Tool Records

Tool Records

A tool record must be created for each tool or equipment that will be tracked using Tool Checkout. A tool record contains information such as purchase price, date, warranty, and serial number. As tools are checked in and out, the tool record status will be updated to show whether the tool is CHECKED OUT or AVAILABLE. Tool usage information is also provided in the tool record.
Tool records can be added, modified, and deleted using the File Maintenance option (MOM). The Select Tool Number window will be displayed when this option is selected.
At this point, you can do one of several things: access a lookup list, add a new tool, or call up an existing tool. If you're using multiple facilities, you also have the option of changing facilities. If you're not using multiple facilities or do not have access to cross facilities, the CHANGE FACILITY button will be dimmed.

Adding a Tool Record

To add a tool record, select the File Maintenance menu option (MOM) and the Select Tool Number window will be displayed. Enter up to ten characters for the tool number in the Tool number entry field and then choose the ADD TOOL button. A blank tool record will be displayed.
Most of the fields are for notational purposes only. It is not necessary to fill in every field—fill in only the items you wish to track. The entry fields are as follows: 

Tool Type
Enter the tool type code or press F1 to select a tool type from the lookup list. If the tool type code entered exists in the tool type file (MOT or 595), the tool type description will be displayed in the description entry field; if it doesn't, you will be prompted to add the tool type. Choose the NO button to not add the tool type code; press ENTER or choose the YES button to add it. You will then be prompted for the tool type description. Enter the description and then choose OK to save the new tool type and return to adding the tool record.

The default tool type description is displayed if the tool type code is on file—press ENTER to accept the default value. If the tool type code does not exist, or, if you wish to change the default description, type in a new tool type description (this does not change the tool type
description on file).
TIP It is helpful to enter the description of the tool in this field rather than using the tool type description. This will help in identifying a tool when using the tool lookup list.

Serial Number
Enter up to 20 characters for this equipment's serial number.

Electrical Rating
Enter the electrical rating for this equipment, if applicable (e.g. 110v, 220v, etc.).

Enter the manufacturer for this tool.

Enter up to 30 characters of notes, comments, or miscellaneous information about this tool.

Serial Number
Enter up to 20 characters for this equipment's serial number.

Purchase Order Number
Enter the number of the purchase order on which this tool was purchased.

Purchase Date
Enter the purchase date for this equipment or press F1 to select a purchase date from the calendar.

Vendor Number
Enter up to six characters for the vendor name or number from whom this tool was purchased. The vendor number entered here is not associated with the vendor file in the RTA Fleet Management Software.

Invoice Number
Enter the number of the invoice on which this tool was purchased.

Purchase Price
Enter the cost for this tool.

Enter the warranty information for this tool, if applicable (e.g. 90 days, 1 year, etc.).

Tool Status
Press ENTER to accept the default status code (AVAILABLE) or enter a different status code. Any one-character code from 1-9 or A-Z may be used for the status. However, three status codes are predefined—A=Available, O=Checked out, and R=Out for repair. If a status code other than A, O, or R is used, you will be prompted to enter the status description (up to 20 characters). Be consistent when using your own status codes because they will not be validated. For example, if S=Sold, make sure S is not also used for "Seasonal, in storage."

The usage information will be updated automatically as this tool is used; no entry can be made to these statistics. The usage statistics should be reviewed from time to time. A tool showing high usage may be slowing down production if mechanics are having to wait for the tool.

Verify the entries made. Use the mouse or the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to move
to any fields requiring modification. If no changes are needed, select File, Exit from the menu
bar or click the EXIT icon to save the new tool record. Press ENTER or choose the YES button
when prompted to save the tool record.

Changing a Tool Record

  1. To modify a tool record, select the File Maintenance menu option (MOM) and the Select Tool Number window will be displayed.
  2. Press F1 or choose the LIST button to select a tool record to modify from the lookup list or simply enter the tool number and then choose OK.
  3. Click on the entry field to change and make the desired changes (usage statistics cannot be modified).
    NOTE If you attempt to change the status of a tool that is checked out, a warning message will prompt you to confirm the change.
  4. When all the changes have been made, select File, Exit from the menu bar or click the EXIT icon.
  5. Press ENTER or choose the YES button when prompted to save the tool record.

Deleting a Tool Record

  1. To delete a tool record, select the File Maintenance menu option (MOM) and the Select Tool Number window will be displayed.
  2. Press F1 or choose the LIST button to select a tool record to delete from the lookup list or simply enter the tool number and then choose OK.
  3. Select Utilties, Delete Tool from the menu bar or click the DELETE TOOL icon.
  4. Choose the YES button when prompted to confirm the deletion.

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