RTA System Parameters
Enoch Poston
Kevin Meek
Bret Hilton (Unlicensed)
Before you begin using the system, you should review the system parameters (Also known as the System Switches) and change the current settings as needed to better meet your needs. We often refer to the system parameters as switches because many features and prompts can be turned ON or OFF based on your preferences. You can add or eliminate many prompts and fields depending on what you want to track in the system. You can save a lot of time and keystrokes by turning OFF features you don't want to use. It's not necessary to review all the switches; we have marked the ones you may wish to change initially with . You can review other switches as you become more familiar with the RTA system or as features are implemented. To change the setting of a switch, enter the corresponding line number for the switch or double-click on the current setting displayed on the screen.
NOTE: The system parameters affect the entire RTA system and are not facility specific.
Main Parameters (SSM)
Line - Functionality Description
01 Company Name: Enter up to 25 characters for your company name. This information is used as the header for many of the reports.
02 Periods Per Year: Will you be tracking period or fixed costs? Enter a number, from 1 to 99, indicating the number of financial periods per year for your shop. Most shops run on a 12 or 13 period/year accounting format.
03 Current Period: Will you be tracking period costs? Enter the current fiscal period. This information needs to be entered initially but will be updated automatically thereafter each time end of period (EOP) for vehicles is processed.
04 Flat Labor Rate: Will you be charging a flat rate per hour on work orders? This switch is used when the "Use Flat Labor" switch in Misc. Parameters I (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 42) is set to YES and in Estimate WOs when mechanics are left unassigned (WE). Enter the flat rate per hour to charge for labor, up to $99.9 her hour.
05 Days This Period: Will you be tracking vehicle utilization? If you wish to track vehicle utilization, enter a number, from 1 to 99, indicating the number of vehicle operating days possible in the current period. This number is used to calculate the vehicle utilization percentage and will be updated automatically each time EOP for vehicles is processed. The utilization percentage is calculated by dividing the total days used by the number of days in the current period (e.g., 27 days used / 30 days this period = 90% vehicle utilization). Utilization is reported on the vehicle total cost reports.
06 System Date Range: What are the allowable transaction dates for data input? Setting a range of dates here restricts the dates that users may enter while keying transaction data into the system (work orders, purchase orders, fuel entries, etc.) and helps to prevent errors should an invalid date/year be entered. In lieu of specifying a specific date range, you can also elect to specify a range of days before and after current date that are allowed. This is generally easier to use, since a specific date range will need to be updated as needed. This setting does not affect notational date fields in the software such as vehicle purchase dates. It also does not affect reservations in the Motor Pool option.
07 Exception Levels: Will you be reviewing vehicle cost per mile (CPM) or miles per gallon (MPG)? Unusually high cost per mile or low miles per gallon can be flagged with ** on vehicle cost reports, pointing out potential problems. This table allows you to specify the exception levels for heavy, medium, and light vehicles. Any value exceeding the Cost entry or falling below the MPG entry will be flagged with ** on vehicle cost reports.
08 User Password Encryption: Do you want to enable SOX compliance for user passwords in the software? SOX compliance can be disabled completely. If SOX compliance is desired, password minimum length and complexity requirements are defined here.
09 EOM Posting Date: Do you bill departments or customers for repair work? (Paperless Shop only) The RTA system creates one work order labor transaction per mechanic job in Paperless Shop. If it's a big job, the job may be open for days or even weeks. The work order transaction date will be updated each time the mechanic clocks on and off that particular job. This could possibly cause labor costs to get accounted for twice if the jobs span over two accounting periods. This switch works with the EOP processing routine and Paperless Shop to create new work order labor transactions for all incomplete jobs at month-end. To do so, access this switch to set the current system date as the end of month posting date and then process EOP for vehicles (SEV). Afterwards, when mechanics clock on and off jobs, the labor hours and costs are accumulated on new labor transactions in the new period. Contact our sales department for more information about the Paperless Shop add-on option.
10 Not in use.
11 Downtime: Do you want to track vehicle downtime? To use the Downtime Tracking feature, set Activate Downtime Module to YES. When activated, additional prompts will appear and become accessible for downtime tracking purposes in the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules. If you're using Paperless Shop, set Auto post Active/Listed to YES to have the RTA system automatically change downtime job statuses from Active (to start tracking downtime) to Listed (to stop tracking downtime) as mechanics clock on and off jobs. Set Auto post Active/Listed to NO if you're not using Paperless Shop OR to prompt mechanics to update downtime statuses when clocking off Paperless jobs. This setting gives mechanics control over whether or not downtime hours will continue to accumulate, for example, when they clock off for lunch or go home for the day.
12 Report Print Format: Choose between Standard, Advanced RPV or Advanced Crystal printing format. See the Report Viewer section for more information on these three options.
13 Registration Number: This is the serial number for your RTA Fleet Management Software. You may be asked to provide this number when calling RTA. This field cannot be changed or modified.
14 Paperless Inspection:
Set Post Parts to Yes to allow parts to be posted during the inspection process.
Set Item Login to Yes to track time spent on each individual checklist item included in the inspection.
Set Edit Cause to Yes to allow mechanics to modify the work order cause code.
Set WO Line Mechanic to determine which mechanic will be assigned repair jobs initiated by an inspection.
15 Paperless Shop: Are you using Paperless and do mechanics require a password to clock on jobs?
Set Paperless Shop to YES if you are using the Paperless Shop add-on option.
NOTE: Activating this switch when you aren't using Paperless Shop creates needless transactions, using up valuable disk space.
Set Password Prompt to YES to require mechanics to enter a password when clocking on and off jobs in Paperless Shop. Passwords for Paperless Shop are defined in the employee file (MMM).
Set Jobs Pool to YES to allow mechanics to select from the unscheduled jobs rather than always being assigned jobs by a supervisor.
Set Daily Labor Trans to YES if you would like the system to generate separate labor transactions for each calendar day. Setting it to NO creates one transaction that gets updated as the job progresses.
Specify the Total Workday Hours for your mechanics. When the total amount of time for a shift exceeds this number of hours, the Paperless Shop Activity screen will indicate overtime status using color coded text.
The Overtime Color is specified using the color palette picker below the Total Workday Hours setting which flags when time exceeds the Workday Hours.
The Estimate Color is specified using the color palette picker below the Total Workday Hours setting which flags when time exceeds the Jobs Estimated Hours.
16-18 Passwords: Do you need to secure certain options? Certain options throughout the RTA system such as viewing employee records, deleting vehicles, or adjusting cost figures require a password before access is given. Enter up to five characters for each password. Password level 1 has the lowest authorization, password level 3 the highest. When prompted for password level 1, passwords 1, 2, or 3 are accepted. When prompted for password level 2, passwords 2 or 3 are accepted. When prompted for password level 3, only password 3 is accepted.
NOTE: You can set these passwords to spaces if security is not an issue. The password prompts still appear but you can press ENTER to continue.
19 Date Output Format: This switch controls the format for all dates displayed or reported in the system. The options available are MMDDYYYY, DDMMYYYY, and YYYYMMDD.
20 Part Catalog. This switch controls whether the system builds a part usage catalog as repair jobs are completed. The next time a particular job is done on that specific make and model of vehicle, the system will display the list of parts needed for the job.
21 Time Stamp WO Lines: Will you be printing Time Stamp work orders on laser printers? The Time Stamp work order can be printed in portrait or landscape mode on laser printers:
Set Lines per page to 3 to print in portrait mode, 2 to print in landscape mode.
Set Print blank lines to YES or NO depending on whether or not you want to print blank lines to fill the remainder of the page.
22 Lines Per Work Order: Do you need to limit the number of jobs allowed on work orders? One work order can contain up to 99 jobs or work order lines. The default is set to allow 99 lines per work order, but you may change this setting to suit your needs.
Set Double Space to YES to double-space the print on Shop work orders; this provides more space for handwritten entries or tags and labels.
Set Double Space to NO to single-space the print on Shop work orders and conserve paper.
23 Outside WO/Create PO: Are all vehicle maintenance and repairs performed by an outside source? This switch is for those who outsource maintenance and repairs but enter work orders for all the work done.
Set Outside Work Order to YES to be prompted for the vendor (who did the work) when creating a work order. The vendor information will be printed on Standard work orders. Set to NO to skip the vendor field. If Outside Work Order is set to YES, you will have the option to auto-create purchase orders for these outside work orders.
Set Create POs for outside WO to YES if you want the system to auto-create purchase orders; set to NO to not create purchase orders. Refer to "Auto-Creating Purchase Orders from Work Orders" for more information.
24 Duplicate License/Serial Numbers: Do you want to allow vehicles to have duplicate license or serial numbers? This switch controls whether or not a vehicle can have the same license number and/or serial number as another vehicle in the RTA system.
Set Allow duplicate license to YES to allow vehicles to have duplicate license plate numbers; set to NO to require a unique license number for each vehicle.
