Put PMs to Sleep

Put PMs to Sleep

This utility program sets the PM sleep and wake dates for all PMs, for a range of vehicles. Any existing sleep and wake information for PMs in the specified range will be overwritten with the new information from this utility. PMs not flagged as Sleep Mode Enabled will be skipped. Once the utility has been run, all sleep enabled PMs will be put to sleep and awakened on the specified dates. For more information about the PM sleep feature, refer to "Preventive Maintenance" under the set up a PM Schedule.

Running the Utility

  1. Select System > Custom Utilities II > PMs > Put PMs to Sleep from the RTA main menu (SIPP).
  2. Read the message displayed and then choose Yes to continue.
  3. Enter the facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  4. Select a radio button to indicate whether process vehicles by Vehicle number or Department.
  5. Depending on the radio button selected in the previous step, enter the starting and ending vehicle numbers or departments to process.
  6. Enter the sleep date or press F1 to select a date from the calendar. This is the date the PMs will be put in sleep mode, or become inactive. If a sleep date already exists for vehicles in the specified range, it will be replaced by the date indicated here.
  7. Enter the wake date or press F1 to select a date from the calendar. This is the date the PMs will awaken, or become active. If a wake date already exists for vehicles in the specified range, it will be replaced by the date indicated here.

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