kits." 

Post Parts Using the Quick Parts Entry Program

The Quick Parts Entry feature allows parts to be posted to work orders without having to bring up the work orders. In order to use this feature, the work order must already exist in the system. You'll need to provide a work order number, and work order line number to which the parts will be posted.

  1. Select Parts > Quick Parts Entry from the RTA main menu (PQ).
  2. Press ENTER to accept the default date, enter a new date, or press F1 to select a date from the calendar.
  3. Enter the work order number or press F1 to select a work order from the lookup list.
  4. Enter the work order line number or press F1 to select a job from the lookup list.
  5. Verify the information entered and choose OK to proceed.
  6. At this point, the Post Parts window comes up. Enter the part number, part cross-reference number, or part kit number to post OR press F1 to select a part or part kit from the lookup list.
  7. Enter the part quantity.
  8. Accept the default part price or enter a different price to charge (per part). This field is skipped if "Change Part $" is set to NO (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 32) or if FIFO is enabled (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 13).
  9. Choose OK to post the entry.
  10. Repeat steps 6 – 9 until all parts have been posted to this job and choose Exit when done.
  11. A prompt asking if the job is complete is displayed. Choose No to leave the job open. Choose Yes to close the work order line. You may also be prompted to close the work order if there are no other open jobs on the work order.

Post Labor

Labor can be posted through work orders, Quick Labor Entry, TriCoder entry, or Paperless Shop. The first two items are covered in this section; refer to "Post Work Orders Program" in the TriCoder Programs section of Chapter 8—Bar Coding or the Paperless Shop User's Manual if posting labor using the latter options.

Post Labor Through Work Orders

  1. Enter the mechanic number, abbreviation, select an assigned mechanic using the pull-down list, or press F1 to select a mechanic from the lookup list.
  2. Accept the default labor rate, enter a different rate to charge (per hour), or press F1 to select a preset alternate rate (overtime, holiday, etc.) from a drop down list. This field is skipped if "Change Wage $" is set to NO (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 32).
  3. Enter the time spent on the job or choose Calculate (F2) to enter the starting and ending times for the job and have the system calculate the total time. The Calculate feature works great with Time Stamp work orders since they specifically indicate places for mechanics to record the start and end times for each job. The "MilitaryTime/Alt Time" switch controls whether the time is calculated based on 60 minutes per hour or hundredths of an hour (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 25).

Special Labor Posting Scenarios to Note

  • If the mechanic record is found, the mechanic information automatically displays in the window.
  • If the mechanic record is not found, you'll have the option of reentering the mechanic number or treating the mechanic as a non-file mechanic. Choose Yes to treat the mechanic as a non-file mechanicno mechanic record will be created and productivity will not be tracked. You'll be prompted for the mechanic abbreviation and rate. Choose Cancel to reenter the mechanic number.
  • If the work order line is flagged as an outside job, you'll have the option of either entering a mechanic ID, description, labor rate, and hours worked OR choosing Total labor (F4) to be required only to enter the total labor cost. When the latter option is chosen, the system uses a generic mechanic ID and description of Outside Labor with 1 as the labor hours.
  • If you're using the Customer Flat Rate feature, the flat rate cost of labor is immediately posted to the work order when the Post Labor window is brought up (flat rate x job quantity). The labor hours that are posted afterwards are posted at a cost of $0.00. This allows the hours to be accounted for tracking mechanic productivity without affecting the flat rate charge. Refer to "Customer Flat Rates" for more information about this feature.
  • If you're using the Labor Flat Rate feature, an additional prompt allows you to post different quantities for the labor hours to charge and the actual hours worked. For example, if a mechanic is being trained, a job that normally takes half an hour to complete might take an hour instead; enter .50 in Hours to post to only charge half an hour for labor and enter 1.0 in Hours worked to properly track, for mechanic productivity purposes, the actual hours worked. This feature is controlled by the "Use Flat Labor/Valid Hours" switch (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 42). Refer to "System or Mechanic Flat Rate" for more information about this feature.