Set Allow duplicate serial to YES to allow vehicles to have duplicate serial numbers (VIN); set to NO to require a unique serial number for each vehicle.
NOTE: When this switch is set to NO, the license plate and serial number fields cannot be left blank on more than one vehicle.
25 Not in use for Windows versions of RTA.
26 Use Multiple Facility: Will you be tracking multiple shops or cost centers? This switch allows you to track multiple shops and facilities. Set to YES to use multiple facilities; set to NO to track costs for only one facility. When this switch is activated, you'll either be prompted for the facility number you want to access or be given the option to change the facility. If your company has regions (a group of facilities), set this switch to YES and use the System Security feature. Refer to "Facilities" and "System Security" for more information.
NOTE: Even if you only have one shop, it is a good idea to set up another facility to store data for sold or auctioned vehicles.
27 Prompt for Turnpike: Do you need to track turnpike miles? Some states give fuel credits for turnpike miles; therefore, you may opt to distinguish turnpike miles from normal road miles. All miles are tracked, but a subtotal is available for turnpike miles. Set to YES to be prompted for turnpike miles when entering fuel (FFM, FFQ); set to NO to exclude this prompt.
28 Tire File Switches: Will you be using the Tire module? Set Create tags for Tires to YES if you wish to have the option of creating tags for tires received through purchase orders; set to NO if you don't want to create tire tags when tires are received.
Set Check for duplicates to YES if you are using multiple facilities (switch 26) and want to check other facilities for duplicate tire numbers. Doing so prevents the use of the same tire numbers in multiple facilities, eliminating potential issues that may arise when vehicles are transferred to or tires are mounted or dismounted in another facility.
Set Check for duplicates to NO if you want the ability to use duplicate tire numbers in other facilities.
Tire renumber transfers part: If a tire that is linked to a part is renumbered to a different facility, the part will also be transferred to the new facility.
29 Accepting Revenues: Will you be tracking vehicle revenues? If you want to track revenues earned for vehicles, set this switch to YES and a prompt will be available while entering fuel in the Many States option (FFM). Set to NO to exclude this prompt.
30 Odometer Units: Are your vehicle meters based on mileage or kilometers? This flag only affects your output, not your input. You can set your output to be displayed or printed in MILES or KILOMETERS. The system does the necessary calculations to show the correct output regardless of the setting for this switch. The conversion is as follows: if set to Miles, all units for kilometer-based vehicles are divided by 1.6093; if set to Kilometers, all units for mileage-based vehicles are multiplied by 1.6093. The RTA system always stores distance figures in miles and does the necessary conversions to accommodate reporting requirements for mixed fleets.
31 Use Customer Billing: Do you bill department or customers for repair work? Many fleets do their own internal billing, as well as some commercial work. The RTA system can provide a simplified billing for all repairs and parts that you sell internally or externally. When a new work order is created, the customer number assigned to the vehicle (MVM) is automatically used as the default customer. This switch controls what happens at the customer number prompt when a new work order is created. The YES setting stops at the customer number prompt, allowing the option accepting the default customer, deleting out the default customer, or changing the customer number (non-file customer is acceptable). The REQUIRED setting works in the same manner as the YES setting except that a valid customer number is required—the customer number field cannot be left blank and the customer record must exist in the customer file (MCM). The NO setting automatically assigns the default customer and bypasses the customer number prompt altogether; this is a great option if you never or rarely need to change the default customer number. On any of the settings, the customer number on the work order can be changed at anytime by clicking on the customer field and making the change.
32 Home Facility: Enter your home, or default, facility number. If you're not using multiple facilities (switch 26), set this to 00001. The default entered here is used only if the default facility stored in the user record is invalid (SUM).
NOTE: If you're not using the System Security feature (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 9), the default facility is stored in a global user record named SYSTEM.
33 Print Department on Work Order: Do you want vehicle department numbers to print on Standard work orders? Set to YES to print vehicle department numbers in the header of Standard work orders; set to NO to print "CO # ______________" in the header instead.
34 Overhead Facility/Customer Flag: Will you be adding overhead charges to work orders? Overhead or shop supply charges can be added to all work orders to help cover the cost of unbilled shop expenses such as shop cleanup, lubricants, and rags. This switch controls how the overhead will be applied. Set to FACILITY to use the overhead percentages set in facility records (MFM); this allows various overhead percentages to be applied, by facility, to parts, labor, tires, and miscellaneous costs. Set to CUSTOMER to charge overhead using the shop supply rate set in the customer record; this allows overhead charges to be applied, by customer, to labor costs only (Use Customer Billing, switch 31, must be set to YES or REQUIRED).
35 Paperless Driver Inspection:
Set Edit Cause to YES to allow editing of cause codes during inspection.
Set WO Line Mechanic assigns a mechanic to a work order job line created by a defect: Defect = mechanic reporting the defect, Last = last mechanic editing defect section, None = blank, no mechanic assigned.
Set VMRS Search Level for matching open repair jobs.
Set Inspection Review to YES to create repair jobs from review section of the program, set to NO to process on close of the inspection.
36 Paperless Driver Template. Set to YES to use only templates assigned to the vehicle's PMs, set to NO to use all templates.
37 Cross Referencing: Will you be using vehicle unit cross-reference numbers? If you plan on using vehicle unit cross-reference numbers to access vehicle records, set this switch to MAKE and set the "Use VEH-XREF file" switch in Misc. Parameters I to YES (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 21). Set this switch to NONE to access vehicles by the primary vehicle number. The Unit Xref field is located in the vehicle file (MVM).
38 VMRS System Level: How much detail do you need? The RTA system is capable of tracking maintenance and repairs using three-, six-, or nine-digit VMRS codes. VMRS stands for vehicle maintenance reporting standards, a number coding system for maintenance and repair jobs. Specify the level of detail you wish to track and the system will prompt for VMRS codes accordingly when entering work orders or retrieving history. If you choose to use a nine-digit VMRS code, you have the option of using either single or split detail for VMRS lookup lists. The major VMRS code (first three digits) has its own lookup list. For the remaining six-digits, the single detail option brings up one lookup list displaying both the intermediate (second three digits) and minor VMRS codes (last three digits). The split detail option breaks up the intermediate and minor VMRS codes into two separate lookup lists.
NOTE: The split detail option is designed to work with the American Trucking Association (ATA) VMRS codes. If you aren't using ATA codes, VMRS header records must exist for each major area of repair for the split detail option to work properly. ATA VMRS codes are available upon request. If you prefer to use the ATA VMRS codes instead of the codes provided with your RTA system, contact RTA. Refer to "VMRS Codes" for more information.
39 Work Order Reason and Cause for Repair: Will you be tracking the reason and cause for work orders?
Set Reason Codes to YES to specify a reason code for creating new work orders; set to NO to skip this field.
Set Cause Codes to YES to have the option of selecting a cause code when adding working order lines; set to NO to skip this field. The Reason and Cause codes are user-defined in System Codes (SSY).
40 Work Accomplished Codes: Will you be tracking work accomplished codes? Set to YES to be prompted for a work accomplished code when closing work order lines; set to NO to exclude this prompt. Work accomplished codes are user-defined in System Codes (SSY).
41 Warranty Claims: Set Track Warranty Claims to YES to track claims on warrantied items.
The Create Warranty Claims determines how the system will handle items where the warranty status cannot be determined. Set to CREATE will create a warranty claim for the unknown item. Set to IGNORE will not create a claim for the unknown item.
Set to PROMPT will ask the user whether they would like a claim to be created.
42 Not in use.
43 Use Purchase Requests: Set to YES to enable utilization of the parts reservation feature allowing mechanics to specify/reserve parts needed for jobs they are working on. Parts staff receive notification of the need to order the part.
44 Use PO Approval System: Set to YES to enable utilization of the purchase order approval feature. System will require an approval of PO’s based on a dollar amount you set. See the PO Approval Module How To.
45 Usage Statistics: Your system automatically sends information to RTA about how you use certain features. Setting to OFF will disable this only until the next version update.
46 Local Temp Dir: By selecting YES, all temporary files created will be stored to your local temp directory.
47 Enhanced Grid Format: (SQL Only) Select On to enable this feature to take advantage of enhanced F1 lookup grids. Refer to the feature documentation before proceeding, as additional setup is required.
48 Active User Log: (SQL Only) When you choose to enable the Active User Log the system will log the users that are active in the program. This active log info can be accessed Under System > Setup Users > Active Logins Maintenance (SUA). This is particularly handy during the End of Month Process to make sure and get everyone out of the system. See End of Month Processing.
49 Store Attachments in Cloud: (SQL Only) Enabling this feature will store any electronically attached items to the Cloud instead of on a local Drive.
Note: Disabling this feature will cause your electronic files to be unavailable for Web and Mobile experiences.
50 Enable Vehicle Locator: (SQL Only) If you are using a GPS tracking software then enabling this feature will help locate a Vehicle on a map.
Parts Parameters (SSM)
The switches in this option affect the features in the Part Inventory module, requisitions, purchase orders (POs), part tags, and bin labels.
