Parts Received by Account Number

This report prints all parts received sorted by account number. It shows the purchase order number, date and amount received, and subtotals, by account number, the received cost. You will be prompted for the purchase order facility and the starting and ending invoice date. 
If you use, or are considering using account numbers, this is the report for you. This will give you totals broken out by account, which will give the parts and fleet managers a good look at what types of parts and/or services are being purchased. 

Prints the following: 
Purchase order number
Vendor name purchased from
Part number received
Part description
Date of invoice
Quantity received
Each price on this purchase order
Extension (quantity received times ordered price) 
Subtotals by account number: 
Extension (quantity received times ordered price) 
Grand totals: 
Extension (quantity received times ordered price)