Post Labor Using the Quick Labor Entry Program

The Quick Labor feature is designed for entering labor, on a daily or weekly basis, from a timecard to a work order without having to access the work order. In order to use this feature, the work order must already exist in the system. This option provides a quick way to post labor to a job and then close the work order line. This is the ideal option to use if your parts have already been posted to the work orders or if the work orders only require labor, such as vehicle washes or inspections. To post a labor entry, you'll need to provide a valid mechanic number, work order number, and work order line number to which the hours will be posted.

  1. Select WOs > Quick Labor Entry from the RTA main menu (WQ).
  2. Enter the mechanic number, abbreviation, or press F1 to select a mechanic from the lookup list.
  3. Accept the current system date, enter a new date, or press F1 to select a date from the calendar.
  4. Enter the work order number or press F1 to select a work order from the lookup list.
  5. Enter the work order line number or press F1 to select a job from the lookup list.
  6. Enter the time spent on the job.
  7. Accept the default labor rate, enter a different rate to charge (per hour), or press F1 to select a preset alternate rate (overtime, holiday, etc.) from a drop down list. This field is skipped if "Change Wage $" is set to NO (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 32).
  8. Choose OK to post the entry.
  9. A prompt is displayed asking if the job is complete. Choose No to leave the job open. Choose Yes to close the work order line. You may also be prompted to close the work order if there are no other open jobs on the work order.

The information for the previous four entries posted is displayed at the bottom of the screen as a reference in case you get interrupted while inputting the transactions.

Post Tires

You can mount, dismount tires, and post tire costs through work orders, TriCoder entry, or Paperless Shop. The first item is covered in this section; refer to "Post Work Orders Program" in the TriCoder Programs section of Chapter 8—Bar Coding or the Paperless Shop User's Manual if posting tires using the latter options.

Post Tire Cost Only

If you're not using the Tire Inventory module to track tire inventory, you can record the cost of tire transactions without having to track other tire details. To do so, do the following:

  1. Enter a non-file tire number and choose Yes to continue  OR choose Total tires (F4) to use a generic tire number of TOT-TIRES and skip steps 2-5.
  2. Enter the tire size.
  3. Select a radio button indicating the tire type.
  4. Enter the tire cost to charge (per tire). This field is skipped if Change Tire Cost is set to NO in the "CHG Wage $, Part $, Tire $" switch (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 32).
  5. Enter the tire quantity to post.

If the work order line is flagged as an outside job, the process is very similar. You'll have the option of either entering a tire number, description, tire price, and tire quantity OR choosing Total tire (F4) to be required only to enter the total tire cost. When the latter option is chosen, the system uses a generic tire number and description of Outside tires with a quantity of 1.

Outside Work Order Posting

To create an Outside WO line, Add a line and check the box in the Edit screen labeled "Outside". This will switch the posting process to use parts and labor NOT connected to your recourse center. Parts will not pull from inventory, labor will not be pulled from the employee file. Outside work is meant to be paid, rather than billed, as they are costs owed for work outside your organization. 

Mount a Tire

To mount a tire, the tire record must already exist in the RTA system (MTM).

  1. Enter a tire number or choose Inventory list (F1) to select a tire from the lookup list.
  2. Accept the default price or enter a different tire price to charge (per tire). This field is skipped if Change Tire Cost is set to NO in the "CHG Wage $, Part $, Tire $" switch (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 32).
  3. Choose OK to mount the tire.
  4. Choose Yes to confirm the mount.
  5. Specify the position where the tire will be mounted or choose Position list (F2) to select a position from a lookup list. To view a list of tires already mounted on the vehicle, choose Mounted list (F1).

