Enter up to two characters to identify the PM; the first character must be a letter from A-Z; the second character (optional) must be a number from 0-9. Try to come up with a coding scheme that categorizes the PM’s in an orderly manner. For example, PM “A” for a 3000 mile service; PM “B” for a 6000 mile service.
Include PM
The RTA system is capable of nesting PMs (i.e. a PM can include another PM). Enter the PM code of the PM you wish to nest within this PM. For example, PM A could be a Lube, Oil, and Inspection; PM B could be a PM A plus a fuel filter; and PM C could be a PM B plus an air filter and transmission service. As you can see, PM B includes PM A, and PM C includes both PM A and PM B. Nesting PMs makes data entry easier and faster because when a PM is completed, the RTA system will update that PM record as well as the nested PM record(s).
****NOTE: PM’s can only be nested in ascending order (A is the lowest; Z is the highest). Therefore, PM A cannot be nested with any other PMs while PM C can include PM B, PM A, or any PM from A to B9—but it cannot include PMs C1 through Z9.
VMRS Code (Required)
Enter the VMRS code for the PM. If you are not certain of the VMRS code, press “F1” and select a VMRS code from the lookup list. Codes 066-001-000 through 066-009-000 are set up in the RTA system for PMs, but any VMRS code may be used. When the VMRS code on a Work Order line matches exactly with the PM VMRS code, the system will automatically update the Vehicle’s PM record (and nested PM records) when the Work Order line is completed. One labor entry must be posted to the PM Work Order line.
****NOTE: If using the six-digit VMRS code, the last three digits will be “000” by default.
Template Work Order (Required)
The Work Order facility field will be populated with the default facility number. In the empty field, enter a Template Work Order number, or press “F1” and select it from the lookup list. The Work Order template specified here will be used when the option to automatically create Work Orders for PMs due is used (VV, VD or 121, 122).
****NOTE: Template Work Orders can be added at anytime
PM Part Kit
The PM Part Kit facility field will be populated with the default facility number. In the empty field, enter a Part Kit number, or press “F1” and select it from the lookup list. The Part Kit number specified here will be displayed as the default Part Kit at the time a Work Order line is created for this PM service.
Primary Meter (Required)
Select the primary method that will be used to track this PM. The choices will vary depending on the vehicle’s Meter type and Alternate Meters. The method selected here will be displayed on the vehicle’s PM Schedule window. PM information for the non-primary Meters can be viewed by clicking on the down arrow or the PM letter buttons.
Description (Required
The VMRS code description is displayed as the PM description by default. Press the “Tab” or “Enter” key on your keyboard to accept the default description, or key in your own description for this PM. The description entered here will be printed on the PM report to help identify what type of service is due.
One-time PM
This button is checked only when a scheduled PM is to be performed only once, such as a vehicle inspection prior to the expiration of a warranty.
****NOTE: Most PMs are performed on a recurring basis. Therefore the One-time PM option is not commonly used.