Vendor Bid Sheet

Vendor Bid Sheet

This Columnar list is designed so it can be exported out to a file such as Excel or ASCII it also utilizes the "Classification" field in the part master screen (MPM or 5111) to help narrow down part groupings such as air filters, oil filters etc. You are prompted for a facility and part range, as well as part classification. 
This list is designed to give you a quick part bid sheet and with the ability to export out to a file such as Excel. If you decide to export into a spreadsheet the nice thing is you can input the incoming bid sheets into the spreadsheet to get a direct side-by-side comparison for those parts in the bid list. 
Prints the following: 
List is sorted by Facility, Classification, and part number 
Part facility
Part Classification
Part number
Part description
Vendors part number (to be filled in by vendor)
Vendors part price (to be filled in by vendor)

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