Line - Functionality Description
01 Use Custom Tag/Bin: Will you be printing part tags or bin labels? This switch determines the print format for part tags and bin labels. RTA provides seven different print formats-for continuous feed labels and sheet labels.
Laz: This option is designed to print bar coded tags/bin labels on an HP compatible laserjet in a 3 x 10 format (3 columns, 10 rows).
Lz2: This option is designed to print bar coded tags/bin labels on an HP compatible laserjet in a 2 x 10 format (2 columns, 10 rows).
No: This option produces a standard tag/bin label with six lines of text, which includes the fits codes, and an optional bar code.
Ova: This option prints bar coded tags/bin labels on thermal printers and is available only if the Ovation, C.Itoh, or Citizen printers have been purchased from RTA.
Ov4: This option prints bar coded tags/bin labels on thermal printers and is available only if the Ovation, C.Itoh, or Citizen printers have been purchased from RTA. This option is designed to print on larger than standard (4 inch) labels.
SLP: This option prints bar coded tags/bin labels on Smart Label printers.
Yes: This option produces a custom tag/bin label with 3 lines of text and an optional bar code.
02 Column Spacing: Tags can be printed one to four columns wide. This option allows you to adjust the column widths for proper label alignment. If your tags aren't printing in the correct spot in columns 2-4, enter a value from 1 to 9 to increase the tag width until the correct alignment is achieved.
03 Print Bar Codes: Do you want to print part bar codes?
Set Bar Code Printing to YES to have the option of including or excluding bar codes on various part reports, part tags, and bin labels; set to NO to skip this prompt and not print bar codes.
Set Form Feed to YES to ensure proper tag alignment if Bar Code Printing is also set to YES.
04 Row Spacing: Tags contain three to six lines of text. This option allows you to adjust the row heights for proper label alignment. If your tags aren't printing on the correct label, enter a value from 1 to 9 to increase the tag height until the correct alignment is achieved.
05 Allow Zero Lines on PO: Do you allow "blank" purchase orders? This switch controls whether purchase orders can be created with no parts ordered. Set to YES to allow POs to be created without adding any PO lines. Set to NO to prevent POs from being created unless at least one part is ordered (i.e., one PO line must be added).
06 Set Buyer to User ID: Do you want to know who created a purchase order? This switch identifies the user who created a purchase order. To properly use this feature, the "System Security" switch in Misc. Parameters I must be set to YES or SYS (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 9). Set this switch to YES to automatically input the RTA user ID in the Buyer field when new POs are created. The Buyer field is located in the Purchase Order Information sub-window (PPC). Set to NO if you aren't using System Security or you don't want to auto-fill the Buyer field.
NOTE: If you aren't using System Security, you can still identify who created the PO by having that person manually enter his/her name in the Buyer field.
07 Prompt PO Lines/Close PO: Parts ordered on multi-line POs can be received as a group or line by line. This switch controls what happens when parts are received as a group on purchase orders. When receiving PO lines as a group,
Set Prompt PO Lines/Page to YES to be prompted for confirmation as each PO line is processed. This is handy when all but one or two parts on the PO have come in-simply choose to receive the PO lines as a group, then confirm which parts have been received rather than receiving each line individually. Set this switch to NO to receive all the PO lines selected without being prompted.
Set Prompt to Close PO to YES to have the option of closing the PO or leaving it open after the last PO line has been received; set to NO to skip the prompt and automatically close the PO when all PO lines have been received.
08 Lines Per Purchase Order: Do you need to limit the number of lines allowed on purchase orders? One purchase order can contain up to 99 PO lines. The default is set to allow 99 lines per PO, but you may change this setting to suit your needs.
09 Stock Areas (1 through 5): How many part stocking areas do you have? The RTA system allows you to track part inventories in five different locations (per facility). For example, suppose you have a total of 1000 quarts of oil in inventory- 500 in the parts room, 200 on a service truck, and another 300 in an overstock warehouse. You can set this switch to 3 to track the various stock areas. Enter a number from 1 to 5 to indicate how many stocking areas you wish to track. If you are tracking more than one stocking area, you'll be prompted to specify which stocking area is receiving and issuing parts.
10 PO Print Defaults: This switch contains default settings for PO print formats. Set the defaults according to your preferences.
Use Pre-Printed POs: Set to YES if you're using a custom PO program designed to fit on your pre-printed POs; set to NO to use one of the standard PO print formats in RTA. If this switch is set to YES, the name of the custom program needs to be defined in the "Custom PO" switch in Misc. Parameters II (SSS, Miscellaneous II tab, switch 13), and "Out of Printed Forms" should be set to NO (switch 23).
The following options for this switch are used to determine the PO print format and are available only when "Use Pre-Printed POs" is set to NO.
PO Print Type: Set to WIDE to print a 132-column PO; set to NARROW to print an 80-column PO; set to TRACK to print a 132-column PO that provides spacing in the PO header to identify what the PO is for, who requested it, who authorized it, and who ordered it. We suggest trying out each setting to decide which format you like best.
Print on Letterhead: This portion allows you to print purchase orders and work orders on your company letterhead; set to PO, WO, or BOTH if you'll be printing on letterhead paper and then specify the number of Lines to Skip in order to start printing below the letterhead logo; set to NONE to not print on letterhead paper.
Display Wide/Narrow/Track Prompt: Set to YES to have the option of printing the Wide, Narrow, or Track PO format each time POs are printed (the setting in "PO Print Type" is displayed as the default); set to NO to skip this prompt and always print POs using the specified PO format.
11 Stock Price, Levels 1 through 8: Part requisitions are automatically generated for stocked parts when the part quantities drop below the reorder points. In order to calculate the reorder quantities, RTA uses a formula that takes the part price and usage into account. The table and formula used is as follows:
Level | Price | Factor |
1 | 1.00 | 200 |
2 | 2.00 | 90 |
3 | 6.00 | 45 |
4 | 10.00 | 30 |
5 | 40.00 | 10 |
6 | 200.00 | 5 |
7 | 999.00 | 1 |
8 | 9999.00 | 0 |
(Factor X Usage per Period)
Reorder Qty =---------------------------------------
Days per Period
The factor for parts costing less than $1.00 is 200. The factor for parts costing between $1.00 and $2.00 is 90. The higher the part cost, the lower the reorder quantity. Adjust the Price and/or Factor if needed.
12 EOP Part Audit: Set to YES causes a txt file containing a part audit to be created each time the End of Period Parts procedure is run.
13 Inventory Value/Overrides? If set to Average Price, the part price will be averaged with those already on-hand as parts are added to inventory. Those previously on-hand will also be updated with the new price. If set to FIFO, the part price will use the first-in, first-out computing method, which assumes that the oldest inventory of a given part is always used first. It can result in two of an identical part containing two different prices. When posting parts to work orders, you may encounter a part that shows a zero quantity in RTA, yet there is actual quantity on the shelf. This could be due to lag times between posting parts received and parts used OR erroneous entries or counts. When this occurs, this switch controls whether you will be allowed to post the part. Set to YES to allow the part to be posted, thus causing a negative quantity in RTA; set to NO to be prompted to adjust the inventory level. If you choose to adjust the inventory to a sufficient level, you'll be allowed to post the part afterwards. If you choose not to adjust the inventory, you will not be permitted to post the part until sufficient quantity is available to post.
14 Use Blanket POs: Set to YES to have the ability to create blanket POs for your vendors. Each blanket PO can have up to 999 releases, and each release can contain up to 99 lines on it (switch 8). Set to NO if you don't use blanket POs.
15 Use Master Parts List: Set to YES to allow a master facility to dictate parts inventory to subordinate facilities.
16 Ship Days Buffer: In the parts ordering formulas, a reference is made to ship days. A 10-day buffer is used to allow for delays in receiving parts that have been ordered. Enter a new value, from 1 to 99, to adjust the ship time as needed.
17 PO Prefix and Prompt: Your POs can include prefixes along with the PO number. Enter a prefix to use in PO Prefix (optional) and then set Prompt For to YES or NO. When Prompt For is set to YES, you'll be prompted for the prefix number when creating new POs; the prefix entered will be displayed as the default. When Prompt For is set to NO, the prefix prompt is bypassed and the specified prefix is used.
18 PO Suffix and Prompt: Your POs can include suffixes along with the PO number. Enter a suffix to use in PO Suffix (optional) and then set Prompt For to YES or NO. When Prompt For is set to YES, you'll be prompted for the suffix number when creating new POs; the suffix entered will be displayed as the default. When Prompt For is set to NO, the suffix prompt is bypassed and the specified suffix is used.
19 Voucher Print Prompt: Set to YES to have the option of printing a voucher when POs are printed; set to NO to not print vouchers. PO Receipt Prompt: Set to YES to print a receipt every time items are received on a purchase order.