Dismount a Tire

  1. Enter a tire number or choose Mounted list (F2) to select a mounted tire from the lookup list.
  2. Choose OK to dismount the tire.
  3. Choose Yes to confirm the dismount.
  4. Specify where the tire will be placed after it's dismounted.
  • Inventory: Places the tire back in inventory for reuse.
  • Capper: Sends the tire to a capper. You'll be required to specify the capper number. The tire is removed from the active tire file and is not available for remounting until it is returned from the capper (TR).
  • Scrap: Discards/deletes the tire record. You'll be required to enter password level one. The tire is removed from the active tire file and placed in a scrapped tire file. Although the tire record remains in the scrap file until purged from the system (SGTR), it is used only for scrap reporting purposes and not available for access.
  • Out of service: Places the tire out of service. The tire is removed from the active tire file and is not available for remounting until placed back in service. This is useful for tires you may have in inventory that no longer fit on any vehicles in the fleet or tires you want to make inactive (but don't want to delete from the system).
  1. Accept the pro-rated credit shown or enter a new credit value.
  2. Accept the current tread depth shown or enter the remaining tread depth.
  3. Accept the current tire condition shown or enter a new tire condition.
  4. If the tire is being sent to the capper, specify the capper number. If the tire is being scrapped, select a scrap reason.

Post Warranty Credits

The Post Warranty option allows you to capture warranty credits received from vendors. The RTA system tracks both vehicle warranties and part warranties. Tracking warranty costs and credits can save your fleet thousands of dollars each year. If the work order line is flagged as a warranty line, the items posted through this option are reported on the [Vehicle] Warranty Activity report (RWV). As you may recall, a work order line is automatically flagged as a warranty line if the repair is covered under a vehicle warranty (MVWM) or if the repair is manually flagged as a warranty repair when adding or editing a work order line (WW). A red W displays between the VMRS code and job description on the work order line indicating a line is a warranty line. 

Three warranty posting options are available allowing part, labor, and tire credits to be posted, all similar in appearance and functionality. To post a warranty credit, do the following:

  1. Select Warranty Parts, Warranty Labor, or Warranty Tires from the toolbar.
  2. Enter the part, mechanic, or tire number and description OR press F4 to use a generic number and description. The number and description you enter doesn't necessarily need to correspond to a number in your inventory or your mechanics.
  3. Enter the total post price. The post quantity is –1 by default; therefore, when multiplied to the total post price, the total warranty credit will be a negative amountreducing the total work order cost. Warranty postings do not affect part inventory values or quantities.

NOTE: If you need to post a correcting entry, complete steps 1 – 3, press TAB to place the cursor at the OK button, and then press F2. You'll be prompted to confirm the posting of a positive amountincreasing the total work order cost. Choose Yes to confirm and then choose OK to post the transaction.

Post Miscellaneous

Costs that don't fall under parts, labor, tires, or warranty can be posted in the Post Miscellaneous option. To post miscellaneous costs, do the following:

  1. Select the Miscellaneous from the toolbar.
  2. Enter the miscellaneous item and description OR choose Total misc. (F4) to use a generic number and description of Total Misc.
  3. Enter the total post price.

Reverse Postings

Mistakes happen. The good news is that erroneously posted transactions can be quickly and easily corrected. To reverse erroneous postings, do the following:

  1. Select Reverse from the toolbar.
  2. Select the checkbox next to each erroneous transaction.
  3. Choose Reverse to negate the selected transactions.

An additional offsetting transaction will be posted by the system to negate and cancel the original transaction. When the work order is printed, all erroneous postings and corresponding offsetting entries will be omitted from the printout. For audit purposes, all transactions remain on file and will print on work order transaction reports.

Brake Inspections

The Brake Inspection module helps to keep your vehicles brakes in satisfactory operating condition at the lowest possible cost. The ideal goal of a brake Inspection program is to allow you to utilize your brakes to the fullest, ensure they are in a safe operating condition, and minimize downtime. The most recent eight brake inspections are displayed in the Brakes tab of the Vehicle Master Screen (MVM).
To record a brake inspection, click the BRAKES button on the work order toolbar. The brake inspection entry screen is displayed. Input the date and vehicle odometer reading at the time of the inspection. In the remaining fields, enter the remaining amount of pad life remaining for each axle's left and right side. Brake depth is recorded by percentage remaining, 32nds, inches, or millimeters, as configured in (SSM, Fuel Parameters tab, option #44). You can enter readings for up to five axles per vehicle. Enter the percentage of pad life remaining for the left and right side, one axle at a time, Axle 1-L, Axle 1-R, Axle 2-L, Axle 2-R, Axle 3-L, etc.

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