Damage Report

Damage Report

This report prints damage repairs done on vehicles in a specified date range. You will be prompted to select the date range, which is based on the work order posting date. The damage repair is determined when the repair code type #4 Damage is used when a work order line is created. 
This report provides documentation for identifying accident costs for the fleet. The total dollar value could then be viewed as "above and beyond" the standard operating cost of fleet maintenance and thus be budgeted separately. Also, trends may be noticed regarding location, or VMRS number, of damages. For example, if the corners of trailers have been damaged often, adding an extra convex mirror may be considered. 

Prints the following: 
vehicle number
work order facility
work order number
work order posting date
VMRS code
work description (VMRS code description)
total damage cost posted 
Subtotals the following: 
total damage cost for vehicles in facility 
Grand totals the following: 
total damage cost 

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