20 Accept SIC Code and Prompt: Set Prompt For to YES to be prompted for a standard industry code (SIC) when adding PO lines. The SIC code entered in Default SIC Code (optional) displays as the default. Set Prompt For to NO to skip prompt and automatically use the specified SIC code (leave Default SIC Code blank to not use SIC codes).
21 Access Authorization: Choose whether to record the currently logged in user's name when making adjustments to part quantities or whether to prompt the user to manually input their authorization info.
22 Reorder Point Settings:
Enter a value from 1 to 99999 in Minimum Reorder Point to specify the minimum default for the reorder point. Typically, the default reorder point is set to 1, meaning parts will be requisitioned when quantities drop below 1. You can set this higher if you don't want to run completely out of stock before requisitions get created.
The second portion of this switch determines the part quantity that is requisitioned when the quantity falls below the reorder point.
Set Calculation Method to STANDARD to create requisitions for the specified reorder quantity indicated in the part record (MPM); set to NON-STANDARD to requisition only enough parts to bring the quantity back up to the specified reorder point in the part record. When the non-standard calculation method is used, the reorder quantity in the part record is not used at all. Set to MIN/MAX to requisition only enough parts to bring the quantity back up to the max quantity specified.
23 Out of Printed Forms: Set to YES if you're using pre-printed POs and are temporarily out of forms (switch 10); this allows POs to be printed on plain paper. Set the switch back to NO when pre-printed forms are available again.
24 Add Tax to Part Cost: Do you want to include part tax in part price computations? When a part is received on a PO (PPC), the system calculates the part's new average price. Set this switch to YES to include part tax paid in the new price calculations; set to NO to exclude part tax from the calculations.
25 Prompt for Shop or Vendor PO: Set to YES have the option of printing POs for the shop or vendor when POs are printed; set to NO to skip this prompt.
26 Update Parts/Last PO Field: The part record stores the last PO number and date (MPM). This switch determines when that information is updated. Set this switch to ORDERED to update the part record when it is ordered on a PO; set to RECEIVED to update the part record when it came in.
27 Bar Code Height and Strikes: This switch controls the look of bar codes. Enter a 1 or 2 in Bar Code Height to set the height of the bar code.
Enter a 1 or 2 in Bar Code Strikes to set the darkness (dot matrix printers only)-1 for newer ribbons, 2 for older ribbons.
28 Delete Requisitions Prompt: This switch controls what happens to requisitions when POs are manually created using the Create/Receive PO option (PPC). Set to ALWAYS to automatically delete requisitions when parts are ordered on POs (recommended setting); set to NEVER to keep requisitions on file even though orders have been placed; set to PROMPT to have the option of keeping or deleting requisitions when parts are ordered on POs.
29 Prompt for Invoice Number: Set to YES to have the option of entering an invoice number when creating new POs; set to NO to skip this entry. The invoice number can be added or modified at any time by selecting View > View PO Info from the purchase order menu or by clicking on the View PO Info icon in the toolbar.
30 Received Date and Invoice Prompts: Set to YES to have the option entering receive dates and invoice numbers when PO lines are received (recommended setting); set to NO to skip this prompt and use the current system date as the receive date. This information can be added or modified at any time by selecting View > View PO Info from the purchase order menu or by clicking on the View PO Info icon in the toolbar.
31 Use Your Own PO Numbers:
Set Use Own PO Numbers to YES to use your own purchase order numbering system and then set Type of PO Number to ALPHANUMERIC or NUMERIC to indicate what type of PO numbering system you'll be using. An alphanumeric numbering system allows text and numbers. A numeric numbering system only allows numbers.
Set Use Own PO Numbers to NO to have the RTA system generate purchase order numbers (numeric only). Once you set this switch and start entering purchase orders, this switch should not be changed!
32 Prompt for Work Order and Requisition Numbers:
Set Prompt WO Number to YES to have the option, when adding PO lines, of identifying the work orders that need the parts being ordered; set to NO to skip this field if parts are always ordered for stock.
Set Prompt Requisition Number to YES to have the option of entering requisition numbers when adding PO lines; set to NO to skip this field.
33 Part Screen Options:
Set Create Requisitions to YES to check stock levels when new part records are added and when existing part records are saved. Requisitions will be created if quantity on hand is below the reorder point. Set to NO to not create requisitions when adding new parts or saving existing parts.
The second portion of this switch gives you the option of adding new parts to multiple facilities, eliminating the need for having to add the same information individually to each facility.
Set Add to Multiple Facilities to YES to be prompted to add new part records to other facilities. If you choose to add to other facilities, the part records will be added to the current facility and to the specified range of facilities. Set to NO to skip this prompt or if you aren't using multiple facilities (SSM, switch 26).
34 Prompt to Post Parts to WO: Do you want to immediately post parts received on purchase orders to work orders?
Set this switch to YES to have the option of posting parts to work orders while receiving parts on purchase orders. If you choose to post at that time, you'll be given access to the Work Order module. From there, you would select the work orders and manually post the parts in the usual manner.
Set this switch to AUTO to automate the process of posting parts to work orders. In order to use this feature "Prompt WO Number" should also be set to YES, but is not required (switch 32). As each PO line is received, you'll have the option to auto-post the part OR receive the part to stock. If you choose Auto-Post, the system automatically posts the entire quantity ordered on the PO line to the specified work order and work order line.
Set this switch to NO to skip this prompt and always receive parts to stock.
35 WO Post Estimate Parts: Do you want to auto-post parts from an estimate work order? Set this switch to YES to have the option of auto-posting parts from estimate work orders to "live" work orders; a prompt will appear when the Post Parts option is accessed in work orders that were generated from approved estimates. Set this switch to NO to require parts to be manually posted to work orders.
36-37 Use Account Codes/Default Account Code: Set Use Account Codes to YES to have the option of entering account numbers when adding PO lines; set to VALIDATE to only allow the use of account numbers that have been set up through the Update Account # option (STPA); set to NO to skip this field. If this switch is set to YES or VALIDATE, the account number from the part record (MPM) and the default account number entered in Default Account Code (switch 37) will be available for selection OR you can input a different account number.
38 Hide Never Approved PO#s: Setting this switch to YES will hide the Purchase Order Numbers for any Non-Approved Purchase Orders. This will only happen if you have the PO Approval module turned on. See Switch# 44-Use PO Approval System under Main System Parameters section.
39 Approve Requisition: Setting this switch to YES will require the approval of a purchase requisitions before you can add to a Purchase Order. Setting this switch to NO allow purchase requisitions to be added to a Purchase Order with no prior approval.
40 Default Email PO Body: This switch allows you to create a Default Email Message to be used when using the Email to Vendor option in the Purchase Order Module. See Email PO Document to Vendor.
Fuel Parameters (SSM)
Throughout this section, you'll see references to company, inside, non-company, or outside fuel. Company or inside fuel refers to fuels dispensed from your pumps at your fuel islands. Non-company or outside fuel refers to fuel purchased on the road or from other companies. You'll also see references to EFI, which is our Electronic Fuel Interface add-on option. EFI loads fuel transactions from third-party fueling systems into RTA. Contact an RTA sales representative for more information about EFI.
Line - Functionality Description
01 Tracing Fuel Consumption: Will you be entering fuel transactions? RTA tracks primary meters and fuel meters for vehicles in order to accurately report vehicle MPG figures. Primary and fuel meters are updated through the Work Order, Vehicle, and Tire Inventory modules, fuel meters only through the Fuel Inventory module. This switch actually controls what happens to the fuel meter when EOP for vehicles is processed (SEV), not whether fuel transactions can be entered into the system. Set this switch to YES if you will be entering fuel transactions; this causes the primary and fuel meter to remain at their current readings when EOP is processed, resulting in the most accurate MPG reporting. Setting this switch to NO updates the fuel meter reading to match the primary meter reading when EOP is processed; do this only if:
You won't be entering fuel transactions, OR
You won't be processing EOP for vehicles, OR
You won't be tracking vehicle MPG costs per transaction
02 Company Fuel Taxable: Set to YES if fuel dispensed from your pumps is taxable (i.e., price paid for fuel did not include tax when you purchased it); set to NO if the fuel tax was paid when you received the tank drop and is not taxable at the pumps.
03 Recalculate Transaction Cost: Do you generally enter the fuel cost total or price per gallon? This switch controls the calculation used for outside fuel purchases on the Open and Closed Fuel Transaction report (FFLO, FFLC). Fuel prices and quantities go out several decimal places, which often results in total fuel costs being off a few pennies, or if there are many fuel transactions, it may add up to dollars. Set to YES to calculate total fuel costs based on the fuel quantities and prices from the fuel transactions entered; use this setting if you normally key in the PRICE PER GALLON on outside fuel transactions when entering fuel. Set to NO to use the totals from the fuel transactions entered; the Closed Fuel Transaction report will then match exactly to the totals from your fuel entries (the actual fuel price per gallon figure will be adjusted accordingly); use this setting if you normally enter in the TOTAL COST of the outside fuel transactions when entering fuel.
