VinLink Setup Configuration

VinLink Setup Configuration

From the main screen in RTA click on the "Shift +" keys in your keyboard, or go to System > RTA Information > Special Utility Routine (SAU) menu. Once the Special Utility Routine window pops up, type in EDITCNFG.COB to run the utility.
You will be prompted for the following information:
Name: VINLINK_LOGIN <Enter the name as shown
Facility: xxxx (leave this field blank if you want to set up the VinLink for all facilities. Otherwise enter a facility number if you want the VinLink to be used only for that facility).
Value: xxxxxxxx (***Login info provided by Vin Link)
Name: VINLINK_PASSWORD <Enter the name as shown
Value: xxxxxxxxx (***Password from Vin Link Account)
Name: VINLINK_REPORT <Enter the name as shown
Value: Choose the type of report you want to download from the drop-down (see figure below).
You will need to edit the configuration every time you download different report types.

NOTE: You will need to add an enhancement code, provided to you by RTA, to your system in order for the download button to be displayed in the vehicle master screen, if one does not already exist.

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