04 Create Cross Facility Cross-References: Do your vehicles fuel up in one facility or multiple facilities? This switch helps to locate vehicles for fuel transactions processed through EFI (FFEP) or uploaded through TriCoder Input (FFT). Set this switch to YES if you allow vehicles to fuel up in multiple facilities. For example, cross facility fueling is allowed if a vehicle residing in facility 00001 is allowed to receive fuel from a pump located in facility 00005. Set to NO if vehicles can only fuel up in the facility where they reside or if you're not using multiple facilities.
05-06Not in use.
07 Enter Miles Only: Will you be entering mileage, fuel, or both? This switch controls how the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ) will function; set to NO to enter both mileage and fuel information; set to YES to only update vehicle meter readings; set to PROMPT to be prompted for what you'll be entering each time the Quick Fuel Entry option is accessed.
08 Update Days Utilized: Will you be tracking vehicle utilization? If you will be tracking utilization, set to YES to be able to enter the number of days used while entering fuel transactions (FFM, FFQ); set to NO to skip this field. The utilization percentage is calculated by dividing the total days used by the number of days in the current period (e.g., 27 days used / 30 days this period = 90% vehicle utilization). Utilization is reported on the vehicle total cost reports.
09 Auto Post EFI Transactions: Will fuel transactions be entered only through EFI? Set to YES to immediately post and update RTA pump and tank information when EFI transactions are processed (FFEP); set to NO to have the option of reviewing the processed EFI transactions prior to updating RTA pump and tank information.
10 Use Cross-Reference in Quick Fuel: Set to YES to use both the fuel cross-reference from the vehicle record (MVM, Fluids tab) and the primary vehicle number in the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ). When a vehicle number is entered, the RTA system searches for a vehicle that has a fuel cross-reference number matching the number entered. If a matching fuel cross-reference isn't found, the system then searches for the vehicle using the primary vehicle number. Set to NO to search for vehicles using only the primary vehicle number.
11-16Not in use.
17-19 Default Diesel, Regular, and Unleaded Prices: (EFI only) Enter the default prices per gallon for each fuel type. These figures are used only when Using fuel price is set to SIZEFILE in the EFI load modules (FFEM).
20-22Not in use.
23 Reasonable Miles Percent: Enter the percentage for allowable mileage fluctuations. This percentage is used when fuel transactions are uploaded through TriCoder Input (FFT). For example, a value of 1.50 in this field means that a fuel transaction is considered normal if the distance traveled is less than Fuel Quantity x Vehicle MPG x 1.50. If the distance traveled is greater, the transaction will be flagged as having high mileage and should be reviewed for accuracy.
24 Maximum Miles Percentage: Enter the percentage for maximum mileage fluctuations allowed. This percentage is used when fuel transactions are uploaded through TriCoder Input (FFT). For example, a value of 3.00 in this field means that a fuel transaction is considered normal if the distance traveled is less than Fuel Quantity x Vehicle MPG x 3.00. If the distance traveled is greater, the transaction will be flagged as having unreasonable mileage and should be reviewed for accuracy. When this occurs, the fuel quantity is accepted but the vehicle meter reading is not updated.
25 Reasonable Fuel Percent: Enter the percentage for allowable fuel usage fluctuations. This percentage is used when fuel transactions are uploaded through TriCoder Input (FFT). For example, a value of 1.20 in this field means that a fuel transaction is considered normal if the fuel quantity is less than Distance Traveled ÷ Vehicle MPG x 1.20. If the fuel quantity is greater, the transaction will be flagged as having high fuel usage and should be reviewed for accuracy.
26 Maximum Fuel Percent: Enter the percentage for maximum fuel usage fluctuations allowed. This percentage is used when fuel transactions are uploaded through TriCoder Input (FFT). For example, a value of 2.00 in this field means that a fuel transaction is considered normal if the fuel quantity is less than Distance Traveled ÷ Vehicle MPG x 2.00. If the fuel quantity is greater, the transaction will be flagged as having unreasonable fuel usage and should be reviewed for accuracy.
27 Maximum Mileage Range:
Enter the maximum mileage allowed when updating vehicle meter readings. If a new meter reading exceeds the previous meter reading by more than the value specified here, you'll be prompted to verify the entry. For example, if 2000 is the maximum mileage allowed, a warning comes up whenever a new meter reading exceeds the previous meter reading by more than 2000 miles.
Set Require Password to YES to require password level 1 to accept the new reading, overriding the maximum mileage; set to NO to allow the maximum mileage to be overridden without a password. Refer to "Meter Verification Prompts" discussed earlier in this manual.
NOTE: The value entered here is used as a default when a maximum mileage value has not been set in the vehicle class code file (MVC).
28 Accept Fuel Accounts: Do you want to track trip ticket numbers or charge numbers? Set to YES to be prompted for the trip ticket number or charge number when entering fuel transactions (FFM, FFQ); set to NO to skip this prompt.
29 Using Many States: Do your vehicles fuel up in various states? Set to YES to be able to input the state abbreviation when fuel transactions are entered; set to NO if you're not concerned about state miles and/or your vehicles are not traveling outside your home state. When set to NO, the system skips the state field and uses the home state defined in the facility record (MFM).
30 Skip Miles on Fuel: Do you want to enter the distance traveled, meter reading, or both? Set to NO to have the option, when entering fuel transactions through Quick Fuel Entry (FFQ), of either inputting the miles traveled (and having the system calculate the new meter reading) or inputting the new meter reading (and having the system calculate the miles); set to YES to only enter the meter reading (the Miles field will be skipped and automatically calculated based on the new meter reading).
31 Cross Facility Fueling: Do your vehicles fuel up in one facility or multiple facilities? Set to YES to allow vehicles to fuel up in multiple facilities through Quick Fuel Entry (FFQ). For example, cross facility fueling is allowed if a vehicle residing in facility 00001 is allowed to receive fuel from a pump located in facility 00005. Set to NO if vehicles can only fuel up in the facility where they reside or if you're not using multiple facilities.
32Not in use.
33-36 Default ATF, Antifreeze, Hydraulic Fluid, and Oil Prices: Enter the default prices per unit of issue (quart, gallon, etc.) for each item. These prices are used when transactions are uploaded through TriCoder Input (FFT) OR in EFI when Using fuel price is set to SIZEFILE in the load module (FFEM).
NOTE: The default oil price is also available when posting oil in the Many States fuel entry option (FFM).
37-38Not in use.
39 EFI Pump Summary Report: (EFI only) This switch determines whether pump summary information is printed at the end of the EFI Process and Transaction reports (FFEP, FFEI). Set to YES to include the pump summary on these reports; set to NO to exclude it; set to PROMPT to have the option of including or excluding the pump summary each time these options are accessed.
40 Prompt for State Miles: Do you want to update state miles manually or automatically? Set to YES to be prompted to update state miles at the end of each fuel entry in Quick Fuel Entry (FFQ); set to NO to skip this prompt and automatically post state miles (recommended setting).
41 Use Oil/Part Window: Do you add parts or lubricants during fuel-ups? Set to YES to have the ability to post parts while entering fuel transactions through Quick Fuel Entry (FFQ); set to NO to only enter fuel data. When set to YES, a Post Oils/Parts button is available allowing the posting of parts including, but not limited to, oil, ATF, antifreeze, washer fluid, and windshield wipers.
LineFunctionality Description
42 Bill All Fuel Transactions: Do you bill for company fuel, non-company fuel, or both? Set to YES if all fuel transactions are billable (company and non-company fuel); transactions will be written for all fuel transactions and reported on fuel billing reports (RFD, RFC, RFA). Set this switch to NO if only company fuel is billable; fuel billing transactions will be written and available only for fuel that is dispensed from your company pumps.
43 Driver Import Auto WO: Set to to YES to auto create work orders from the driver import process. Set to NO to manually create work orders from the driver report review screen.
44 Max Axles / Brake Depth:
Maximum Axles: Indicate the maximum number of axles allowed for a vehicle.
Brake Measurement Unit: Select whether to record brake depth measurements by percentage, inches, millimeters, or 32nds.
Brake Warning Depth: Indicate the warning level brake depth readings. This will color code a reading that is below this number in Yellow during brake inspection entry and in the history record. For more info see the Brake Inspection Setup.
Brake Critical Depth: Indicate the warning level brake depth readings. This will color code a reading that is below this number in Red during brake inspection entry and in the history record. For more info see the Brake Inspection Setup.
Miscellaneous Parameters I (SSM)
The switches in this option mostly affect the features in the Work Order module and Paperless Shop add-on option. However, there are a few switches that affect the RTA system, Vehicle Inventory, Part Inventory, and Tire Inventory modules so be sure to carefully review all the switches.
Line - Functionality Description
01 Days Between Odometer Update: This switch is valid only when the “Odometer Prompt in WO Post” is set to YES (switch 18); otherwise, it has no effect. This switch controls the frequency of the meter reading prompt when building work orders; set to 0 to always be prompted for the meter reading when work orders are created (recommended setting). Enter a non-zero value to be prompted only if the specified number of days has elapsed since the last meter reading was entered for that vehicle.
02 WO History Display: Do you want to see history when adding work order lines? Set to YES to see the last three occurrences of a repair when adding a work order line (recommended setting). For instance, if you are adding a brake job, the system will display the information for the last three brake jobs at the bottom of the window. If the last occurrences were within a short time of each other, you may want to check with the driver or part supplier to determine if these jobs are within reason or if there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Set this switch to NO to disable the history display. Set to PROMPT to display the vehicle history along with a message reminding you to view history.
03 Message Display Time: This switch controls the number of seconds various messages that appear throughout the software remain on the screen. Valid entries are 1 through 9.
04 Vehicle Make/Model List: Do you want the vehicle make/model options available in a drop down list? This switch controls data entry in the Make and Model fields in the vehicle record (MVM). Set to YES to select valid values from a drop down list. With this option, the data selection is limited, but the values will be consistent regardless of who entered in the data. Set this switch to NO to accept any and all data values typed in these fields.
05 Accept Odometers in Paperless Shop: Do you want mechanics to enter meter readings? (Paperless Shop only) Set to YES to prompt for a meter reading when mechanics finish a job (clocks off complete); set to NO to skip this prompt.
06 Allow Odometer Pass-By: Do you want to force a meter reading? This switch is valid only when the “Odometer Prompt in WO Post” is set to YES (switch 18); otherwise, it has no effect. Set this switch to YES to allow current meter readings to be accepted by pressing the ENTER key or by choosing OK. Set to NO to require a meter reading to be entered, even if the meter reading is the same as the displayed reading.
07 Track Back Ordered Parts: Do you want to track back ordered parts? Set to YES to track back ordered parts in purchase orders. When partial orders are received on purchase orders, a prompt comes up giving you the option of placing the remaining quantity on backorder or deleting it from the purchase order. Set to NO if you aren’t tracking back ordered parts. When partial orders are received, the system eliminates the remaining quantity from the purchase order.
08 Copyright Notice Time: This switch controls the number of seconds the copyright information is displayed when the RTA system is loaded. Valid entries are 1 through 9.
09 System Security: Do you want to secure certain options? The RTA Fleet Management Software has a comprehensive security feature that allows you to customize the RTA system for your shop security needs—locking individuals out of certain areas of the software while granting access to others. Set to YES to use the System Security feature; set to NO if security is not an issue. When security is activated, users must login in with a valid ID and password before access to the RTA system is granted. Setting this switch to SYS uses the user’s system/network login ID as the RTA user ID; a valid password is still required for access. This setting works with limited operating systems. NOTE: If you plan to use System Security, set up user IDs, passwords, and privileges before activating this switch. Refer to “System Security” for more information. You can also set to SSO for single sign on. To see more info on this, see RTA Single Sign On.
10 Display Productivity Percentages: (Paperless Shop only) Set to YES to allow mechanics to see their productivity percentages on various screens in Paperless Shop; set to NO to not display this information.
11 PM Report Defaults: You are prompted for various intervals when running PM reports. This gives you the flexibility of seeing all PMs due within the next X days or Y miles (i.e., all PMs due within the next 30 days or 500 miles). Enter the default values to use for PM reports; you can override these values at any time when running the PM reports. The settings here are also used to determine if PMs are due or due soon when work orders are created; vehicle PM information will be displayed in the work order header.
12 Prompt for PO Number in WO: This switch is valid only when the “Use Customer Billing” switch in Main System Parameters is set to YES or REQUIRED (SSM, switch 31); otherwise, it has no effect. Set this switch to YES to be prompted, when creating work orders, for PO numbers after customer numbers have been entered; set to NO if you are not using customer billing or want to skip this entry.
13 Set VMRS Code Flag: Use VMRS code from Parts or Work Orders? This switch pertains to UserDefined Buckets (SSU). Set to NO if you will not be setting up user-defined costs. If you will be tracking user-defined costs, set this switch to PART FILE to track costs using VMRS codes from part records (MPM); set to REPAIR LINE to track costs using VMRS codes on work order lines. Refer to “User-Defined Buckets” for more information.
14 Markup for Non-Inventory Parts: Do you want to markup non-file parts? This switch controls whether a markup will be applied when non-file parts are posted on work orders. Non-file parts are parts that aren’t set up in the Part Inventory module (MPM). Enter 0 to not apply a markup to non-file parts. To apply a markup on non-file parts, enter the markup in decimal format (i.e., enter .25 to apply a 25% markup).
15 Prompt for Work Order Line Notes: Set to YES to be prompted for notes as work order lines are added; set to NO to skip this prompt. NOTE: Line notes can be added or modified at any time by selecting Notes > Line Notes from the work order menu or by clicking on the Line Notes icon in the toolbar.
16 Work Order Numbering: Do you want to number your own work orders or have the RTA system generate them? Set to Use Own Numeric WO Numbers or Use Own Alphanumeric WO Numbers to use your own work order numbering system. Set to System Numeric No Override to have the RTA system generate work order numbers. Set to System Numeric Allow Override to have the RTA system generate work order numbers, but also allow you to use your own work numbers (numeric only). A numeric numbering system only allows numbers. An alphanumeric numbering system allows text and numbers. Once you set this switch and start entering work orders, this switch should not be changed!
17 Use Shop Codes on Work Orders: Shop codes are used to identify shop areas such as Paint Shop or Body Shop. Set to YES to use Shop codes. Activating this switch brings up a shop ID prompt when building or searching for work orders. Set to NO to bypass this prompt.
18 Meter Prompting: Set to YES to be prompted for meter readings when building work orders or entering fuel utilization for vehicles (recommended setting); set to NO to skip this field. Set to YES w/Alt meters and select the checkboxes for WO and/or Fuel to be prompted for alternate meters in addition to the primary meter (if applicable for the vehicle).
19 Process PMs by Location: Set to YES to be prompted for a vehicle location when running PM reports. This allows PM reports to be generated for a specific location. Set to NO to skip this prompt. The Location field is found in the vehicle record (MVM).
20 Cost Report Format: Select the fuel consumption calculation method for vehicle cost reports—Miles per Gallon, Liters per 100 Kilometers, Gallons per Hour, Hours per Gallon, Kilometers per Liter, Kilometers per Gallon.
21 Use Vehicle Cross-Reference File: Do you want to access vehicles by the unit cross-reference number? To access vehicle records using the unit cross-reference number, set this switch to YES and set the “Cross-Referencing” switch in Main System Parameters to MAKE (SSM, switch 37). Activating this feature allows vehicles residing in various facilities to be accessed without having to specify the vehicle facility number. Set to NO if you aren’t using multiple facilities or you want to access vehicles by using the primary vehicle number (SSM, switch 26). The Unit Xref field is located in the vehicle record (MVM). NOTE: If this switch is set to YES, the Next Record option is not available in [Vehicle] File Maintenance (MVM).
22 Prompt on Exit from RTA: This switch prevents accidental exits from the RTA system when the ESC key is pressed at the RTA main menu. Set to YES to be prompted prior to exiting the RTA system; set to NO to skip this prompt.
23 Tags for Non-File Parts: Do you want to print tags for non-file parts? Set to YES to create part tag records for non-file parts received on purchase orders; set to NO if you won’t be printing part tags or don’t want to create tag records for non-file parts.
24 Close and Print Work Orders in Paperless Shop: Do you want mechanics to close or print work orders? (Paperless Shop only)
Set Close Work Order to ALLOW to prompt mechanics to close the work order when he/she finishes the last job on that work order (clocks off complete); set to DISALLOW to skip this prompt. When mechanics are prompted to close work orders and choose to leave the work orders open OR if this switch is set to DISALLOW, the work orders must be closed manually through the Work Order module.
Set Print Work Orders to PROMPT to give mechanics the option of printing work orders upon completion; set to NO to skip this prompt and not print work orders; set to ALWAYS to print completed work orders automatically without prompting.
25 Military Time or Alternate Time: Which time calculation method do you want to use with the Time Calculation feature? This switch controls the number of minutes the system uses for the Time Calculation feature. The Time Calculation feature is available when posting labor in work orders and posting indirect labor through Indirect Hours Entry (WI). Set to MILITARY to use 60 minutes per hour for time calculations; set to ALTERNATE to use hundredths of an hour (as used by time-clocks).
26 Print Work Order Authorization Line: Set to YES to print a line on the bottom of Standard work orders for an authorization signature; set to NO if you do not wish to print this line.
27 Work Order Dates: What date do you want to use when posting and closing a work order?
Set the Work Order Closing Date option to TODAY’S DATE to use the current system date as the work order close date; set to POSTING DATE to use the current transaction posting date as the close date (recommended setting).
Set the Work Order Default Dates option to PREVIOUS DATE to use the posting date from the previous work order as the default posting date until a new date is entered; this is useful when keying in older work orders. Use the TODAY’S DATE setting to use the current system date as the default posting date each time a work order is accessed; this setting is useful when work orders are input in real time.
28 Print Alternate Odometer Reports: Are you tracking alternate meters? The RTA system allows up to four alternate meters per vehicle to be tracked. Set to YES if you are tracking alternate meters; this gives you the option of printing vehicle cost reports by the standard meter or by one of the alternate meters. For example, if one of the alternate meters is set to track the number of yards hauled in your cement trucks, activating this switch gives you a choice of printing the vehicle cost report based on cost per mile or cost per yard. Set this switch to NO if you aren’t tracking alternate meters. Refer to “Alternate Meters” for more information.
29 Numeric or Alphanumeric GVW: This switch controls whether the G.V.W. field (gross vehicle weight) in the vehicle record (MVM) is treated as a numeric or alphanumeric field. Set to ALPHA to allow numeric and text entries in this field; set to NUMERIC to only allow numbers in this field. Refer to “Text Fields Vs. Numeric Fields” for more information.
30 Print Work Orders When Complete: This switch controls whether work orders will be printed when they are closed in the Work Order module (WW, WB). Set to ALWAYS PRINT to automatically print work orders upon completion; set to NO PRINT to not print work orders; set to PROMPT to have the option of printing or not printing work orders each time work orders are closed. NOTE: Work orders can be printed at any time by selecting File > Print from the work order menu or by clicking on the Print WO icon in the toolbar.
31 Use Work Order Master Note: Set to YES to be prompted, when work orders are closed, for general notes pertaining to the entire work order; set to NO to skip this prompt.
NOTE: Work order notes can be added or modified at any time by selecting Notes > WO Notes from the work order menu or by clicking on the WO Notes icon in the toolbar.
32 Change Labor Price, Part Price, or Tire Price: Do you want to allow these prices to be changed when posting to work orders? This switch allows or prohibits changes to labor, part, and tire prices posted to work orders. Individually set Change Wage, Change Part Cost, and Change Tire Cost to YES or NO depending on your preferences.
33 Prompt for Work Order Date and Period: This switch determines the post date used on work orders and to which period the costs will be accounted.
Set Prompt for WO Post Date to YES to be prompted for a date only while adding new work orders. If you exit the work orders then bring them back up, you will not be prompted again for the post date. The current system date will be used as the post date unless you manually change the date. This setting is best if work orders are posted the same day they are completed. However, if you get behind in posting, sometimes it’s hard to remember to change the post date. Set to NO to skip the date prompt and always use the current system date. You’ll still have the ability to change the post date manually.
Set to ALWAYS to be prompted for a post date every time work orders are created or accessed (recommended setting). This option allows you to enter a new post date or accept the current system date as the default post date. Regardless of the setting selected, once a date is entered, that date will be used as the default post date until a new date is input or until you exit work orders and return to the RTA main menu.
Set the second portion of the switch, Prompt Post Period, to YES to prompt for the accounting period in which the costs will be posted: Current, Year, or Life. This lets you post “misplaced” work orders to the proper period without affecting current period costs. Set this switch to NO if you aren’t processing EOP (SEV) OR you don’t want costs to be posted to previously closed accounting periods. All costs will then be posted to the current period regardless of the post date.
34 Prompt for Part Kits: Set to YES to be prompted for a part kit number when adding a work order line. By specifying a part kit, a parts pick lists can be generated, saving mechanics from having to figure out which parts are needed for the job. Set to NO to automatically assign PM part kits to PM work order lines OR to skip this field if you aren’t using part kits.
35 Print Parts Pick List: Set to YES if “Prompt for Part Kits” is set to YES (switch 34). A list of parts needed for the job will then be printed automatically whenever Shop and Time Shop work orders are printed. Set to NO if “Prompt for Part Kits” is set to NO. NOTE: Parts pick lists can be printed at any time by selecting File > Print from the work order menu or by clicking on the Print WO icon in the toolbar.
36 Use WO Priority Codes: Do you need to prioritize work orders? Set to YES to specify a priority code when creating new work orders—the lower the number, the higher the priority. Work orders will be listed by priority, highest to lowest, on the Work Order Scheduling report (WLW). Nine priority codes are available and pre-defined; you may edit them to suit your needs in System Codes (SSY). Set to NO to skip this field if you aren’t scheduling work orders (i.e., work orders are entered after the jobs have been completed).
37 Default Tire VMRS Code: Enter the major VMRS code for tire jobs (e.g., 017). When parts are posted to work order jobs using the specified major VMRS code, all the part costs posted will be accounted for in the Tires column on the Vehicle History Summary report (RRS).
38 WO Default Prompts: This switch contains default settings for prompts that come up in the Work Order module. Set the defaults according to your preferences to speed up the data entry process.
Close WO: When all jobs are completed on a work order, you’ll be prompted to close the work order; select YES or NO as your default answer.
Close WO Line: When exiting the work order posting options, you’ll be prompted to close the work order line (line complete); select YES or NO as the default answer to this prompt.
Print WO Type: When you opt to print work orders, you’re prompted to select the type of work order to print. Select one of the five work order formats as the default answer to this prompt: STANDARD, SHOP, TIME SHOP, CUSTOM and MECHANIC COPY. The Standard work order format includes the vehicle, customer, and vendor information as well as all the cost detail (if “Print WO with Pricing” (switch 44) is set to YES); this format can be used as an invoice. The Shop work order is designed to be used by mechanics. It prints the jobs to be performed and provides spacing for mechanics to indicate the parts used, the labor hours, and notes. The Time Stamp work order prints the same information as the Shop work order but also includes a place for the actual start and end times for each job. The Mechanic Copy is an alternate format that is similar to the Shop work order. Choose the format that best suits your needs. The Shop, Time Stamp and Mechanic Copy work orders automatically include a parts pick list if “Print Parts Pick List” is set to YES (switch 35). As jobs are completed, these printed shop work orders are usually given to data processing to enter into the RTA system. The Custom work order option prints work orders custom programmed for your fleet; the name of the custom program needs to be defined in the “Custom WO” switch in Misc. Parameters II (SSS, Miscellaneous II tab, switch 12).
Non-File Part Posting: When posting parts to work orders, if the part number entered isn’t found in the RTA system, you’ll be prompted for the course of action. Set the default answer to this prompt to CONTINUE to treat the part as a non-file part; set to NO to reenter the part number; set to ADD to add the part to the system
39 Update Vehicle Status: If set to Automatic, the vehicle’s status will be automatically updated when work order jobs for that vehicle are added, changed, or completed. If set to Manual, the user must manually modify the vehicle status when desired.
40 Mechanic Wage on Screen: Do you want to display the labor rate in work orders? Set to YES to always display the labor rate in work orders (recommended setting). Set to NO to prohibit the display of the labor rate when adding or posting to work order lines; however, total labor costs will still be displayed when posting labor, as will the labor totals when work orders are printed (if “Print WO with Pricing” (switch 44) is set to YES).
41 Use PO Freight: Set to YES to enable tracking freight charges on purchase orders.
42 Use Flat Labor/Validate Hours: Will you be charging a flat rate per hour on work orders?
Set Calculate by Flat Rate to YES to charge a flat labor rate per hour on work orders. When this switch is activated and labor is posted, the system uses the rate set in the “Flat Labor Rate” switch in Main System Parameters (SSM, switch 4). This eliminates having to enter flat rates for all your mechanics (MMM) or modifying them when the rate changes. Set to NO to charge the rates set in mechanic records; this setting allows different rates to be charged depending on who is performing the job (i.e., tougher jobs requiring your top mechanics can be charged at a higher rate).
Setting Calculate by Flat Rate to YES also brings up an additional prompt, when posting labor to work orders, allowing you to post different hours for the hours worked and hours charged for labor. For example, if a mechanic is being trained, a job that normally takes half an hour to complete might take an hour instead; enter 1.0 in Hours to post to properly account, for mechanic productivity purposes, the actual hours worked and .50 in Hours worked to only charge half an hour for labor. NOTE: We recommend setting up standard labor hours in the VMRS codes prior to implementing this feature. If you’re using Paperless Shop, the actual time clocked onto jobs will be posted and charged to work orders.
The second portion of this switch, Use System or Employee Rate, determines how the labor rate is billed. Set to SYSTEM to use the labor rate defined in the “Flat Labor Rate” switch in Main System Parameters as the billing rate (SSM, switch 4). Set to EMPLOYEE to use the flat labor rate defined in the employee file as the billing rate (MMM, Wages tab).
The third portion of this switch, Non-Zero Labor Hours, determines whether a zero value in the estimated hours field is permitted when adding work order lines. Set to YES to require a non-zero value for the estimated hours; set to NO to allow a zero value.
NOTE: If you aren’t tracking mechanic productivity, set this portion of the switch to NO.
43 Replace WO Notes with Template Notes: This switch controls what happens when template work orders containing work order master notes are used on work orders that already have master notes. Set to ALWAYS to replace the existing work order notes with the template notes; set to NEVER to keep the existing work order notes; set to PROMPT to have the option of replacing or keeping existing work order each time templates are used.
44 Print WO with Pricing: This switch controls whether prices will be printed on Standard work orders. Set to YES to always print prices; set to NO to always exclude prices; set to PROMPT to have the option of including or excluding prices each time work orders are printed.
45 Email Notifications: This switch will send email notifications when a work order has been completed. If emails are desired, set option to YES and select whether departments and/or customers will be emailed. SMTP settings must be configured for the user that closes the work order. Email address must be filled in for the department and/or customer master records.
46 Duplicate Inspection Defects: With this set to YES will create duplicate Work Order lines from a vehicle inspection report.
47 WO Line Use Account Codes:
Setting to YES will Prompt for the Job Account Code on a Work Order Line.
Setting to VALIDATE will validate the Job Account Code against the account code master file: System > Utilities > Parts > Update Account # (STPA).
Setting to NO will disable the use of Job Account Code Field.
48 3C Notes for WOs: Setting this option to YES turns on the 3C Notes option. This changes the line notes structure from one single notepad to a split section notepad that includes four sections:
Complaint Section
Cause Section
Correction Section
Original Line Note Section
49 Tire and Axle Module: Setting this to YES enables the tracking of the Tire Inspections and Axle Configurations in the Vehicle Master Records. This also includes the ability to electronically enter in Tire Tread and Pressure readings by position and a report for the Tire Position History.
50 Require WO Line Notes: This switch allows you to set minimum note requirements for the Work Orders. Also you can set in what modules you want the requirements set in. The options include Requiring Line Notes in:
Across both Work Order Modules
Paperless Shop Only
Standard Work Order Module Only
No Do not Require Notes
Once other then NO is selected you then have the option for each line note area to select the Number of Characters you want to set as a minimum amount that must be filled in before someone can close the Work Order. This Includes:
Complaint Notes
Cause Notes
Correction Notes
Line Notes
Note: If you have the switch set to NO or you leave the required minimum numbers to zero then this will not make notes required before closing the Work Order.
51 Share Paperless Jobs: Setting this to YES will turn on the Share Jobs in Paperless option when lines are being added to a Work Order.
Miscellaneous Parameters II (SSM) and Counters (SSC)
The switches in Miscellaneous Parameters II contain settings for custom programs. The switches in Counters contain system counters for data entered in RTA. Do not make changes to the settings in either of these options without RTA's guidance. Doing so could result in severe damage or loss of data!
System Codes (SSY)
This option lets you define values for codes used in work orders. The Priority, Cause, Work Accomplished, Repair Type, Indirect Labor, and Reason codes are all user-definable. All but Repair Type and Indirect Labor codes are optional for use, depending on how the switches in Main System Parameters and Miscellaneous Parameters I are set (SSM, SSI). You only need to review and modify the codes you will be using.
Priority Codes
The use of Priority codes is controlled by the "Use WO Priority Codes" switch in Misc. Parameters I (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 36). Priority codes determine the importance of work orders-the lower the number, the higher the priority of the work order. When adding a work order, you are required to assign a priority so it can be prioritized on the shop schedule. Work orders with higher priorities appear on displays and scheduling reports before those with lower priorities. Nine Priority codes are available and pre-defined; you may edit them to suit your fleet.
Cause Codes
The use of Cause codes is controlled by the "WO Reason/Cause Codes" switch in Main System Parameters (SSM, switch 39). Cause codes represent the cause for part failures. You are prompted for Cause codes when adding new work order lines. You can edit the cause codes and add new ones to suit your fleet. You can change both the 2-character code as well as the code description. The 2-character code could be a number (01, 19, etc.) or a text representation such as BR for BRoken or BE for BEnt.
Work Accomplished Codes
The use of Work Accomplished codes is controlled by the "WO Work Accomplished Codes" switch in Main System Parameters (SSM, switch 40). Work Accomplished codes provide brief descriptions of the work performed by mechanics. You are prompted for the Work Accomplished code each time a work order line is closed. Up to 99 codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed. You can edit both the code and/or the description.
Repair Type Codes
Unlike the previous codes discussed, there is no switch controlling the use of Repair Type codes. You must indicate the Repair Type on every work order line. Repair Type codes indicate what type of work is to be performed by mechanics (e.g., check, repair, replace). Up to 99 codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed. However, we strongly recommend leaving the first six codes as defined. You can edit the code, description, status, and abbreviation.
The Repair Type codes also play a part in determining the estimated hours it takes to complete jobs; this is where the Status field comes in. The Repair Type status determines if the work needed will be treated as a check, repair, replace, or an outside job. Once the Repair Type status is determined, the system then checks the vehicle difficulty factor (MVFS) and uses the appropriate estimated hours from the VMRS code. Refer to the status table shown. Notice there are five estimated hours for replacement jobs. These correspond to the vehicle difficulty factors, which can be set at 1-5. If the vehicle difficulty factor is set at 1, the value in RPLC1 is used; set at 2, RPLC2 is used; set at 5, RPLC5 is used. Refer to "Mechanic Productivity" for more information.
NOTE: If you aren't tracking mechanic productivity, don't be too concerned with the value in Repair Type status. We recommend setting the status at 3. When and if mechanic productivity tracking is implemented, you can adjust the status entries at that time.
Indirect Labor Codes
Indirect Labor codes are needed only if you are using the Paperless Shop add-on option or if you are tracking indirect hours worked for your mechanics. Indirect labor represents time spent performing non-vehicle related tasks such as running for parts, shop cleanup, or training. Up to 10 codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed. You can edit the code, description, and abbreviations 1 and 2. The abbreviations are used for two-line report headers. The headings for the default Indirect Labor codes appear on indirect labor reports as shown.
Reason Type Codes
The use of Reason codes is controlled by the "WO Reason/Cause Codes" switch in Main System Parameters (SSM, switch 39). Reason codes are used to indicate the source of the repair request such as driver reports or a breakdown. You are prompted for Reason codes when creating new work orders. Up to 99 Reason codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed. You can edit or add the Reason code, description, and VMRS flag.
When Prompt VMRS is set to YES, you will be prompted for an additional VMRS code when work orders are closed to categorize the types of repairs completed. This additional VMRS code is not used nor reported anywhere in the RTA system, but is available to third party report writing applications for generating custom reports.
NOTE: We recommend setting the Prompt VMRS flag to NO initially. This setting can be changed as you become familiar with the system or want to track more work order detail.
Vehicle Status Codes
Vehicle status codes are used to identify the current status of each vehicle in your fleet. The status is displayed in the Vehicle Master Screen (MVM) as well as the Vehicle Status Display screen (VA). You can define the two-character status code and description and whether a vehicle currently assigned this status code is considered available for use or not available. Up to 99 codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed.
Shop Codes
The use of Shop codes is controlled by the "Use Shop Codes on WOs" switch in Miscellaneous Parameters I (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 17). Shop codes are used to indicate which subdivision of your shop is assigned to do the work. You are prompted for a shop code when creating new work orders. Up to 99 Shop codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed.
Employee Class
Employee classes are used to categorize your employees into different classifications such as mechanic, clerk, manager, welder, etc. You are prompted for an employee class when creating or editing employees. Many class codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed.
Accident Codes
Accident codes are used by the add-on Accident Module. You are prompted for a shop code when creating new work orders. Many accident codes may be defined in the system. A few of them have been pre-defined; you can edit them and/or add new codes as needed.
Road Calls
Road Call codes are used by the add-on Road Call Module to specify various user-definable road call types, or categories.
Part Types
Part Type codes allow you to expand the built-in part types by specifying your own part types and descriptions. You must assign your new part type to place it's cost into an existing cost bucket when the part is used so that it's cost can be captured and recorded when used by a vehicle. The built-in part types may not be edited. When adding or editing part records in the Part Master Screen (MPM), you specify which part type it is, which drives the cost of parts used into specific categories and allows subtotaling inventory by part type.
User-Defined Buckets (SSU)
The RTA Fleet Management Software tracks many types of vehicle costs such as fixed costs, maintenance and repairs, accidents, fuel, tires, and more. If there are costs you wish to track that aren't already tracked by RTA, you can set it up here. This option allows you to track part costs posted to work orders within a range of VMRS codes. Up to 15 user-defined costs can be tracked in RTA. These costs are shown on the Cost Field report (RVB). To set up a user-defined cost code, do the following:
Select a line to define.
Enter a description for the cost code.
Specify the starting VMRS code.
Specify the ending VMRS code.
Once these steps have been completed, all costs posted through the Parts Posting option in work orders, falling within the specified VMRS code range, will be accounted for in the user-defined cost code as well as the normal cost categories tracked by RTA. The VMRS code used for comparison comes from either the work order line or the part record (MPM). The VMRS code that gets used is determined by the "Set the VMRS Code Flag" switch in Misc. Parameters I (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, switch 13); if set to REPAIR LINE, the VMRS code from the work order line is used; if set to PART FILE, the VMRS code from the part record is used.